am THE ERA WED SEPTEMBER 17 1969 VOL 118 NO Editorials Our polluted river A visitor from California dropped into The Era late last week He had been raised in Newmarket but his family had moved west when he was GO years ago and he was paying his first visit to the town of his childhood since then We used to swim in the creek that ran through town Is it still there he asked Well the creek the Holland River is still there we told him but nobody in his right mind swims in it anymore not willingly anyway and thats a shame During most of the hot summer months you can smell the Holland River before you can see it and it isnt a pleasant offshore breeze The fish gave it up years ago and headed for fresher waters This summer when the Holland Valley Conservation Authority wanted to hold a fishing derby at Fairy Lake they stalked the lake with bass but they had to admit that if any fish survived the derby they wouldnt survive the pollution more than a day or so By the hot midAugust weeks the usual complaints about the green slime forming wherever the river current was slowed down were being voiced The major polluters of the river system according to a report released by the Ontario Water Resources Commission last week are the municipalities of Aurora and Newmarket Aurora and its sewage treatment plant came in for particularly strong criticism The report said the algae which grows because of pollution in the system from its headwaters to well into Cook Ray is caused by nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus dumped into the river by the two towns sewage plants The Aurora plant is dumping pounds a day of nitrogen and 104 of phosphorus and the Newmarket plant Is dumping of nitrogen and 100 of phosphorus Compare this with the headwater above Aurora where pounds and pounds per day respectively were measured Coliform bacteria levels were also high downstream from Aurora In fact except for one case of industrial pollution and work on eliminating that has been underway for some time the two sewage plants wore the only major polluters named in the report The Commission recommended that both plants increase efficiency and thus cut down on the effluents beings dumped into the river system And we say the sooner the better The report also recommended that alternative measures he sought that will combat pollution as the population grows We suggest that the find an alternative to our river system to use for its sewage disposal If man enn walk on the moon and build better moust he must be able to design a sewage plant thatll work without SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley Kids getting rough deal Have you noticed what has happened to all those tense harassed haggard harried hyster ical women who were around all summer Theyve suddenly tur ned into fat cats smiling relaxed ready to turn the other cheek ra ther than belt you on yours Know why Because their kids are hack to school thats why Not that they dont love their children But they cant STAND them after two months holidays Paradise on earth is not the Isles of Greece or two cars or four credit cards or a mink stole Its sitting down with a cup of cof fee after the kidn are off to school and realizing that you wont see them for anywhere from three to Silence Golden of Janes mean Billy back my hike When are conning all I have to face i about kids doing the s theres safety in numbers And I have some a ity at school If a kid hugs i much I can threaten him wun all sorts of dreadful punishments like being sent to the principals Or I can resort the ft- edict Look if and you dont like it here on vamos No Nothing but an hour of blessed with a cup of coffee and maybe a cigarette for the depraved and nothing to listen to except Jol ly Jack the disc jockey Even getting at the dishes and the wash ing is a pleasure when theres nobody there snivelling 1 fell and hurt my Mum my knee hurts Mum Well girls I hope you enjoy it You deserve it But while youre lolling in this sybaritic splendor let me remind you that I and nil the other idiots who teach school arc stuck with your when you education taxes Its not that I dont en joy getting back on the job in i tandem Instead of two women and wheedling and scold ing and nagging and cajoling and get lost Theres the door Youre free This is a fairly effec tive especially in winter because they dont want to go to work Another delightful as pect of getting to work is meeting all my old friends on the staff Theres the wit of the staff room at lunch hour much like the atmosphere of the French salons of the century Whos got the crossword puzzle Gawd my feet are killin me Jeez I wish And theres the genuine thrill of staff meetings where the rel gritty business of education is discussed with a dignity and de corum that would shame the Sen ate Sometimes in only minutes we decide whether gumchewing Is allowed daily or only during tension And often dispatch four with remi an hour we decide inches how long a how short a girls dress must be However do like kids and il IS rewarding to watch them grope then cope And a few weeks ago a couple of former students now at university who were real hellers when I taught hem asked game of golf or despaired good lad asked Kim what I wanted for a gift last June when be grad uated magna sans She replied rather in telligently I thoughtGlve him something he likes and something useful All on his own he hustled downtown and me a bottle of good Burgundy and three golf balls When a chap shows judgment like that you cant help feeling youve succeeded somehow By Allan Ward and Mark Craig Dear Editor I cant understand why Newmarket Council continues to look gift horses in the mouth The Lions club is respon sible for maintaining Lions Park doing things such as cleaning up in the spring and cutting the grass at no cost to the taxpayer Why does the town want to Unfortunately some boys not able to participate in this to lack of coaches etc The