Out Wed Sept I NEWMARKET NOTES What People Are Doing by Ruby Haskell H REPRINT FROM OUR DAILY BREAD HOW PHONY ARE YOU But be ye of e word and not hewers only deceiving your own lames OVV do you like your morning face with putty eyes and disheveled bait the one you see when you take first look in the mirror Most of us don the view and Ity to do something about it possible Of course there are exceptions Some modem youth apparently take a hasty glance feel and walk and soft physically what lames ia J when they read the Bible When it tells them wrong they disregard its warnings and refuse to truth make any real impression upon them Some appar ently they can do this and still please the Lord but they are deceiving themselves Cod does i i which they j a be el it but but habitually lie The apostle wo like church attendance be read and the offering of formal prayers The Lord delights such exercises of demotion when come from a sincere heart and when they are accompanied by a life that is pure and kind However He detests pious pretense and activities please Him if they are not done for mens applause or outward show about you Do you live what you believe How sou play HERBERT VANDER drew Foot and Duncan have returned from a months vacation in the British Is les They flew to Gatwick and then travelled to Lon don where they were the guests of their relatives by relatives who took them to see the replica of The Mayflower At Ply mouth they were guests of his brother and family at an old time mu sic hall performance Mr and Mrs Guy a gas mo parents of Mr D also enter tained the Foots while they were in Edinburgh The D s have a famous restaurant in Edinburgh known as the Hungry Mr and Mrs Foot came back to London for a few days and while there Andy obtained his scripts for the Christmas panto mime AUadin for the Aurora Drama Workshop Miss Nancy brideelect of Mr Alan Bas- was guest of honor at a community shower at Sharon at the home of Mrs Jack Nancy received many lovely and useful gifts There were 68 pre sent Three floral arrange ments and a corsage desig ned by Mrs Violet Wilson were much admired A lun cheon was served Mrs Hosier entertained at a surprise miscellaneous shower for Nancy at her home in Au- group from New Zealand joyed this day with and Mrs Allan Mills was White Cross volunteers accompanied by her sister attendance from Vancouver The CMHA would Mr Douglas like to express its thanks to Crook had the Champion the two buslines and the Gladiola and Mr Arnold several local companies Johnson the Reserve Cham- who donated refreshments pion Mr Johnson also for the event showed the Champion Dab- and the Reserve Cham- Gerry and Judy pion The first being a of tus dahlia and the second attended the 1970 a PomPom With Mr and Mrs Walter Foster JardineFoster MARKHAM summer wedding was performed in the Dailene daughter and Mrs Harold and Walter William Foster Mrs Foster by Mrs Peggie Clarke The bride given away by her father looked radiant In an original Aline gown of white eyelet Her fulllength illusion veil had a tatted edging and she car ried a white prayer book with pink rosebuds and ba bies breath Mrs Margaret Whack was matron of hon or The bridesmaids were Linda and Foster They were gowned in tur quoise crepe and carried nations entwined with green John Gibbons was best man The ushers were Gordon Foster and Doug The happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to the Calgary Stampede The outoftown guests were from Tiverton Arthur Keswick Pine Grove and Toronto Mr and Mrs Charles McLean grandparents of the bride from London were special this in a long time President Albert had the highest number of points for the show with Mr Manning earned 28 Mrs Lome and Mr A Johnson points each and The Canadian Mental Health Association in York County sponsored its annual picnic for resi dents from homes for spe cial Care on Aug at CNE GRANDSTAND TICKETS Available lor All Shows ON SALE AT YOUR LOCAL GRAY COACH AGENCY Newmarket Travel Service Main St and Gordons Garage Davis Drive National Exhibition UNTIL SEPT 7 Sundays from pm A dm 1 to grounds Children students adults white streamers and the gift basket and chair were in the same color scheme The buffet lunch eon table was centered with a Shower of Happiness cake its annual Gladiola and Ar rangement Show on Satur day at Trinity United Church The society mem bers felt it was one of their most successful events of the season with the largest number of visitors Among the guests were a family NEWMARKET ONTARIO mom 2fMiUs North Newmarket on Sharon Holland Landing County Road CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE EKE DEB ON HER MAJESTYS HUT MIM EIWlM Sat SPECIAL HOLIDAY SHOW Jack THE PROJECTED MAN CI DUSK TO DAWN THE LOST CONTINENT SUZANNE LEIGH COLOR ADULT WALT DISNEYS THE COMPUTER Colo TENNIS SHOES Kill Ho ITS TOUGH TO BE A BIRD Sweet ri sour ribs pounds pork back or side ribs tablespoons cornstarch cup brown sugar 1 can pineapple juice cup vinegar tablespoons soy sauce Cut meat into or 3 rib sections and place In a large saucepan Add l tablespoon salt large sliced onion and enough boiling water to just cover the ribs Cover and simmer for about hours or until meat Is quite tender Drain Cool and refrigerate if not to be barbecued right away For the sauce combine cornstarch and brawn sugar in a saucepan add pineapple juice Cook and stir until mixture and is thickened Remove from beat and stir in vinegar and soy sauce Set aside until needed then reheat on edge of grill When ready to barbecue place ribs on oiled grill or Inches above moderate coals Cook for about la miaou until nicely browned turn frequently and bra generously with sauce during last 5 minutes of time Pour any remaining sauce over ribs Just WIN FREE TICKETS TO A R Th pioudly presents a tier CAST in Arthur A j N BESTSELLER AIRPORT N 1 I Burl LANCASTER Don MARTIN Jacqueline Corn KENNEDY A p o VAN Lloyd NOLAN HALE Barry NELSON Jssi and Dana Produced by Ross HUNTER Directed by 1 I o D E O Using each of the capitalized wards win free theatre tickets to Hie ultra double guest tickets Contest close ENTER AS HA Send entries to Manager Winners will above Sepl NY aire in new In he Mis that a pi aing blanks and correct win This Sunday