The Era Farm Machinery 40 Farm Machinery The Most Dependable USED FARM EQUIPMENT WW Pickup Wo www fnlunolloniil Wo For J Cob mi Chmsli to Wo USED COMBINES Wo Pull Cos Wo 7 Typo J5i Mionowo Comooo INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER STORE ST N NEWMARKET Building Trades and Household Directory BOB WOOD SONS Insulolons ceilings Coll Now Open Antiques painting decorating 8841311 free estimates Call Sand stone and gravel de- Building Trade and Houiehold Directory Building Tradei and Household Directory a Keswick Wed July 1970 J7 Legal Notices BENE J BRAY CONST BUILDER Alterations Additions to Residential and Commercial Properties Fireplaces Chimneys Rooms Repairs FREE ESTIMATES 8958144 NEWMARKET ALUMINUM Doom Top Quality IniUlfiUoD Lew Fill Guarantee Free Estimate ST Gardening and Supplier Choice top soil or peat yards delivered also rolled manure Phone 473- mixed for top dressing lawns and flower beds Half load Full load Phone Keswick Gord Thomson HARRYS HAULAGE Top soil You Call Well Haul Raspberries Pick Wright miles north of 5808 it of No Bradford Pick your own reserve now We will small orders Some lack currants available Farm pork for freezer A few hags available Phone 473- potatoes lb bag John Bosworlh Pet Stock Supplies Kennels POODLES Try our poodle clipping there is a difference Puppies usually available New individual runs Ins pection invited without ob ligation Chargex accepted Kennels Read Street South of Au- grooming done by Pet For Sale Adorable cud dly chocolate brown toy poodle puppy registered and vaccinated I female left Phone Free to a good home pup part Labrador part beagle 9 weeks old Phone Boarding available Individ ual outdoor runs ideal con demns Shetland sheep dogs Miniature Collie puppies Collie pups d months old championship stock also make excellent pets reasonable Phone 4782264 after 5 pm perfect house net 49 Miscellaneous loam Phone New- Newmarket Arriving returning 5 pm Phone after Ride wanted Newmarket to Don Mills mornings and evenings Phone delivered anywhere in Met ro Toronto dally AURORA GREENHOUSES St Aurora Phone Perhaps Alcoholics Anony- Kidney and Bladder Pills help you form gives fast relief of ir ritation of the bladder and urinary tract which could be the cause of backache 9flc and sizes at Do- you clear it up Effec tive on dry or oily skin Clear colorless use day or night Many pleased users Only one 3 three ounces and 100 for medicated soap at Doane Corns Callouses Prompt relief from painful corns and callouses with Lloyd Corn and Callous 98c at Hall Aurora and all drug CARNATION CORN CAPS Why suffer agony Relief is now yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over a with effective results a medicated pad that real ly does the fob Corn Caps only Callous at Hall Pharmacy Aurora and all drug stores Check dandruff excessive falling hair itchy or scaly scalp with a back at Hall Pharmacy Aurora and Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of BERTHA WRIGHT late of the ship of East Gwillirnbury in the County Spinster deceased the County of York deceased ALL persons having against Berth Wright late of the Township of East mi It of York Spinster deceased who died on or about day of August notified the undersigned fore the day full parti hereby to send to undersigned on or day of August full particulars of their claims After said the Administrat ing regard only to the claims of which he shall tano this day of July STIVER VALE for the Ad- TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH be received by the under signed until 1200 oclock Tuesday August For the and applica tion of a single surface treatment on approximately material s Certified Cheque of must accompany each ten- Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Ernest Davis Road Superintendent NOTICE I Bill Newmarket Ontario will not be respon sible for any debts cont racted In July written without my THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDERS DERS plainly marked to contents be received by the Director of Educa tion Church Street Aur ora Ontario no later than Morning Glory Public School In the Township of Toronto Bid Deposit ory for Mechanical and El ectrical Trades will close Tuesday July 1970 at 300 oclock pm Daylight Saving Time Each tender shall be ac companied by a Bid Bond In the amount of made payable to the own The successful shall bo required to vide a 100 Performance Bond and a 100 Labor and Materials Bond The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Ssnilh