FlorUU FRESH FLOWERS our own ffeenbqgijf ram our Id Met I AURORA J GREENHOUSES ill YoBge St Anrtn 53 Dandruff excessive jailing hair itchy or scaly Lin scalp treatment Only liD scoiph treatment Only Satisfaction or Why suffer agony Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over a cen tury with effective results a medicated pad that real ly does the job Corn Caps only 49c Callous 59c at Hall Pharmacy Aurora and all drug stores plate sores tender with Fletchers with Fletchers SoreMouth Hall Pharmacy Aurora day and 600 sizes At Doane Halt Pharmacy Aurora and all drug stores Perhaps Alcoholics Anony mous or Anon Family Group can help Phone Newmarket 54 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of BERTHA WRIGHT late of the Town ship of East in the County or York Spinster deceased ALL persons having against Bertha Wright late of the Township of East in the County of York Spinster deceased who on or about the 3rd day August 1968 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be fore the day of August full particulars of their claims After the said date the r will the assets deceased only to tic which he shall tnen nave notice DATED at Newmarket On tario this day of July STIVER VALE P1ATT Si ERRING- TON 195 Main Street Newmarket Ontario Solicitor for the Ad- Ontario will not The Valley Conservation Authority in- tenders for the sup ply construction and inslal of a gallon sep tic tank distribution box and fixtures ami feet of weeping tile in the fications tender forms from the following Mr Bailey Super visor Tottenham Area Mr R Superintendent Avon ng or the OH at 1 New Renders must be submitted to the undersigned not July 24th lowest or any tender rot necessarily accepted J A SecretaryTreasurer Valley Conservation Authority No 1 New Lowell Ontario NORMAN BUILDERS LTD Requests subtrades East I Gravel fill to side of concrete slabs I Cement contractors mason ry contractors electrical plumbing heating alumi num carpenters roofing and paint contractors I Interested please phone Newmarket and Mat Golden Blonde Afg- ban bound female years eyeglasses vicinity Fairy Lake Park and Main Street Phone New 57 Driving Schools lobs School 58 Services WE CUANUP AROUND YOUR ESTATE YOUR STABLE YOUR PLANT YOUR HOME YOUR BUSINESS Ho Will Clean Up Anything FREDS CLEAN UP SERVICE 59 Lost and Found Boys hockey jacket Phone Saturday July IS at 1130 am Auction sale of household furniture in cluding piano In A condition lining roam suite hall desk with slid ing top brass bed oak hall stand with seat mam other items including Also a quantity of wood el ectrical and plum tools lllll I l I uipment fillings etc for Annie Louise Wade Keele St North Maple Ontario Cordon Auc- Tuesdav July articles You bring We sell it hold in Sunderland fair grounds under the maple trees permitting if not in the arena Anyone wishing to consign to this sale kindly have articles on grounds by years sale included sever hundred articles Terms cash Sale at noon sharp Reg Johnson and son Phone Sunder- SCHOOL BOARD BRIEFS tents of Novelty Simp upright pop cooler electric cash or a key etc Display shelf shelf sections novel i 1 1 Moffat deep fryer electric two basket hood and fan manual cash re gister soda fountain comp lete with refrigeration Iarbonator unit lib les stools etc lobe muni of in For Mary Nov Shop and Hill Dairy Bar I in I- Hill Terms cash Gor don Auctioneers the property of July sale the Mrs Jesse Hockley cited it f St South New market Sale consists I u piece chesterfield suit TV good of bedding linen dishes Alvin S Farmer Sat July Auction sale of household furniture tic property of the late Mrs in the town of lxbriil lc Franklin St machine Moffat electric stove cabinet antiqiie chesterfield and chair chair rock Boston rocker glass door cupboard bedroom suite good spool bed Elect vacuum dishes in- lull furniture called to settle estate Terms Cash Sale at 1 pm Ren John son and Son Auctioneers Phone Sunderland Gerald Graham clerk Trustees and staff representatives met recent ly with members of he On tario Municipal Board to discuss the quota for 1970 capital funds A quota of acquisitions board submits any propos al o the during the year and these are consid ered at that time and con solidated into the June to tal submission One of the commitments is letting of tender to Konvey Con- J Webber told the board members the system had been very sat isfactory and a great help to the department Denis Casey Armitoge schools and Walker Holdings Ltd for Elm Grove t Of The board gave tentative approval to a list of nonresident student fees to be charged to other bo ards Per pupil rates range from for regular elem entary student 950 to for secondary school students depending on the course and up to 2150 for emotionally disturbed or children with specific lear ning difficulties The board will continue its contract to the end of the year with Data Systems Ltd for the setting up of a terminal al ready in operation for the transmitting of computeriz ed for unnamed schools the Wimpey Subdivision of Aurora and Fairway Sub division of staff b authorized t submit sketch plans of the two schools to the Department of Education for approval The plans will be accepted by the trustees of Areas Two and Three where the schools will be located Education Direct or Sam Chapman has been authorized to employ up to 775 staff members for the secondary schools of the county for September 1970 This is based on anticipated enrolments and pupilteach er ratio of almost 181 In four Areas and 121 in Area Nine Special Education Wed July Wellknown York County farmer Bill Taylor left met his brother Walter this week for the first time since Dill came to Canada from England as a 15yearohl emigrant II years ago He has farmed in King Hast townships and now lives in Aurora While Photo Harrison Lloyd vows NEWMARKET White and yellow mums and roses St