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The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), December 10, 1969, p. 4

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THE ERA WED DECEMBER 10 VOL 118 NO 19 I Editorials Theyre content East Gwillimbury Township taxpayers are obviously content with their present council as they reelected all but one of them to serve the 107071 term Deputy Reeve Gladys Rolling went in unopposed as reeve while Councillor Ray was elected by a substantial margin to the posi tion of deputy reeve Reeve Garfield Wright decided not to seek reelection but In stead sought a seat on council He received a large number of votes did incumbent Councillor Bill Steele as they topped the polls for council Councillor Jack Rye veteran of years in municipal politics decided to retire this year His place on council will be filled by Alex Morning Mr Morning a member of a pioneer township family is obviously widely known throughout East Gwillimbury because he received support from all parts of it Mr Mornings common sense and knowledge of the township and its people will compliment the experience of the other members of the 197071 council The plebiscite to decide if the ratepayers wanted the township to provide for the capital expenditure towards a community centre was approved by a narrow margin Nevertheless it was approved The approval was gained despite the widespread belief that a majority of ratepayers did not want to pay extra taxes to construct a community centre That is why the council called for a plebiscite Now there is no question that a community centre is desired by the majority of East Gwjllinilnny taxpayers The council should waste no time in implementing the wishes of the people Any delay in appointing this Committee and getting ahead with the construction of the community centre will only mean that East limbury Township will be without muchneeded recreational facilities for another year and the taxpayers will ultimately have to pay more for them SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley Alls well that ends well Why does a man stagger out to work when hes unable to do it properly is a threat to everyone around him and is probably shorten ing his own life by three or four This is the sort of ration alizing I was doing this week when 1 look not one but two days sick leave That makes six days in ten Id been coughing like a Niagara Falls it It Kleenex I is dizzier than a bat at high noon 1 ached front stent to gudgeon and I couldnt decide which was aching know that nobody has ever been as ill as you Especially those phonies on TV who stay in bod drink plenty of fluids and stuff themselves with Rut theres a mora pac tion involved with the flu Should one go to church school or business and hack sneeze cough and spit all over the congregation the classroom or colleagues The answer think is an unequivocal yes provided we have the strength Thats the only way in which we can maintain one of our few great old Canadian traditions spreading the flu Wo have spread two things in this country since pion eer days flu and fertilizer and we Spreading the flu is not without its merits provided it is done with tact and timing As wit- On Friday night we apposed to go to the annual ball the year You know the sort of My wife great fort at says Youre going to die with that chest cold And then she sits back and starts counting on her fingers The term insurance the life she begins I realize I ha- keep her take out The doctor of course al ways settles everything He says Got the flu eh Natur ally Ive got the flu or my wife wouldnt have called him If I had merely a broken leg shed probably iih and drink lots This always bright ens me up and I pull out of the slump within a week provided I dont drink too much of the men want to go and i cent of the women Its a chance them to wear their wigs make old man spring for a smashing dress and discuss for the next what ridiculous things the other look forward to his own funeral So sick was 1 that even the thought of having to shine my shoes made me feel faint That was bad enough Hut somehow wed been finessed into having an parly with rid people guzzling and drink I didnt see how I could gel through alive To my delight and her my wife woke up Friday hacking and gasping and That probably saved life and about so the flu cant be all bad THE Readers ERA how the York County Hoard of Edu cation is running our school system The recent series of four area conferences on education spon sored by the board and lo which all leathers and parents of the county feel this represents too few parents isider pare majority are not interested enough to come out This is a legitimate point of view but what about the or more who did turn out are interested do care I think their views are important but there really is no way at present for these concerned par ents to feel that their views do mai ler May I point out that IS trustees arent very many people cither that they are paid a modest sum to ho at isly indeed Mr editor I would like to hear from other parents through your column what they think the role of parents should be MARGARET F COHURN President Ketllehy Parent- Teacher Association Unfortunately the pro- posed rail service stops at Richmond Hill and those farther north may have lo take a mini bus transfer to an express bus transfer to a train and perhaps transfer to the TTC This will discourage patronage and discriminate against lhose in King Aurora Newmarket Bradford and points north I ask the Provincial Government lo send at least one of the charter trains on the line since out or tick ets on the Go Go Special were from north Richmond Hill York represented by Don Deacon has re ceived full service Why not York North and The first stop towards vital public