The Era NewmarketAurora Keswick Out Wed July THE ERA Serving York County Sines 1852 DAVID HASKELL DONALD TERRY CARTER GEORGE Wright and Rettie The Provincial Government has made an excellent choice in appointing Garfield Wright as the first chairman of the Region of York The Era pointed out in an editorial last year that Mr Wright would be the best choice his experience in local government affairs and his knowledge of the area He is a former warden of York County he was first elected to East Gwillimbury council in 1951 serving two years as deputyreeve and six years as reeve But more important Mr Wright is a lifelong resident of York County and in fact lives on property which has been in his family for more than 128 years During his tenure on Council he served as an able administrator and especially distinguished himself county warden when the first seeds of Regional Government were being sown The appointment of A J as the Regions first chief administrative officer is also a wise choice Mr has excelled himself as chief engineer of the Toronto and York Roads Committee In fact his sagacity is appreciated in the august councils of Metro Toronto when it comes to making important and decisive decisions Like Chairman Wright Mr Rettie is a resident of the area and has served on many community organizations announced both of They have already established priorities- negotiations to start immediately with Metro about the Regions most important southern boundary speedy approval of expansion plans for hospitals in Newmarket and Richmond Hill and the streamlining of council procedure Together this duo and they can truly be termed us dynamic will make for good government during the early years of York Regional Government Good luck and Jack A cleaner river It is heartening to see that steps are being taken to clean up the green slime problem in the lower Holland River basin The green slime of course is algae being stimulated to an unnatural rate of growth by nutrients flowing into the river from Aurora and Newmarket municipal sewage treat ment plants The slimy smelly green stuff makes recreational uses of the water impossible and on days when the wind is right even rules out picnics on the shore The Holland River is one of this areas great natural resources and its recreational potential has hardly been tapped It has been a year since Ontario Water Resources Commission officials said they planned to try their new lime treatment process out in the Newmarket and Aurora plants This fall it goes into the Newmarket plant We hope it wont be another year before it goes into the heavily over loaded Auroraowned plant too Scott Young out who took it What he meant was a bunch of blan kets bedspreads snowmobile suits and other winter clothing plus a television set stolen from No I said Not a trace He edged a little closer Reason I ask is some people have moved into the district who well I wouldnt trust any of them He mentioned the house theyd rented I guess so I could hold on to my wallet any time One garage man told me the police had been around asking questions about some of them And I dont doubt a bit that all the apprehension is justified because as a matter of fact a policeman had told me about them too Back when wed been robbed they had been prime suspects first ones the police checked up on I sort of get a laugh out of it Of course I wouldnt laugh when anybody is warn ing me about this bunch because this is friendli ness and and none of us can do But you have to laugh all the same Can you imagine any worse place for that family to live than firming darnel I bet every time the mother of brothers goes to hang out a wash the rest of the town knows about it They know what kind of a half ton one of them drives would recognize it even if it went by at TO or a black rimy night Not one of them could move anything anywhere in that without somebody having a good look at I- what the back they had to give In fact I think the surest way to get wave started around our part of the would be to get a few members of this else went in the back and took everything they could lift I know some households where every body would be twitching away at the front place to hide maybe even including sleeping on the sola They could hold him I really dont know the people at all It is a fact that before they moved this close they only lived 10 or 15 miles away After our place was burgled somebody told us theyd seen one member of the family with a friend parked on the road nearby about the time it happened Hut with their reputation of course they cant so much as go out hunting rabbits without every body noting the date and time All in all I think we probably got a break when they moved right into the district Being as well known as they are theyd have to be fools to try anything While if they lived miles away it would be much safer for them to slip around mght and load up the truck and drive it to the city with nobody the wiser But I always have to smile when I read in the papers that some bank or store has been held up and the suspects are believed to be hiding out at some remote spot in the country The country thats the last place anybody can posed mostly of a years age anil Members fit the should club Will show paces tended the thin annual track meet scheduled for Picker ing College rack on August be laugbl when Canadian and if lt US will attend RAYMOND IHK tMm Crier By BILL GAMBLE Threats of change Bill Smiley i sugar and spice Its high summer with a hot sun a blue sky and perfect conditions for sitting at the picnic table typing this column But theres some thing wrong something offkev It took me a while but Ive got it In- color everywhere destroying the solid green ef- Im so used to My wife has been off on another