Hie Out Wed July i When you go Do Treat your family to a cool crisp dewyfresh salad bursting with delicious sunripened flavour and goodness grown on the countrys finest farms and rushed to your Dominion store to ensure full flavour and freshness And this kind of freshness costs no more So go fresh with produce values from Dominion FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Canada No 1 Grade Fresh and Crisp HEAD LETTUCE I Grade 1 LARGE bunch mm Bunches Jk Ontario Grown Canada No I Grade CELERY STALKS Grown Garden Fresh Radishes or GREEN ONIONS 2T HEADS A Ontario Grown Canada No I Grade GREEN CABBAGE Ontario Grown Beets or CARROTS ITS MAINLY BECAUSE OF THE MEAT KNOW AN TRUST Dominions Own Brand Salad 5 Delicious Flavours Allens Fruit Dominions Own Brand Domino Instant DRESSING Delicious Flavours DRINKS Dominions Own Bran COFFEE Varieties BISCUITS 3 Dominion Choice Fruit COCKTAIL 2 McLarens Plain Garlic Dills or Sweet Mixed PICKLES 3- Dominions Own Brand White Sliced KREAMY BREAD- IT Dominion Choice Assorted PEAS 490 29 990 69 STEAKS CROSS RIB ROAST CHUCK STEAKS lImbIegT CHICKENS 63 Breakfast BACON WIENERS LB 79 55 BARBECUE LOAF SPICED HAM PEPPERONI SAUSAGE HAM CHEESE LOAF sausage i sliced cooked ham rous SAUSAGE TRAY PACK 69 J Dominions Own Brand Domino Liquid BLEACH Dominions Own Brand Richmello PEANUT BUTTER HOME NEEDS Pepsodent Fluoride TOOTH PASTE SHAMPOO Scott Bathroom TISSUE GIANT SIZE TUBE Off Pack Decorator Assorted Roll SCOT TOWELS 63 49 36 69 CRYSTALS Moms In Parchment COLOURED MARGARINE of 53A 55 FROZEN FOODS FEATURE ITEMS Dominion Fancy Regular or French Cut GREEN BEANS COFFEE RICH Birds Eye Awake ORANGE DRINK Still Meadow Breaded Chicken BREASTS or LEGS 4 A PURINA DOG CHOW BUDGET DOG OR CAT FOOD ABC DETERGENT BIG CLEANSER Buy I Get I Free lb Both FOR 2 59 10 43 EXTRA SAVINGS PREM LUNCHEON MEAT 59 Values effective until closing Saturday July J10PAT Aylroer Diet Deluxe DIETETIC FRUIT to 100 Dominion