The Era Out Wed April MARTIN MANOR LOVELY BED SEMIPRIVATE OVERLOOKING FAIRY LAKE MRS J GATELY ADMINISTRATOR PROSPECT ST NEWMARKET and BED SEMIPRIVATE INQUIRE ADMINISTRATOR ST BRADFORD MEDICAL SCIENCES PHARMACY OF NEWMARKET LTD DAVIS DR NEWMARKET apposite York County Hospital OPEN EVERY NITE TIL 10 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK PHONE 8952311 Mrs Jean Rogers retiring Nursing Superintendent at Home for the Aged was presented with silver rose bowl from the stuff at a special dinner in her honor last week Left to right are Miss Mr A Gerald executive J Farmer administrator and Mrs While Photo NEWMARKET NOTES What People Are Doing by Ruby Haskett Mrs Rachel Row land of Raglan St celebrat ed her birthday March very quietly with her received a visit from May or Thomas Surgeoncr and Town Clerk Grant Blight They presented her with birthday congratulations from Newmarket and the Town Council and with a bouquet of flowers William Hodgson came and presented her with a plaque on behalf of Premier John and the Ontario Govern ment She also received telegrams of congratulations from Premier and Mrs cards and flowers from her relatives and YORK COUNTY MEDICAL SECRETARIES ASSOCIATION Rowland entertained for her mother and served a special birthday cake and ice So Very Fair was the theme of the fas hion show presented by Fas hion Fair last Tuesday eve ning in the auditorium of Proceeds from the show went to the New market and District Associ- for the Mentally Re tarded Mary proprietor of Fashion Fair made a charming and love ly commentator in a spec ial pastel yellow pant suit The setting onstage was attractive in a black and white The program match- few inches above the knee to mid calf Lots of crochet in pant suits dresses vests and toppers for teens and the very slim In color spring green mauve red white and navy paslcl yel lows and the new sugar Styling is again pant suits jump suits and a new cover up look in bathing suits Fabrics have the new shiny wet look and others are soft and slinky The new dropped waistline Is predominant For the more ma ture pastels are again pop ular with lots of navy red w pastel blue The hats pill boxes turbans sail- and the profile hats Local models were Maureen Bcvcridgc Vera Bishop Shawn Jiarmony loving ladies have recently entertained the residents of Whitfield House and the Newmarket Nursing hold their meeting Trinity United Church Com munity Hall Monday April 13 at Mr Smith ay Jane will be the guest speaker surprised when they receiv ed a cheque for this week as their prize Norma Jack son Singers are presenting their annual Spring Song this year at Mcadowbrook auditorium April Richard Leach is the guest artist a concert organist The Singers plan the outstanding luncheon speakers He outlined of the radio per country John Struthen known to his Newmarket friends as Jake a former editor of The Era has been appointed a vicepresident Brooke Elean or Peat JoAnne Shelley Smole Ester Helen Toombs and Anne Vandrlck During intermis sion liny twoyearold Miss Blight drew the lucky num ber prizes to the dellgh A the audience students presented a Ryth mic gymnastics exercise to the music Tangerine Mrs is the director and teacher of the The York High lands Chapter of the Sweet Adelines who have recent ly obtained their charter presented several selections of barbershop chorus sing ing which pleased the au dience The members have a new look Willi while blouses black skirls and bright coral neck scarfs topic will be The Care and Feeding of Iris Mr Smith Is president of the Toronto Iris Society and will show slides with his lecture Mr of was tlio guest speaker at the March meet ing and his topic on Dah lia and Mums was much enjoyed by the members A good attendance enjoyed a delightful lunch eon after the meeting Mrs convened the refreshments and the Soc ial Committee served Visitors included members of the Mount Al bert Horticultural Society Mrs Norma Jackson their gifted director an Helen Davis is their of i Mr and Mrs I heed in their class the Toronto Festival wore among the official delegates attending the Ontario Reg istered Music Teachers Convention held recently in Ottawa One the high lights of the Convention for Mr and Mrs Nash was a visit to Hall and be ing presented to their Ex cellencies the Governor- General and Mrs Roland A special event Bachs St John Passion at the National Arts Centre by the Cantata Singers and the Centres Symphony Or chestra Dr Davidson presi dent of the was one nounced last week Mr Struerj the firm last year Be fore thai he headed the Program Publicity of the federal Department of Industry Trade and Canadian Centennial Corn- latest book A Bird in was added to the Newmarket Public collection last week visit cere March Mrs camel and a lovely TO BE HUD AT DR G WILLIAMS SECONDARY SCHOOL AURORA ONT APRIL 1970 8 PM FOR AUGHT HEARTY MEAL TIME SNACK OR DINNER OPEN SAT 830 AM to Midnight SUNDAY AM to PM HURON HEIGHTS PLAZA DAVIS DR NEWMARKET SHARON TEMPLE RESTORATION US group honors McFall presented the Aw of Merit of the Ameri can Association for State and Local History here for hi efforts in re serving and Sin Temple nl cr and ill i in The it the n president and treasurer dar ing the past W years He posts in the Society Mr has articles to The York Pioneer the Press Villas tion Willi i Festival at Klcinburg He has also been involved in Torontos OH the ViUase Mr h I EAUTY gfOUTIQUE Bargain ONANZA OUR BIRTHDAY GIFT TO YOU of your PERMS PRICE FREE FACIALS Tuesday By Tun Apr DIAL 8957333 BEAUTY BOUTIQUE largely due to Mr McFalls encouragement and leader ship that so much has been achieved said Mrs Grace Scott secretary of the York I Historical So- KNEE TROUBLE Try FUTURO XAetioi KNEE BRACE PHARMACY AURORA to the 1G