a Keswick Wed November CENTRAL FIVE AGREE Maintain present boundaries NEWMARKET County Council will be pre sented with proposal today THE DEBATE ON REGIONAL GOVERNMENT At a meeting last week attended by represen tatives of Newmarket Aur ora Bast Gwlllimbury King and Whitchurch coun cils a resolution was pas fcrifrfr sed urging that the bound aries remain basically the The resolution passed after a hour dis cussion was presented by the reeves of the five muni cipalities They had been asked fay County Warden Stewart Rumble to present their views to County Coun cil on the possibility of bo undary changes in the light proposed regional government for York Co- GARFIELD WRIGHT The reeves resol ution was approved by the representatives with the fol lowing words added sub ject to minor variances in urban centres to permit growth The urban centres referred to are Newmarket Aurora and Following is the text of on address made today by East and time Is running out is needed more now than any other time in the history of our province Back in March the Hon Charles Mae- Naughton in a speech en titled Plan for Action re quested every municipality to submit a recommended program not later than Oct ober and pointed out he wanted the program to consist of carefully consid ered views to assist in the four thrusts of fiscal re form which he referred to in budget speech 1068 namely Reform of pro- Reform of pro- on local government re form which Ihe minister of municipal affairs comment ed by saying and I quote The County of York has done an enviable job of rigorously pursuing the objectives of their sub- vincial aid to I I Reform of lo cal taxation Reform of lo cal government structure The county was fortunate to have had a most capable staff which spent many hours on prepa ration and hours of debate on the submission made on time on behalf of member municipalities and all its re- which would raise our stan dard of equity and effici ency throughout the County of York We are reminded that will require capital for schools 20000000 capital for hos pitals within the next five years in our county as it now exists What about roads Recreation Sewers and water How many mil lions This is just rea son for reform of provincial aid to local governments as services today benefit more than just the local citizens think of to strangle the recreation areas of Metro namely north part of York County and all its citizens remind lions from senior levels of government are creating erosion of power which lim its municipal councils ly to serve their respective health district which doesnt scorn to conform to any future regional govern ment plan if it Is to be to meet as nearly as our population could tri ple within the next years just reason for develop ment control now It has been choose to follow I was highly hon oured to have played a part in the York County submis- 2500 FOR CHRISTMAS FLIGHT TO Teens to starve to raise money AURORA Be tween 100 and Aurora teens will starve for fra children his weekend The starvein will attempt to raise for a Christmas food flight into by Can to pledge 25 cents per hour for each individual student participating in the project students according to Mrs Harold Graham of the starvein committee She said receipts will be given to sponsors and that if the can not be raised by noon Sun day the drive will be con tinued She said her com mittee hopes to be able to provide the money to by Nov Participating teens will wear badges bearing the slogan Im starving for children and they will abstain from eat ing solid food from Friday i Sunday Mrs Graham said she had been advised by physicians that the starve- in would not endanger the health of the teens While the Aurora Presbyterian Church will serve as headquarters for panying weekend program the young persons partici pating will not be required They simply will wear their badges and ab stain from eating This will allow those who work on weekends to fulfill their obligation Mrs Graham day at the Presbyterian Church Also scheduled for the Presbyterian Church in conjunction with the starvein arc a discussion and debate Saturday by five folksing ing groups at pm Satur day On Saturday afternoon the group will walk to St Andrews College to partici pate in a sports program Boys will sleep in the United Church Friday and Saturday nights and girls will sleep at the Pres byterian Church Persons involved will their respective churches Sunday morning and then gather at the Pres byterian Church for the closing Sunday the plea of Aurora nurse Diane North who met with a group of young persons in Aurora several weeks ago Miss North has since returned to to con tinue her medical work Persons desiring more information or wish ing to participate should contact Mrs Graham at NNNNNNNNNNNNZ TOWN OF NEWMARKET NOTICE DOG TAGS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE 5 MUNICIPAL OFFICES MAIM STREET THROUGH AM TO MALE DOG Each additional male dog 425 FEMALE DOG Each additional female dog 625 NNNNNNNNNNNNt BRIGH7EH YOUR WARDROBE SAVE OH THIS SPECIAL Sanitouc o highest standard of quality and guaranteed ANY PIECE SAVE ON HOME NEEDS AT DOMINION I Get Set Regular or Hard to Hold WW HAIR SPRAY Ji shampoo DOMINION BIGGER CASH throughout the Pro- of Ontario was given I a strong positive impetus by the wellinformed pre cise in considerable detail which was presented to me as a submission on region al government There It lias mill that assessment and certain services will rev ert back to municipal cont rol when the roslructing has taken place or when services to people have been properly organized at the central level I ask and feel should know now what powers will be returned and under what conditions Internal bound ary changes and reform of local municipal councils can best be accomplished when the decision making powers are left at a level which Is closest to the pub lic Failure of legis lation to permit the return of the powers at a level clo sest to public means I Fresh Chicken Cuts Sale WHOLE CUTUP CHICKEN IN A BASKET ib 33 Fresh Meaty CHICKEN BREAST CHICKEN LEGS PORK SHOULDER ROAST 55 53 AYLMERS TOMATO or VEGETABLE CONDENSED SOUP Canadiana Sliced Pickled BEETS 3100 ED Smith Pure Tomato KETCHUP 3 ifflC DRINKS 3 Cudney ReConstituted Pure Apple JUICE 29 4 Varieties Robin Hood Bow will m PUDDING 4 100 Town and Country Choice TOMATOES 29 Del Monte Poos Canals Fancy Col a Boons Assorted Stylo CORN 6 100 Now in ZIP TOP CANS COCO COLA 9 100 LARGE SIZE BANANAS lB 12 COM 549 ilk TEFISNYkp Ricnmond Hill u li OMINION