Redmen will advance to Junior B hockey 196970 awards presented at annual banquet NEWMARKET Therell be Junior B hockey In town next winter and there may be an AuroraNewmar ket series if both teams make the playoffs Newmarket Redmen manager Elmer made the announce ment of the towns entry Info the Jun ior B class at Fridays banquet at which members of the team were honored for winning the Ontario Jun ior championship The downed the lies- peter Shamrocks In overtime In a tensionfilled game at the Newmarket Mr wound up the a- wards presentation with the surpris ing announcement year but gave no previous indication that the would play in the higher category league next season until his late announcement The Junior will ei ther play In the league with teams representing such communities as Milton and Oak- vlllc or In he northern league of Bar rio Midland and larry Sound The Aurora Tigers will remain In the Metro Junior It league If both Aurora and Newmarket win their lea gue championships therell be some hot times In the two towns hockey rinks Officials of both teams hope to be able to arrange sonic exhibition games THE 18 PAGES VOL NO 15 CENTS NEWMARKETAURORAKESWICK ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JULY 1970 Deputy reeve throws hat in reeve remains uncommitted Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs William Palmer left congratulates Garfield Wright the newly sworn in chairman of the of York following the ceremony at Park last Thursday Mr Wright a former Warden of York County and an elected municipal politician in Enst for years lakes office immediately He was appointed for a term Wright appoints Rettie school In York Town- EVES TO RUN FOR MAYORS JOB the appointment of A J Itctlic as chief ad ministrator of the new in imhiii nitty The appointment confirms the announce ment made earlier this month by Hodgson York North Mr has been chief engineer of he Toronto ami York Roads onto with a degree Bachelor of Applied Sc in Civil KnginCc JACK Chief Administrator He was born in Toronto attending ele mentary ami secondary Sir Keltic served during World War with the lloyal Cana dian Engineers He Is past presi dent of the Ontario Good Association a past president of the County Engineers Asso ciation of Ontario and a member of the Pro fessional Engineers As sociation A resident of New market since Mr Itctlic served on the Newmarket District High School Hoard from Fight over planning brewing NEWMARKET The future of townowned land along the un built Cane Parkway triggered the only heated discussion at last Mon days town council meeting and revealed what will probably shape up to be one of the biggest issues in this Octobers municipal election Crux of the issue is whether town council should open its park wayriver lota to new industry im mediately or whether a combined servicing and land use study on the expanded town of Newmarket should be completed first to deter mine if the land is best suited for industrial development or apart ments Council and planning board have already held discussions with a planning consultant and have told the study could be com pleted by December but council has yet to give the firm a green light Mayor Tom has told the lust several council meetings that he has industrialists inquiring about locating in town lie wants council to commit itself to selling the Cane Parkway land which is now zoned for industrial use and Last Monday Reeve Clare Salisbury challenged the mayor to use his own judgment in opening negotiations and to bring a firm offer back to council for discussion feel when you receive an offer thats the time to come back to council he said However the strongest opposi tion to the mayors request came See ISSUE page 2 Three escape train crash side the town limits Taken to York County Hospital were Mr and Mrs and their fouryearold son Robert Mrs The Dyces turned off Highway to enter the PageArnold Marina when their car was struck by a southbound NEWMARKET Deputy Reeve Eves will challenge Mayor Tom Surgconcr for the top post on the new municipal council to be elected Oct lie said this week the only thing tlial could force him out of the mayor alty race would be the entry of for mer town mayor Drew Mr said recently he doesnt intend to re enter town politics but rumors lo the contrary persist In political circles Mr Eves may not ho the only challenger for Hie post Reeve Clare Salisbury said Ibis week he will seek a Hi I It to elded whether for second seat Under regional government Newmarket will have two regional seats one of which goes to the mayor will he elected at largo Incumbent East Deputy Reeve Roy who will live in Newmarket after next Janu arys boundary changes says he will be a contender for Newmarket coun cil and the second regional seal Councillor Rob who has also been rumored as a contender for one of the top positions said Monday lie hasnt decided yet about his poli tical future but three other members of Hie current council will have lints in the ring Mrs Vric Herb and Seneca Cook although Mr Conk a longtime political veteran in town who topped the polls last time out hedged his announcement with a havent definitely decided yet George Richardson former reeve was defeated in the last mayoral ty race by Tom said this weekend lie wont make another bid this year Councillor Aubrey Smith says lie is undecided