Milne Architects Slain Street Newmarket Ontario J J Chairman SLG Chapman Director of Education Sat July Auction sale of household furniture the property of the late Mrs Violet fe Vernon will be held in the town of Franklin St re- frig Easy washing machine Moffat electric stove cabinel antique chairs cupboard bedroom suite good spool bed Electro- lux vacuum cleaner dishes some antique full line of furniture sale called to settle estate Terms Cash Sale at pm Reg John son and Son Auctioneers Phone Sunderland Gerald Graham clerk 57 Driving Schools Bobs Driving School Keswick 58 Business Services WE CLEAN Of AROUND YOUR ESTATE YOUR STABLE YOUR PLANT YOUR HOME YOUR BUSINESS FREDS CLEAN UP SERVICE Lost and Found Lost Ladys wrist watch whitegold expansion band Newmarket Plaza or Aur ora July Phone Aurora Reward Hockley located at Blvd off Eagle St South Newmarket Saturday July 25 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Dining room suite comp lete Large i f Several pictures Small hassock Small deep freezer electric stove Small kitchen table and Pair matched drapes Braided rug good Several braided rugs and Washing machines Steel stand Step adder Pillows and mattress Dressing and chair Rocking Several chairs Set of lawn table umbrella and chairs complete Dresser bed springs with box spring and mattress Folding lawn chairs Vacuum cleaner TV tables Number of garden tools Extension ladder Glassware cooking utensils dishes lawn mower about 100 more or less storey home with alu minum siding 3 bedrooms living room bath and Pro perty situated in good part Property sold at 3 pm Many other articles Sale at Terms on chattels cash S Far Sat July at 1230 pm Auction sale of house hold furniture including Mueller field and chair like Grandfather clock with sel of Si West minster or Wellington Chi hall table pearl in laid top very unique stated to be old white oak bed scroll top dresser avid washstand Deluxe flDt size Frlgidalrc stove like set ih Aurora 2nd Street east of No It south of Wellington Con North Mi of Keswick Household Furniture Anti ques Garden Equipment Refrigerators washing chines dinette suite TV as new chesterfield and dun I I rug gold as new chests of drawers china cabinet cleaners telephone table box springs tresses chrome chests plant stands quantity lamps end tables coffee tabic comb board quantity lamps end tables coffee tabic comb Ill I li curl mi ric appliances too to mention Frigiaai dow air conditioner Four poster bed table pine cabinets robe earthen ware imitation f r of wire rabbit Redmen will move up to Junior Bplay Continued from page nucleus of players mm last years the higher league accord- kvel eluded by and add more to and members of he said the town on such a hot summers fathers might not have been spurred on to make Mr Walker to coach Bill Five of last sea sons champions definitely wont be back however Bob Kane Jim and Paul Dix on will be playing hockey for US colleges as a re sult of their hockey sch olarship awards Ross Shropshire and Big John Lee will be the executive He commended Argus Camera for its combined ruckeskllls rest they showed us how It could be done the mny- Playmate He hen turned the Award microphone over to New- Performance went director la who mem of the Redmen ih team was introduced too old to play Junior with rings bearing the town separately and each was next season crest given a Jacket and color J m Cowell is Trio rookie of Iho photograph of the Redmen trying out for the Ottawa year award was presented a Junior A affiliate by coach Bill For- he players to make the of an NHL club and Bob to joint members Bob awards and speeches will go to the and Jim Niagara Fails camp In the Bob Kane thanked Cliff PhllUps vice- executive on behalf of hopes making the Bos- loamnacs on Bruins Junior A fl rcslt viiege of playing for the said its wonderful to be Weve got some able to attend a champion- good midget hockey play- ship banquet in my home in town wholl make the and we are al lowed up to 10 imports said coach Forhan I hope to have a champion but well sure have a strong contender Earlier In the ev ening it was a night of brief speeches and presentations Newmarket May or Tom termed the banquet a memorable occasion and said the Red- men championship win was largely instrunv in town making renova tions to the arena Without for a change The rep resented the were always a good adver tisement for Newmarket Mr Phillips made hockey playing hockey Winner of t Brad