Era AURORA OFFICIALS SURVEY PROBLEMS Regional police better protection Era Staff Reporter AURORA On any given day in Aurora and Newmarket cruisers from three different police departments patrol East and Whit church police complement the Newmar ket force King and Whitchurch cruisers reconnoitre parts of Aurora Under regional government this practice would end A single police force would be responsible for the entire York region Primary purpose of consolidation would be to end unnecessary duplication of ser vices and equipment according to the THE DEBATE ON REGIONAL GOVERNMENT Ontario Police But three Aurora councillors ex press concern that a York Police Force would fail to match the degree of protec tion now provided by municipal depart ments Councillor Pete Miller is a for mer provincial policeman and chairman of his councils police committee He op poses the establishment of one central po lice headquarters for the region STATION DETERS CRIME If there is one headquarters the area immediately surrounding the headquarters will get better protection says Mr Miller Just the fact that a police station is there deters a certain amount of criminal activity Id suggest having at least three headquarters one each for the north Councillor Walt Davis an a- vowed opponent of regional government proposed by the province believes Our protection would be great ly decreased says Mr Davis If were going to be one small part of a big de partment wc certainly wont have as effective a contingent as we have now In Aurora Mr Davis says the police would be spread too thin explaining that towns would receive less protection than at pre- he says Maybe King and Whitchurch would get belter protection But Im con personal touch would I It would bo like the provincial police he said Theyre scattered so thin that nobody knows a policeman a confidence a i for their Mr Miller disagrees I dont think a policeman should get too friendly with the townspeople sold Mr Miller Sometimes its pretty hard to give your nextdoor neighbor a ticket I dont say you wont give it to him but the temptations there Under a regional plan we might have somebody who lives in Sutton patrolling Aurora and think thats good MORE INFORMATION Mr Miller says he wants to hear more specific information before hes ready to give unqualified support to a reg ional police force So does Aurora Reeve Evelyn Buck a member of the county councils police committee The idea seems to have a great deal of merit says Mrs Buck But Im not sufficiently familiar with the work of a township police department to know how a township would be effected Im primarily concerned wllh Aurora I still want to hear all the arguments One argument is that a regional force would eliminate the purchase by municipal departments of expensive scientific equipment that gets little use Im sure were spending a lot of money we dont need to spend says Mrs Buck Our municipal departments purchase equipment for fingerprinting and photography especially photogra phy and rarely use it It seems the police build ing little photographic empires and look ing around for an excuse to use It Says Mr Miller The specialists have a chance to use their skills branch out In their fields Ive talked to a lot of policemen who are for it for that Both Mr Miller and Mrs Buck believe amalgamation would help solve one pressing police problem standardiz ation of salaries CONTRACT Now you have different mu nicipalities negotiating police contracts says Mrs Buck They use the fact that were individual municipalities against us If one gels a pay raise the other will I really dont think I should have to tell a policeman what lie should be making In King or Whitchurch and 1 dont think many other politicians in the county want to cither Itll have to come from the province Despite his background as a policeman Mr Miller says he does not feel qualified to determine the pay scale for police I think that if a policeman works In Toronto or in East he should gel the same money says Mr Miller Mr Milter proposed that a reg ional police commission be composed of Judges and policemen who are well- versed in the administration and function of law enforcement He said it could he complemented with elected officials SWIMMING LESSONS The Whitchurch Recreation Committee An nounces the availability of the following RED CROSS SWIMMING COURSES 1 Beginners Junior Intermedial Seniors a torn To Swim Anyone Swim- Information call SAVE ON FALL COAT CLEANING SPECIAL Sanitone to Baiths highest standards of quality and workmanship m COAT NNNNNNNNNNNNZ Town of Newmarket NOTICE I TO I RATEPAYERS I REG VALUE UP TO 225 Fur Fabric DISCOUNT Businessmens Shirts The ratepayers 2 second ins tall r and payable on i ire hereby reminded that the of the taxes is due before OCTOBER Penalties are accruing on unpaid first ii after October 1969 j M Yl Sanitone LOCATIONS YONGE ST SOUTH AURORA DAVIS DR NEWMARKET Jubilation Because more people like you more shopping Fun more people like 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