NEWMARKET NOTES What People Are Doing by Ruby IN SUTTON CHURCH Mis exchange vows and Sandy the girls stayed at the Ol ympic Centre and took tours from there A feature of this city was the shopping area and visits to and parks on the Pacific They travelled to Osaka and spent Tour days at Expo conducted This the International Handi craft Centre A day trip to the mountain at and its park was another high- Back in for the last week the girls went to Pearl Is- They tlie turn tiful Gardens Travelling back to Calgary they were guests of Mrs Lanes bro ther Mr Garfield Mrs Wesley and family for At Reg t in Lanes were royally enter tained by and st high school ally Rhcnda and San dy travelled to Tobe on the Bullet Train and stay ed in their first style Inn They thoroughly enjoyed their toured the factory that pro duced the cultured pearls and the processing of eluding lovely silk A Word The Week would seem that we as Christians need to exhibit more tolerance toward our neighbors It would seem that it people learned to tolerate the actions beliefs and opinions of others there would be a vast improvement in our society But is this so Should a Christian be all things to all men Can a Century Christian be unreservedly tolerant Is it not a peril to be tolerant of sin When Jesus saw that the temple had been made into a den of thieves lie drove out all who bought and sold There was a time when most people knew the Ten Command minis by heart and attempted to live by them but today people break Gods Laws without even batting an eyelid and tolerate it Cruelty immorality dishonesty and so on are characteristic of our day and we tolerate Hum We turn a blind eye God however does not tolerate sin The soul that shall die Let our nation At Quappcll Mr and Mrs J A Wesley and family entertained for their sister and brother-in- law The Lanes returned home Thursday Mrs Tony a much entertained bride elect of this month The Betty Gordon Dancing Club held a miscellaneous shower for Gibson ex- mi f Holmes and Irs Seneca Cook Frank Courtney Mrs Nan Latham and Mrs Hetty Heaver of London England have been visiting entertained a Is i and intolerant of the teachings of others It was a sad day when the Christian Church became tolerant or every other gospel This is not a new problem however Peter writing in his second epistle warns the early Church against false prophets and false teachers and Jude speaks of certain men who are crept in unawares and notice the most serious part who deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ The Apostle Paul gives the best advice and directs us of the Christian Faith when he says i family shower for her in Toronto ens and Mrs John were cohostesses for a neighbourhood shower for Lynne at the Stevens home The living room was decor ated with pink and hue at a shower at her in Bradford and the were relatives and Evans of Neman Street for several weeks They have to Niagara Falls and the Col- and Ottawa areas on this their first trip to Canada Kathleen Morrison of Ariz ona and Mrs nee of Big Trout Lake in the far north were among the guests lain I II It but i be I believe in my God jut I believe in a crucified and risen Saviour it hell sin judgment atonement love and but its fine if you dont want to bother Yet God declared himself a jealous God Let us bo jealous ami zealous for the gospel which was preached unto us which we received wherein we stand by which wo are saved Is It not a peril to tic tolerant of Inactive and second class spiritual living This may he the greatest perilthat we through being too tolerant of others drift Into a stall hung with less llim our best with casual church attendance lackadai sical Involvement anil halfhearted Tolerance rather than being the virtue it may appear can be a deadly enemy a peril of our day into which we all may he drawn The Christian Church bar lost something of that keen edge that zeal and fire which characterized the New Testament Church Could it be that her members have become too tolerant Do we tolerate sin false leaching and second class Scliram was for a pantry shower at her home in Girl friends enjoyed the dessert lunch MOVING When it is followed by a Welcome Wage call tolerate no other gospel MUNCHY CHOCOLATE CANDY Chewy and so deli cious for all ages Measure cup condens ed milk i cup Cocoa and cups miniature marsh- mallows into the top of dou ble boiler Place over hot water stir until smooth Remove from heat add tsp and vanilla iy cups sifted icing sugar and la cups shredded coconut to form a stiff mixture Drop by teaspoonfuls onto wax ed paper chill minutes until firm Yield 24 saved We v StlaUjfaf An Command ieifvii tkelhousatit RICHARD BURTON GENEVIEVE CUNT EASTWOOD SHIRLEY MACLAINE SOON NEWMARKET a 895 i THE ERA Charles St tWmoUt J North GwiHimbury Township CIVIC PICNIC Wednesday August 26th FROM 2 PM Free Admission Free Refreshments Teenage Dance Stage Show Fireworks Prizes Prizes Prizes YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION AREA TRANSPORTATION NOTICE School Newmarket I Principal Teleplic ONTARIO North Newmarket Holland Landing County Road CHILDREN UNDER FREE thufi i Autumn starter easypay loans Now is the lime make sure your home is upto date and ready for Winter Well lend you money on collateral c we arrange mortgage loans Quick experienced service Competitive rates Personalized attention Arrange it today at Victoria and Grey VICTORIAGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE MAIN STREET Let The People Sorbites Praise Thee O God St Pauls Church Canon J T Rhodes BA Organist Mr J Morrison am 1oiunuiinuii 10 a Morning Prayer CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Morning Worship ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in SI Andrews Pre wilt irin CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SHARON COMMUNITY HALL GOSPEL HALL Breaking of Tuesday pm Prayer and Bible Study All Welcome i am Bible Morning Wor t Gospel to Hie vilest ace Vou VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship Comer of Arthur Community am Family Bible School am Family in NO SUMMER SHUTDOWN The Question of Crs Tin- on the discussion of Cre- Evolution FREE METHODIST CHURCH NEWMARKET Rev Minister Bible School Morning Worship pm Gospel Service ics pm Prayer and Bible Study All Welcome in CHRISTIAN REFORMED 333 Davis Drive Newmarket Sunflower Clubs or girls and Clubs for boys on Thursday and Tuesday evenings respectively at Radio Broadcast The Back To God Hour 1030 am We extend a cordial welcome to all THE SALVATION ARMY Capt and Mrs Can- Thurs Bible Study 9 pm Make the Salvation Array Your Church Home Christian Science Millard Ave just off Main St west of Fire Hall All Welcome PASTOR Rev D Ellis Sunday School Classes for all ages Morning pm Evangelistic pm Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Attend Church This Sunday