Three other men have intentions to run school tcachci laMmie who East elections lasl is a contender to fill the seat by Garfield Wright there and the EG Height Newmarket Cy Que St resident who declared his slops early in the spring and mayor Bert Kent Newmarket will be I regional seat Wright Plan anti- pollutant scheme NEWMARKET Ontario Wa ter Resources Commissions revolu tionary new lime treatment antipollu tion process will be installed next fall on an experimental basis in the age plant on Ave the two muni cipalities joint water pollution control committee was told recently by tiie land River north of Newmarket of the green slime which lias plagued it for several summers a high OWRC offic ial predicted when development of the process was announced last Septem ber during an Era editorial campaign and organic nitrogen from these are the two nutrients in muni cipal sewage which do most to feed causing grcon slime was de veloped in the Richmond Hill sewage treatment plant It is a lime precipi tation process W A Steggles OWRC water quality chief said installation of the technique in the Newmarket and lards recommended in the OWRC Holland basin water quality report made public last September This report blamed much of the green slime on inadequate treatment It said Auroras lownoperatcd No plans have been anno to install the process in Aurora The installation of tlie pi in the Newmarket plant will be project the local commission no added municipality research engine Sam Black told the pollution con- committee The study will he carried over which the facilities will be made for its I reports on the progress of the search program will be local representatives will bo the first headquarters but the regions that it will remain the seat into firm the boundary complete cost studies determine the impact on the Region and can say for sure where Highway corridor will cross the Mr lias suggested I southern now explained not only dont know dont know how 8 or whether the i or York studies on the i in southern York the costs of ices there will be so ill prove to the new Regions advantage to have the taken over by Metro Neither foresees a new York Region being in a better position to speed up work on Highway than the present county Other boundary as the inclusion of Bradford County part of the Iolland Marsh into the new York ill have to regional governments have been established We wont know the impact Sec CHAIRMAN page 5 Arthur St residents win Worms fight icil at least three t the last would cost 15000 to correct the proh- used for human to take the 50 homes old two inch temporary mains in stalled for a World War army camp and hook them onto a new six inch town main which runs up the Residents of the been plagued for years with brow murky water anil within the last two years have complained of worms in their tap water Last Monday night In a petition signed by families presented to council they threatened to stop pay ing their town water bills unless they got action I know of at least two residents who have already stopped said Mrs Helen Snow who presented the peti tion The petition said Arthur St re sidents have been appealing to town councils for many years about the foul water conditions It said wormy samples have been brought before Reader advocates WOW club estimate had also included work on two other streets in lie area Reeve Clare Salisbury asked NEWMARKET One Ella Court mother of two was so upset by last weeks stories of worms in the drinking water on Arthur St that she wrote urging town residents to launch a war on the worms Mrs A Smart in a letter to the editor of The Era this week see The Readers Era page 5 suggested a campaign be started to raise the money needed lo connect the approximately homes in the Arthur St area having water problems lo a now water main which already runs up their street Each and every home in Newmarket could give one dollar and know that the health and wellbeing of a fellow citizen has been improved she said Mrs Smart suggested the fund drive be called She said the initials could stand for War on Worms Well wishers offer Wealth and in the end Win over Worms or Watch out Worms The thought that some homes have this problem quite revolts me she said and to start the ball rolling sent a cheque No replied Deputy Reeve Bruce Eves the chairman of the towns operations committee which proved unanimously by council Mrs Snow warned if the appro val doesnt result in quick resi dents will stop paying water bills the petition Mrs Snow point ed out when a of wormy water was brought to council recently a majority of council chose to ignore tins intolerable situation by Shelving the water problem for at least an other year She said this decision prompted the petition It appears town council did not even bother to find out what particu lar type of worm was making its Here fit for human Mr and Mrs Charles Wc have lived on Arthur St for years and the water has always been very bad impossible to do laundry or have a bath Frank and Hester Clark July could not clean my teeth for the dirty Mrs A Storry unfit to drink of time filled with so much sludge you cant have a bath and wouldnt consider in it Mr and Mrs Robert Watson even the ice cubes for beverages have a foul odor Mr and Mrs William Grelg Nine times out of 10 the bath water is so thick with sludge we cannot use