THANKSGIVING SERVICE SHARON Ch- Thanksgiving Day Oct Service Thanksgiv- at am at the Sharon Service will be held on Community Hall The York North AMATEUR RADIO CLUB of radio theory regulations TOWN OF NEWMARKET PUBLIC NOTICE NO GARBAGE PICKUP ON THANKSGIVING DAY OCTOBER 1969 Members of the York Central Hospital Womens Auxiliary held a fashion show in Strange House the converted country church which is now the home of Mrs Dixie Smith Mrs Heather at left models Polyester day dress priced at Second from left Mrs llarh Smith the hostesss daughter in a white sports outfit which sells for Mrs Yvonne models a Nancy ski sun and Mrs Sillcox a Nancy ski jacket and slacks in the next photo and at right Mrs Marianne Elder wife of Olympic rider Jim Eider shows a twopiece western outfit which sells for All the clothes except the ski outfits came from The Itandhov ihnitiqnc Aurora White photos SUTTON SCENE SUTTON those attending the Friday night performance of the British Tournament and Tattoo at Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto were Mr were booked in group who travelled by bus from tilts area to enjoy the pomp and pageantry Walker conducted a tour to Lake Placid New York over the weekend The splendor of the fall Wood I Is a patient at York Coun ty Hospital Mrs J Sib bald Jr has just returned meeting of the Lake South Shore Historical So- takes place on Tues day evening Oct and Mrs Bruce Gilbert left Joyce have now moved into their recently purchas ed house at the end of originally was people from Midland On tario who have plans to Italy and then on to West Germany Switzerland and Holland touching down on ly briefly in London While in Rome expect to have an audience with Pope Paul Such arrangements have been made because this is the first time any one from the Midland Shrine area will have visi ted the Vatican was buried in Mount Royal Cemetery Montreal on Ttie Rev Mr Ful ler and his wife were well known in the Sut ton and Port Perry area Mr Fuller had been min ister of the Anglican Ch urch in Port Perry about 12 years ago and it was dur ing that time that he and Mrs Fuller conducted a mission at St James An glican Church in Sutton They made many memorial for the Rev Mr Fiil- was held at St Johns SATURDAY OCT 11th Legion Auxiliary SPORTS DANCE BUFFET Per Couple For Tickets PHONE TtieDoor BROADLOOM Announces Carpet A new novel by Cecilie Leslie The Golden Stairs another by Marjor- in the Nurse Protege for Nurse Judy and a book on Canadian Glass illoffer varied reading J Edgar Hoover on is there too A Yd Come and get your FREE 32PAGE CARPET BUYING GUIDE ALL NEW TORNADO BY SNOWPRIN FOR 1Q 0NL Come in and try on your comfy ARMSTRONG 695 BROADLOOM Davis Dr Newmar 8958822