Walker Trophy a most valuable the year the past hockey meets the eye well and Many rcccivcd key scholarships and Jobs It Is nice to be part of Newmarket he concluded Coach Forhan was thanked by Paul Dixon who gave him an award on be half of his teammates And Jim Wither equipment mans tools Pioneer chain saw old guns SkiCraft day cruiser Aluminum runahmit Many other articles numerous to mention Sale timo 1230 Terms cash Pollard Auctioneer sale of farm machinery and furniture the property of William Lot Con Mariposa miles east of Manilla on Corner of and 7 No tractor Geo White threshing mach ine manure spreader mower Binder 2 wheel trailer with racks good buck rake I960 Chev ton truck garden tractor like now full line of machinery bales old hay Qu of new Garden tool shed new chain saw nearly new Eleclric lawn mower battery operated power lawn mower of look nearly new Jack frost deep freeze brown nearly new chrome table and chairs writing desk Philips Duncan Fife table and chairs Frig stove wood stove box stove etc Terms cash Sale at 1 Reg Johnson and Son Auctioneers Phone Sunderland 3573270 Gerald Graham clerk clw29 OH1LLIA The Newmarket Legion peewee allstars won the of tho district Legion baseball tournament here last Satur- Real Satisfaction Yes sir another gigantic auction sale of warehouse goods to be held at Stouff Sales Barn Included will ho radios bedroom suites dbhes brooms shovels fields just about anything you can think of Due to the response of you people at the last sale the con signors want to give you ever bigger bargains this one who attends for the buy of a lifetime Sale at sharp Evervone welcome Norm Faulkner and Frank Bennett sales mgrs and auctioneers Auction Sale Thursday evening August Sate of Mis- i parsonage frame house with hall plan heating and all other school and church extra good location and condition Lot size 51 with gar age Property sold subject to reserve bid Terms of purchase price time of sale balance within days Possession within SI days Open for Saturday August days Open for inspection August I I Also August Alvin S Farmer win consolation took consolation title lingwood In eight innings Newmarket going into tho seventh but scored five times four on a grandslam homer by Frank Sheffield to knot the count In the eighth Newmarket won it on hits by Mark Holland and Mark Jim who pitched both games had four hits against Steve Thorns Terry Bales and Mike had three apiece Yardy hurls to victory NEWMARKET three hitter and Yardys Newmarket Legion stars rode the fine pi of the hitting of Scott rapped a triple and two and his threerun homer doubles to pace the attack walked batten t0 a e winners and hits and Paul had Mark and Steve dropped hits each East Gwillirnbury to big tourney this wee SHARON East Gwillimburys first house league tournament against Richmond Hill on home ground will be held this Sat urday with teams from each league competing Boys from seven to will be playing in three age groups for troph ies donated by Anthonys for Dalsun A d a m Plumbing and Ken Weir Plaster Games will be at the Newmarket Fairgrounds grounds and Rogers Park EG league ex- Hardware Moore Truck tan Harco Weddell Earle J S Kitehing hold kend Club Seymours Rays Keevil dous response in the area They have for the main Cable White Oak and Harvey Miller Grocery Bar Auto Ready Mix Auto 2 Ready Mix 3 Auto 22 Bur Anthonys Armitage 14 Sports and Cycle Anthony Lions Com Tire Jarmaln Com Tire Nmkt Lions Girls to Clarks Keswick Pe ters 21 Dianas Peters Comets Cdn Tire Dianas 18 Tire Clarks Six year olds Mt Albert Lions 15 Brook Fruit Market Mt Albert Lions Vinces Brooklin All Stars Novice EG 8 Doug pitcher Thursday evening July 30 630 pm Auction sale of household furniture includ ing settee with matching rocker arm chair and straight chair china cabi net oak sideboard ginger bread clock In dishes glassware including antique Mrs Ethel Ferguson 112 King St King City Gord Auctioneer Tyke allstars win two NEWMARKET Tom and Ken Newmarkets tyke allstars Wright collected two hits moved into first place in each for Newmarket which the Baseball scored seven runs in the League last week with two seventh inning freewheeling victories over Nine hits and Alliston errors Fine pitching by ted threehit pilch- Robert and Scott in the win Rettie plus a lusty attack struck out and walked paced Newmarket to by Band pitched a fivehitter in the win three George Lorbett and Ken Wright scored four runs each The wins lifted Newmarkets record to