of her wild offseason bursts like doing the housecleaning the week before Christmas It all began with one rose She re ceived a large rosebush ready for planting in and neglect They were like children who under go the same treatment stunted and retarded Our roses had shrunk to three one dead one dy ing and one which produced about two liny In a fit of illconsidered fury after some barbed remark from my wife I went out and dug up the lot and planted the new one I houli jiaJy in the toolshed and jam The rose was a beauty It looked so lovely and so lonely thai lady no sent me out to buy another I got a dandy for fifty The boss was disgusted but wo plant ed the flung anyway she bought two more and stuck Hit in in with peat moss fertilizer and invocations to the gods I thought that might bring a little peace but shed caught fire In a of her windowbox like a wolf coming down on 111 fold II was dilapidated oh- that runs along the side of the garage I rather like it as It had boon lor seve ral years with the fresh green weeds spilling lib l was tiering seven iff British Columbia provincial politicians and municipal officials are on be warpath and the cleanup path as far as the and some within those ranks who arc taking advantage of the on the part of Ihe govern- erely from unknown but lu- III im appears ighborhood house lueen municipal and I ernes this family by beer rye I supplemented by Ills one Isolated walden of Ihe popula- sti Off I a iarliuiil or ami In tlilnipt carefully as a an the window fall ft nail ln ilulilril mill it coat of paint I II 1111 a v ill tin tin No such halt Mazing wilh imni or Simla inianily she sjiol me lor an other carload ami the I returned she hud Weeded Hi half lainil liril had In hill Alt Ian My rexout Ilounis Crescent trc on articles liiMiiisht meat response from mane irate readers liicircst Now to civs objection seemed to be that if I didnt mind own business seme I can in the I Yea -vre- might be made in the IF Tile civ tea mimes of Newmarket streets And which war mean if Hull happened seme people might have to have their drivers licences import nit documents Seme old phras es really die hard Three times ilur- the past week in three differ annoyed thai she off about ent papers I read the phrase as applied to unpopular legislation the clack back a hundred years Isnt it about time these Well 1 dont really care old sayings were put to rest 1 suppose however the 1 die in mv Volt see only hope of rooting out this long- established cliche is to point out that if von do in fact go to the trouble of putting the clock back Willi the introduction of a hundred veils it still shows the same lime as il did before you occurred me thai as a one in nun then comment in tills Speaking of clocks will column on the kind of service hull offer thing about the Newmarket Post Office clock While the hands read minutes for a milk shake one oclock the chimes jingle twelve Three times last week I 1 pawed Ihe right off the was late for afternoon nap In IV minutes il took In deliver coffee It seems that a book fell So Im going wail an- from one of the top shelves in the Newmarket Library recently and second chance because the only caught an intellectual browser right Now she has her eve an the old ponv bed Once a mass of given mid bloom II baa shihelli I tun few plants It seems il up and ill They have a right they specific crime mill province that they are hands tare lovers and they have fantastic that gall enough to do this this age of supposed while a large portion of the one be either nature they profess to love filthy rich or try anil bam- la smoke lor- the authorities that destitute before able to afford the getting the powers thaihe decided that was degrading eerie and the other neces sities of life rather than while they to help and continue taking the handout A Mend of ours visiting recently and hop- the regional form of go- tag Had tad to be almost In York County they lake cat I 11 li deep down Ids blood Mire by a pact Iwien ami his wife II it tliey lake it few cop pers out of grocery bill each week and splurge on a mickey of rye every With all hi Tin- old perfectly all liglll II cost years ago Water come mil of though it didnt inkle any more just shot mil two jets III opposite dilecUone New one Ill Shes fascinated and keeps moving aboil all day from one flower bed to another No no Move it another two indie to ho ridiculous of course I know that you don t plant les in Ihe middle July Theyll all he in a week either from Iho haste which they In en from the find thrown into life or from I like the old jungle with the odd lily through the milkweed or a few liardj daisies for the sun Why cant women leave things up to now lies of the year earn from Mia Helen Snow of Arthur limine the week when said of water in that area The way to disguise it is with tea 1akiUK op ou Mis Shows I asked a gentleman that area how the brown water effected his highballs We manage he milled provided we remember to boll the he enhes firal Another Street resi dent told me he got a better tan having a hath than he could ever have obtained King out on hack the way keep tuned to this aHit for Ihe A sign Iho in the DropIn been struck by a flying Chau cer the doctor was sorely tempted lo pull all the stitches out again ami let htm bleed to death Now that we are approach ing August I am looking once more to the pleasure of en gaging in my favorite pastime wandering to the mosquitoinfested vacant lots of east St Road or Main St North lit dusk and watching the fire flies At night I am fascinated by these little fellows They behave like miniature airliners with busy little lamps in their tails that go on off on off If thia is sexual attraction as Science says it is it 13 natures gayest manifestation