bantam baseball team is especially grateful to their coach Mr John their sponsor the Woods Co and the Newmarket Rec reation Commission for their sup port Dear Editor A salute to the men who kind enough to give of their College isnt for everybody There is an overemphasis on education today During the past few weeks many parents in the Newmarket area have pointed alike often complaining that these groups arc setting a target too high for their children making it loo difficult for them to get through college But the truth of the mat ter is that the parents themselves are to blame They are the ones who are setting the high targets The best way to throw a scare into the father of a York County teen ager is to tell him that his son wont be able to get into college The very thought of such a catas trophe creates illusions his son goodfornothing n hippie a collecting Rare indeed is the father who stops think whether his son really belongs in college I have no statistics to support this but it my personal belief that about 70 per cent of the parents of children under 18 fully expect their kids to go to college Frequently I hear fathers of fiveyearold youngsters plan ning which college theyll send their sons to Yet the solid fact is that for many hoys and girls college is a dreadful myth a goal they will never be able to reach And in store for many more who do enter college will be the acid taste of failure It would he a fair guess that only per cent of all students entering college are destined for graduation after four years And many of those who do come out with degrees may find out that the four years were a waste of time and money So why do parents insist that their children go to college Apart from fact hat it is the in thing do the most question able valid reason is that college will prepare the youngster for a good job with big money The remarkable thing about some parents is that while they show the deepest concern for heir childrens educational wel fare they exhibit little or no regard mi led for their ability to do the w They simply lake it for that their youngsters arc class A college material And the result of this is that more often than we like to think about such dis regard shows up in the form of mental collapse suicide dope ad- and even pregnancy The pressure put on many students not by he institutions hut by the parents is overwhelmingly unbear able a college not waste space liv them here Hut there ore Hi a college duration per cent of all jobs are pro fessional and managerial and the nil ll come from the ability drive and initiative thai entrance info col lege in High School Tlim I llei I tenia man to mention hut a few I was asked last week a member of York Count v Hoard of Education whether I would want my child to have a vocational edu cation and not an academic one Illy answer was no I would like him to have both if possible Hut if he were equipped to handle both In spite of he lure a college education holds for some parents we should put aside our snobbery and recognize that soc iety still needs carpenters bus drivers electricians book keepers bakers and such And if your youngster is not he college type fit beautifully into these Your pride may he nipped but your offsprings outlook be brighter stand is now defunct appears somebody has started the ball rolling again September saw entertn ling on the upstairs floor and dre a reasonably largo crowd We wait for Teen Town to take its first move Both the Newmarket and Aurora Aren holding their dances every second week and alter nating so that they are not com peting with each other We look forward to seeing top entertain ment in both these community Well school started last week and one thing that is sure to happen to you is the issuance of a class time tabic of subjects Now this isnt always the most serious thing As a matter of fact it usually is pretty hilarious I found out have the choice of taking cither lunch or German guess which one Im going to take in the eighth period In the fourth period I have whats as a spare The teachers call this a study period But dug to the lack of supervision up for the girls on their Whos who And then you get your regular assortment of teachers Second day back at school I forgot my slip of paper for French Surely I thought my teacher could over look it this time because after all it is only the second day and no bodys organized yet But oh no I had to do il all over and baud it in next morning The person who has the determination and ability to carry out his duties is rarely chosen And at our level bribery is extremely common Another thing that is sure to happen to you is the school regu lations This handy list of school dos and may vary from school to school depending on how square your principal is The school with the least number of regula tions is usually the school with the more lenient rules These rules tell you how to go about your daily routine of learning Some even go far as telling you how when and where you may breathe So we recommend the staff of any school look upon us not robots but as human beings Sorry we got off topic but we thought something should that amendments can be nude the I April DEEP PURPLE Wood Ship- CROSBY STILLS AND NASH THE BAND Im a Man CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY Women ROLLING STONES Im Free WHO Son of Mr Fantastic HOOK Green River ANCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL Eight Allies High LIGHTHOUSE Suzanne JUDY COLLINS THE ERA Serving York Since Incorporating THE POST press THE HERALD DAVID HASKELL Publisher WILLIAM J Associate Publisher TERRY CARTER Managing Editor GEORGE News Editor Published every Wednesday at 30 Charles St Newmarket Ontario by the Newmarket Era Express Single copies 15c each or by carrier per month Mem ber Canadian Weel Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Second Class Mail registration number Phone Newmarket 30 Charles St Phone Aurora