This Era Wed Juno 3 Great Day ofReftehing 6062 CRIMPKIMIT AND CRIMPLENE Regularly 597 High quality Hi 12 oz Polyester fabrics are fully machine washable drip or tumble dry Assorted weaves in a wide range of delightful Summer colours Save now 389 COTTON HOYA Reg 169 yard 7 36 COTTON GINGHAM SHEATH LINING Rg ACETATE LINING yard Sanitized for lasting freshness Hand washable Acetate Taffeta j in a complete colour range Buy novj and save ft Use your Vafkcis Option Charge mm CHAT WITH THE MAYOR TOM Time to think of elections Mayor Tom feels ot Ihc new Town of Newmarket should lie thinking about who want to run their municipality and who they want to represent them on the York Regional Council after the Oct 5 election Here Is how the mayor expressed it In his weekly chat with The Era There arc only about 16 weeks left until be one of the worked most influential councils in ninny years and I think it is time for citizens to start considering who should sit on that council I also think it is not too soon for people who consider themselves potential candidates to take a long hard look at the job at the goals they must set for themselves If they are to serve effectively and at the sacrifices and rewards such service can bring I dont think its unreasonable to say that there arc some major issues candidates should be prepared to take a stand on oven fight the on What I would really like to see Is a firm commitment an election platform evolve so that this new council will know how it Is going to progress and how it will pay for that progress instead of as with the present council how it is going to stop doing things When I speak of the sacrifices public office entails I refer particularly to the sacrifices of and often time means money I feel either a person must be prepared arc to ileal with in water mains road putt ana in n liy didnt ho sinns on the fir planning ltd- iKiard with money have 1 hi in tin town At last wet councillors liny will nil III the servicing ami la 11 are complete Stir Imllcn he reels si annul over In left now in after the Oct put everything the deep freeze lail Irish IXKInr The mayor with the holiday and councillors l Urn if for other re it will bo eight we can enough meetings to concrete Why the r itiotii which is Eves responsibility don gram he said whether they af Hi layor also pointed I Ave is dcvliilxT win proposes lo until provincial responsibility a apartment building iiirmsiilind the roads program the money already spent for design ii SI and because the lhe project had been approved sacrifice to his personal endeavours or say IT councillor must be prepared to give up two to three nights a week and be prepared for at least one daytime meeting each week Obviously those holding other positions mayor and regional councillor must S3 At present in Newmarket councillors a year but I think it would be a good idea to revert to the per diem rate When we used that system previously we made 20 a day up to a maximum Now some take days off for their own special projects but continue to collect their pay while the rest of us must carry the workload I would also like to say I feel the people from the new subdivisions should take an interest in the town which have elected to come and live in They should be ready to participate in its management Those who arc thinking of running should be sitting in on council meetings now so if they decide to run they will know whats going on At present wo do not propose to have a ward Rather candidates will This means all representatives on the next council could come from one block of the community The mayor was critical of town councils reac tion to the series of questions he levelled at a committee of council meeting last week He termed negative I believe in planning ho said but when I Mayor hell switched to the town road program for this year He the major project this year Is the rebuilding of Church St The prospects for completion of Church St this summer arc very good This project will he a widening similar to that done on Prospect St and it will also extend Church from Si through to St he said The mayor explained the I9CCC7 roads com mittee set up a fiveyear road program and both Church St and the Cane Parkway were on it In 1969 council had some money left over in its roads budget so it was allotted to design and land acquisition for Church St He said the Cane Parkway was also in the 1969 budget but the operations committee the same one wo have today proposed to scrap the Church and Cane plans and rebuild Ave through Davis Dr This could not be accomplished in mayor In intiiniuil Office Specialty last Ihuisil councils not In buy their buildings and within an hour firm hail listed the two buildings with a real Ho had proposed the redevelopment scheme which was to include a new town hall on St when the town were considering buying the Newmarket Motors property The mayor said he blames councils indecisive- for the failure of the proposal Mr a developer would like urgent action on the the Newmarket Motors building so he can make an offer of purchase said the mayor He hopes council will cooperate I would like clarify a misconception many people have about a town Major The Idea that a town council is like any other is false In any business organization there is a boss with the right to fire people for to their duties He also has the ultimate responsibility for out the ii-rt-rr- GO buses hire an architect lo plan a house TV RADIO HIFI one low price TUBES TEST YO FREE continued from page town and the Yonge St terminal will he run by the same firm that oper ates the town buses Mr Howard said he hoped the minibus service can bo integrated with the town bus service to become a local selfsustaining service He said terminalbuses will either be 11 or 23 passenger units They will only operate in the Newmarket Aurora and Richmond Hill urban areas People outside these areas Holland Landing Sharon Mount Al bert Keswick Sutton will have to rely on the established bus services fares on the Newmarket to Toronto system will he just about the same as existing Gray Coach fares 125 one way for a commuter book compared with now and a 38 onemonth commuter pack useable as often as the holder wishes on GO buses but not Gray Coach buses the five buses on the north smith route will be completely integrated with the Gray Coach sys- to 13 buses on St during peak periods hopes to see a first class restaurant established at its Yonge St terminal parking for 100 cars is planned but the fiveacre site leaves room for expansion said Mr Howard the GO buses will be specially con structed 10foot long passenger units with air conditioning and spe cial equipment to cut down noise and fumes to nothing GOTransit is prepared to erect a bus shelter on the parking lot behind for bus passengers this drew a round of applause from he which will on alt GO bus and rati system will leave Newmarket at past each hour during hour periods and leave the Roy Hotel ai 15 minutes Ask councils to fight pollution SUTTON Two separate Sutton high school delegations appeared before lln- vironineiitiit pollution Grade 13 students inked hath Sutton and North councils t start pollution clean up pro grams The students were accompanied by biology tea cher Jack Deer North Gwilimibury Deputy Wallace told the students its nice having you lovely look ing girls here hut did you every slop to think that buses arc one of the big gest air polluters we have If you stopped taking buses and walked for a while you might just start some thing The teenagers some of whom smoked in the closed council chamber the township council r to pick up Mrs Nan I and Bess wait the homes tour at Glenville have been arranged for visitors White Photo TOUR OF HOMES KETTLEBY The York Hu mane Guild will sponsor a tour of stat ely country homes around this small village tomorrow June Six homes a Normanstyle nine teenth century country church and a modern show barn of prize guernseys are included in the tour