service has been a vic tory for citizen action over political stalling The politicians who were re cently poohpoohing our efforts and frantically giving fanciful excuses for failure to act are now doing somersaults to show they were for all along It is fun lo watch them It is seldom that a person has the chance lo put his ideas into practice and see them mature The GoGo Special was a rare opportuni ty to do Ibis 11 was a triumph for people power over government ami I want to bank you and all of your readers who made it possible ours truly JOHN Dear editor I want to thank all of your readers who helped me promote the Special to develop north- Dear editor A few weeks ago when the Sharon Scouts and Cubs were con fronted by an administrative decision Of the York County School Hoard which could have had an enormous effect on Scouting in East gave us valuable help by congratulate the Pro discussing the matter in the KI1A vincial Government on adoption for this wo are most grateful three of the main proposals of in will lr Hie Report Kind to know that the School Hoard Kail transit in peak hoars has shown a delightful interest in Use of existing trains the hoys by rinilinit a solution to our ami tracks on a sponsorship expected difficulty Wo still have the use the School and Seoul with to give ami Cub activities continue un the the single fare diminished enthusiasm And The Provincial Govern iilK up the School Hoards help is ment lias shrewdly lolt its options the willingness of the Hast open liases can lest business north Recreation Committee to rive of Richmond and if sufficient should it he required develops can either con SI I struct the proposed Au Chairman Group Committee rora rail line or charter service op Simian Senilis and Cabs Crier By BILL GAMBLE Eavesdropping business lags If youve ever should jour party firs the el Mini hail thing ill 1 the guests their hare mil lis son for til in they arc drinking ilk- nig or No and Mali I a iTe ii word would 1 me a dull As I the other Inn fiad pin a mi ami swore of a lone lime a 0 ll one Hum I do at a pail am da well loo 1 mi Kill add is eavesdrop Eli has rapidly la ldlulllng ill il In In think of 1 mil care for at if somen something so or all- me of my fee I i trig or disc it Inu tell the to son tint ami let me sue up mil listen la a a kiss You on the Nil thing like which is bring wtnlh a dozen have been bestowed Willi lavish generosity Well anyway Hulls the way I feel Lately however the eaves dropping business has been falling off I think the women arc blame You see the juiciest morsels of fins- sip used lo come via la Tetanic hut of late except far an occasional leak age of censurable liiltut they seem to be predominantly ami unanimously concerned with one topic of parly which 1 guzzled When Id firmly convinced myself thai the lasl inhibition had dropped ami Hie loiiam hid lain to lie fattening Harold is a Hilly pig Oil mil Ive been out lite selling nickel far wo years linn ion i il think mim ing pills arc safe Ive seen low necklines but dials ridiculous No bill bathers me lo find mil thai mi sooner do I go on a diet lima I hear Hull lot The new highway will he okay we ever live In see il long as von ml diiii ii ami larches Have vim read where those llc green candies that the Dutch sent over are useless against he What about alcohol Is fattening Oh 1 Not again She couldnt be How mauls Hull Ill Hie wav Ive heard of wo completely new which are cur rently rage Europe I see where the Sacred liolll has annulled 1711 marriages What a gas if someone would do Hull around here eh George I lias slicking to mi dill and llicu hey had beef amcil potatoes and Ihosi mount col end Madeleines I I I a day bill you MCSN T more than llircc dais al I made a cool on llu Well I in crushed mil mixed wilh lomalo juice some about the calcium in the egg hells very lew on calories thei sm- The wav I see il If the iliiul pull their sucks up i like this ighl ha When I had Utile weighed a mere lbs I hope when the da move the bus depot somewhere else theyll remember build a washroom Are luiulds prove your posture all right lull yon have to diet What with Mafia muling into East and veils of corruption in Whitchurch a guy might as well forget about decency and have a hall Its a good diet but so iiiinn- Its iuiee salad iiiltk and will drink Around the county Good new for Spin falls the Silent Majority is a- livc ami well in York County For those of you who fear the fall to perdition of your sons and daughters as a result of all the viol the modi have a I It til nil Council manatcs fion by if the ssed ihnut such things in tin abnormal sexual innltinti ami ruble the minds of other mule Im glad Markham Council like Agnew decided ti speak up fur the Silent Majority is a scriniis mailer The very mora fibre of our nation is being under Lets look at the media In all alum on week one of those so-call- public affairs programs on did a story on legal abortions London Showed voting women Americans wouldnt you mow walking into tills clinic and unking appointments Aetualh iwil the OPERATING Silent Majority member Im off oil by such films as The War and I Inn I Won the War bee they slam- war as it really is They show good ij dying as well as had And the of us in the Sikllt right to be vexed pilling over into I in in THE ERA Serving York Since Incorporating THE POST THE HERALD WILLIAM J Associate Publisher TERRY CARTER Managing Editor GEORGE WALDEN News Editor Published every Wednesday at Charles St Newmarket Ontario by Inland Publishing Co Limited Subscriptions for two years for one year Single copies 15c each or by carrier 60c per month Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Sec ond Class Mail registration number 1908 Phone Aurora Phone Keswick 1 Keswick

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