Tropical plants grow easily indoors Tropical South America is supplying ap artment dwellers and any one who likes to garden in doors with many new and exciting plants which suit the rather warm or tropic al temperatures found in most homes today An almost fool proof house plant for the home or apartment is cal led the Actually there are many types be longing to this group with most of them coming from the tropical forests of Bra zil where they arc worthy companions for many Of the orchids Some of them s grow in the that pineapples and the Spanish Moss which hangs from the trees in Florida and many other parts of the Southern Unit ed States are also members of this rather exotic family of plants I like these plants not only because theyre so easy to grow but be cause their antique color ings and symmetrical forms fit perfectly in our modem interiors Most that we use as house plants in the form of a ros- leathery loaves with a being plain and having strikingly variegated Inch deep In width and me varieties carry the depth bored in the wood f showy In stapling the plants to he wood make sure the Hanging baskets and pots wall brackets and dish gardens are good pla ces to plant a or two are also fine tor growing as house plants in clay pots spikes others hide their flowers in the centi plant surrounded liantly colored 1 which like the poinsettla are often taken to be flow ers Still others develop a spike of and yel low bracts Some be stapled to driftwood In holes MMMWMMWMWWMMMMMM stem not through it No matter which method is used to attach the plants their bases will needs wrapping in a bunch of sphagnum of holding ad- moisture which will be absorbed by the Sphagnum moss should be confused with In the late summer and ear ly fall and usually lasts for a six to eight week period There arc some varieties of which refuse to bloom con sistently under ordinary house conditions The Unit ed Stales Department of Agriculture through I lie work of Dr Henry Calhey soil Keep the soil moist proved that ethylene gas given off naturally by ripe apples will cause these shyblooming plants to flo wer consistently All yon the leaves and the lo l the has not been used From Ihc first of to the first of March the plants can be placed in a sunny window but from where the arc attached to the em In many cases these large enough to hold shortstemmed Farm Report flowers Just a The soil mi should be mostly Use one part leafmoUl part peat moss one sand and Keep the all times but keep these natural villis filled With water can get along with out roots lor long periods of time This is why we say theyre ideally suited for use on of driftwood Al Wall Agricultural for York County Its to see the World for bar ley being won this year in York Alex and Bruce Davidson grew the prize winning crop on their farm at lie variety It won against competition from countries of the world as well as other provinces Royal Winter Fair use lo create attractive door garden scenes letting plenty rounding the plants is unpen splninmii it is these awards rial a the inhibitors to many long hour- linking the sample With the Davidsons this year however it was the result of ing grown an excellent crop Planted early well weeds well taken care of and a little luck with rvest the hurley was iirver hind picked at all akes the victory all the better Regular SI of PI