The Era New markctAuroraKes wick Out Wed June AURORA ACTIVITIES Topics of The Town by Emma Purchase Hills Conservation A June well attended all enjoyed ihe meal Races il outing Misses Mildred and Muriel Graham St held a surprise parly at their 1 on Friday June performed by Mrs Carole Tinner president of Delta Chapter and meeting followed Guild That very pleasant evening highlighted a tri bute and presentation Nest Sunday Sum mer Union Services with St Andrews Presbyterian Church and Emmanuel Un ited Church will meet in Aurora United Church June to July at Mrs Mr George committees outlined their plans for the coming year The executive in stalled are President Mrs Jones vice president Mrs Juno Extension Officer Mrs Re cording Secretary Mrs Hetty Correspon ding Secretary Mrs Shl- r Treasurer Other charter me mbers in the chapter Mrs Miss Marie IN of Bradford and Miss Hall UN of Irwin Aurora return- d home after enjoying a am pi trip In Pennsyl vania New sister Mrs Warren Spruce St Mrs Graham brother Mr A Me lush in York County Hospital Newmarket last Sunday Is in Aurora on Sunday King Mark St enjoyed the weekend at their Mr Iconic Hani has returned home after en joying a conducted tour in the United States Mrs Don ml the Ontario Gibson Mrs Smith Association Convention This same ln last week tors first social function Gamma the home of Mr nmt Aurora the newly formed Mrs It was in chapter of Beta the form of a Wine Cheese Sigma Phi Sorority recent- Court Whist party with four ly installed their first tables of member 1 if i i NORM RETIRES The ceremony employee Iitl centre Mis Norm Still with Imrliequc set in recognition of service with Ihe post office Iellnw employees held a the couple to mark Mr Stills retirement hears soloist formers parents Jeffs Kennedy Wilis Jr and Mr Hillary we members of Trinity Church attending the recent Synod in Toronto Mrs Willis and Mr Jeffs presented reports at Sunday morning the Cheer io Club met May there was good attendance to enjoy two delightful solos Aurora accompanied by Guest speaker was ltev I It ronton or Holt who has returned from attending the Council of Churches held recently in North Carolina Rev spoke of his person al at this Sask were visiting se veral members the Bro oks family in Mount Albert recently On Monday June they enjoyed a family gettogether when the at Hit I lie mo of Mr and Mrs Wal- perpetual has returned siuuliiij a few days visiting with Mrs Waller at Cherry wood The Mount 1 Society June cling ami Rose show held Monday June float In the Spoils Day Par ade to purchase a trophy for junior competition in Hie annual Flower Show in memory of the late Mrs Percy Walker Tills will he the Amanda Walker Mem orial Cup and will be pre sented for the highest poin ts attained in the annual gave a rending on roses through the Centuries It was of great interest to care of roses and hid sd information liuw lo feed your roses I high with il points In Hit junior ihis winners for years and under were Danny Dixon Clifford It nth and Argyle for Minnhead and mini garth all listed ao to their placement Members and any I Four Specialty J minded of Annual wherry Tea to bo held Sat July at the of Mr Mrs Go Ilk on the Scotl Oxbridge townline from to p in There will be ilile lie t Prescription Picked Up Promptly J Delivered MAIN ST who has a contribution to the table may leave it with Miss Vi- July There will three lucky draws for rosc- liuhtS it the lei WARTS PHARMACY RICHMOND HILL ARENA SAT JUNE I mm LASTING BEAUTY ENDEN MakeUp Finish Spray A A Dandruff Remover Shampoo I KAOPECTATE For Diarrhea 117 BAN SUPER DRY Spray Deodorant Joz Sue List 66 DIPPITYDO Hair Setting Lotion BUFFERIN 7 Headache Tablets List VITALIS Hair Groom Sir List SCOPE Mouthwash J 17 Sua ALKASELTZER Foil Sul List I SEA SKI Suntan Lotion 5 List 9 VAPONA I BANDAIDS Insect Strips Family Pack J List 2K By SHELL Lis 57 SVC LIST SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE PHARMACY LOW PRESCRIPTION PRICES ALWAYS YONGE ST WELLINGTON SET THAT COMES mysteries MM SCIENTISTS N AURORA Open every week night til PM Tickets On Sole Now RICHMOND HILL POLICE STATION I ENDOFSEASON UP TO OFF 6062 AND CRIMPLENE Regularly quality 11 la oz Polyester fabrics are machin drip or city Assorted weaves in a wide rang delightful Summer colours Save now COTTON BROADCLOTH I and colour I 37 wide colour fast broadclolh in while and colour Firsl quality 0 yd 3 yds wide and fumble dr COLONIAL PRINTS de and tumble dry needs little Originally 89c yd Jg 2 yds 100 CHECKED GINGHAM wide Brightly coloured cotton checks hove so man 57 Reg yd- yd SAILOR CLOTH 4445 wide Choose from shades For shirts Reg 179 yd POLYESTER LINING 4445 wide A must for oil polyester fabrics that need lin- Reg yd PLAYMATE POPLIN 44 wide Choice colors uses Reg 119 yd ALL OTHER SUMMER FABRIC AT REDUCED PRICES SHOP EARLY AND SAVE NEW TRANSITIONAL FABRICS ARE NOW ARRIVING NEWMARKET PLAZA