History turns up in dusty bundle NEWMARKET A little bundle of history has turned up at The Era Nobody It that it was rescued from the garbage several ego by a member of the staff and stowed away until just recently or for that matter who it belongs The bundle con sits of early deeds docu ments and letters Some bear the signatures of men to whom the years have brought recognition as Im portant historical figures in the development of York County A bundle of old deeds documents and letters which came to light here recently recall our early settlers Eli Gorham whose signature appears on deed signed at pm on Feb 2 by which acquired acres of land from Is aac and Nancy Griffin for the sum of pounds of Ihe lawful money of Upper Canada The acreage was at that time designated as being in the Township of West Gwilllmbury in the County of York and Ihe be autifully hand written deed is still clear and perfectly readable Eli arrived In Newmarket from Connecti cut in He was the first to bring mill machin ery for the manufacture of woollen goods to Upper Canada and In 1811 built factory i south of St In he built the first brick house in New market afterwards owned by the family and portions of which still stand on St Ironically it was to this old house that the rescuer or the do cuments Era news editor George Waldcn look his find for safekeeping Mi llie in the Rebellion of 1837 and one member Elis son Nelson was forced to to in the r give Joseph Moore details of his fathers death in 1845 The writing is very difficult to decipher but the father was one of the old school and certainly loaded with Irish determination death only that he was very weak and insisted on coming down to Ihe parlor despite staunch opposition from Aunt Hannah tor Hannah had left room he told the door and him his clothes Near the of the letter come de tails of the funeral services ho was highly respec ted by rich and poor alike The earlier from New York also speaks of the father I suppose you have heard of brother Rens decease I was with htm during Ills last moments his marriage caused all his friends to de sert him and I could not as sociate Willi publicly Brother James in New York told his Canadian relative that he hail been in New York about months but have a hanker ing for home He slated he was with a mercantile house at 1000 per annum but living is very expen sive in the unless you mil times dont change loiter in the letter ho mentions starting out on a trip to Canada He got as far as Philadelphia and while staying a respect able hole my trunk and carpet bag was broken open and about in specie Bulk PURE PORK mmk SAUSAGE 59 LUCAS ARTHURS WIENERS 491 COLOGNE AFTER SHAVE Only GIFT SETS only JADE BAMBOO COLOGNE a SPRAY COLOGNE Aylmer Choice 3 HARVARD BEETS 100 FANCY YAMS 2 79 Aymer Choice Peas Carrots or Monarch Pouch Pack Gingerbread or Royal Prince 24c Off Nescafe INSTANT COFFEE 168 Ocean Spray Jellied or Whole CRANBERRY SAUCE 29 Beaver Salted CASHEWS Ai- Tuffys Plain or BBQ NUTS N BOLTS Club House RICE FLOUR Ocean Spray CRANBERRY JUICE 47 29 49 FRESHEST SEASONAL FRUITS VEGETABLES ARIZONA GROWN GARDEN FRESH RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS 2 Bunches ONLY WEEKS LEFT TILL CHRISTMAS HAVE YOU YOUR TURKEY YET LET US TAKE YOUR ORDER AND ENSURE YOU OF THE BEST TURKEY MONEY CAN BUY Values in S until closing Sol DEC Food Stow OMINION