Pauls Anglican Church Newmarket for the recent wedding of Cheryl Lynn Lloyd daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Lloyd of Newmarket to Paul the attendants Mrs Geo rge Young Miss Pot Karen Michelo Hughes Groomsman was Mr Larry Jones the held at the Canadian Legion Hall Newmarket the bri des mother wore a a dress of blue lace with a widebrimmed hat of the same material The mother of the and jacket with a yellow Pub night planned for July 16 has been cancelled but In its place Stan Smith has ar ranged a gala social that promises to be an This dance is to members and friends so why not make up ports that plans for branch picnic at park on August are pro gressing well This picnic is for paid up members and their families only If you are delinquent in this mat ter why not drop down to club room this week and see IlCgley If Al Mrs Cecil Harrison Rev Canon J T Rhodes conducted the eve ning ceremony and the bride was given in marri age by her father long while lace dress with an Empire waistline and long full sleeves Her veil was full length and carried a bouquet of white and pink roses James Hanson and Robert the reception took part in parade and festivities and the Rapscal lions provided the music for dancing that night They were so popular that dance was sellout and those that couldnt get in doors and windows to enjoy i I tin lively group P- Branch were the hosts proved that hospitality is with capital let ters in their town Our hoys did a great job of repre senting Newmarket a Blight dies Thursday NEWMARKET A resident of Newmar ket area for greater part of his life William Cyril Blight died in York County Hospital on July Mr Blight was all England and lie was about wlifii The members of the Branch were saddened by he sudden and untimely He farmed for lie district and vas married to the former Steele in 1950 The cou ple marked their Golden Mr and Mrs Thorpe are seen following their marriage at Trinity United Church Newmarket The bride wis flic former Marilyn ice daughter of Mr and Airs Ice of Newmarket and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Thorpe Itev Norman Pick conducted ThorpeGee wedding Wed Ho The Newmarket Cooperative Nursery School is still taking regis trations for the fall and winter seasons Supervisor Marion is at present attending a seminar at Se neca College reports that two teams from our branch ill take pari in the Pro- fourth in the In baseball our team will travel to on July 18 to take part in the District Will allow arena dances SUTTON Per mission for further dances in Ihe Sutton Arena during the summer was granted by the village council at a re cent meeting Four have been held so far under the supervision of David sy and David Assman and council decided to allow the use to continue Mr Frank Tees owner of a Jacksons Point property was given ten days to get work started on pro build face legal Council had been told by Mr Tees in May that changes would be made within ten days at that time and according to the building inspector this had not been done Council resolved to accept the proposed sev en ward plan for he new area under Reg ional Government Pollution club presents report to council SUTTON The Pollution Club which em anates from the Sutton Dis trict High School again had l dives attending North Town ship Village of Sutton council meetings Spokesman for the group the township was Grade student Mar ine Walker She presented a report on the groups ac tivities and findings since their previous appearance collection of articles with DDT and other pesti cides was continuing It was suggested that additional trash cans on Ihe streets and beaches be placed by the township A cartoon lampooning council with the hope that it could be copied and dis tributed At Sutton village council meeting that even ing the delegation had se veral members acting as spokesmen About half a dozen business places on Sutton High Street were ac cused of dumping directly into Black Ri ver and the Pollution Club requested that a formal complaint be made to York County Health Unit This is to be done SliVlm his wife is one son Grant Blight and one daughter Lois Mrs Donald Yellow and while mums decorated Trinity United Church recently for the marriage of Marilyn Gee daughter of Mr and Mrs Gee of Newmarket to Ronald Thorpe son of Mr and Mrs Thorpe also of Newmarket The bride was giv en in marriage by her fa ther and the ceremony was The bride wore a white lace gown trimmed with satin at the neckline her hat was decorated with satin ribbons Bridal attendant was Miss Bonnie of Newmarket and she was dressed in pink chiffon with white trimming Groomsman was Mr Robert Thorpe and the ushers Mr John Ross Bear of St Thomas and Mr Keith Ward of Newmarket SPECIAL PURCHASE OF BROADLOOM PERMIT US TO SELL ACRILAN HARD TWIST REG yd now 0tTryd DECORATOR COLORS MANY OTHER STOKE WIDE BARGAINS FREE TABLE LAMP with every order over yd CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES THE BROADLOOM FELLA ST AURORA DEMOS TEMPEST LeMANS SPORT del hardtop finished fa tf interior Main automatic steering power brakes rent window iter Whitehall thee radio lock Original 6000 miles Stuck 1970 2dr hardtop In wtlh Mm V8 k transmission shaded glass fat window da- ftoslar power disc radio tiros whoal dir Stock 1970 ACADIAN sedan finished in interior with transmission radio whitewall s wheal discs Sleek It ONLY BUICK 4SS hardtop in a tooufififl silver with con custom black vinyl top Equipped with shaded glass power trades power steering radio rear speaker protective side mouldings lighting group custom mouldings loot mats clock white- wall tires wheel discs Executive driven very low mileage Stock ONLY MORE MORE MORE DODGE MONACO CAMARO CHEVROLET VOLKSWAGEN F ASTBACK LESSOR NEWMARKET Authorised Dealer lor CADILLAC ACADIAN FIREBIRD CMC TRUCKS 91 Yonge Street North Jus north of Davis Drive 8952351