THE ERA WED JULY 16 1969 VOL 118 NO Editorials Society pullout The Ontario Humane Society to be cutting off nose to spite its face The society conducted lengthy campaign to convince munici pal councils all over Ontario of the advisability of buying the animal control service it provides Many including all the communities in northern York County bought The society said its entry into the municipal animal control business would benefit both animals and public They told municipal councils in the county they would build a new area animal shelter in Aurora which they did and that from it they would operate three trucks which they did for about one year They said the centre would have an educational program to teach children animal care a lollipop farm where small wild and domestic animals would be kept and they even insisted that councils rewrite their dog and cat control bylaws to suit the societys operation Last week after little more than a year the society served notice it is pulling out They are quitting because they cant get all the changes they are demanding in new provincial legislation requiring animal pounds to sell animals for research This means animal control in many areas will revert to the old systems the society was so anxious to get rid of only a year ago Freeze melts Newmarket town councils action last week In finally lifting the freeze on major store renovations on Main St is commendable Further progress on the Main St portion of the urban renewal program seems to be suspended indefinitely by red tape in Ottawa Mer chants who wish to go ahead and renovate on their own should not be hampered any longer SUGAR SPCE f By Bill Smiley I Take time to give thanks Theres quite a backlash these days from the against practically everything welfare subsidies inflation taxes and anything else that hurts where it hits The and I join them once in a while feel that there is a conspiracy among the government the poor the farmers the skilled tradesmen and almost everyone except the middleclass to grind the latter exceedingly middle income mortgage kids educate And like all the other mid dles I pay far too much in taxes But once in a while I take stock and despite the grind ing find plenty to be thankful for This week I met a lady who is living on welfare Her hus band from whom she is separated contributes nothing She has six kids to feed and clothe There s no car no treats no frills no little ex tras Every month she is almost frantic with worry trying to make ends meet just before her cheque go hack to high school because they wont have any clothes One boy has been remanded by his prin cipal for wearing jeans to school Theyre the only pants he has and theyre clean The total income of this family is less than many middle- class people pay in income tax The lady is not well Even if she could go to work it would mean deduc tions from her welfare cheque Shes struggling desperately but cheerfully to keep her family to gether and give them an educa tion And shes doing it but walk ing the thin edge of real poverty Why shouldnt the wheal farmer be subsidized Many of our fatter industries are through tar- riffs and special tax deals The farmer works harder and longer for less money than anybody in the country Why shouldnt a skilled worker make ten thousand a year Hes going to pay plenty of it taxes How can the government control inflation when the people demand more and more and more while at the same time everybody is trying to get his snout into the trough Why shouldnt Indians get help so that they can lift them selves out the degradation and squalor that has been forced on them Frustrated by poverty and lack of education they either cling to the communal life of the re serve or venture into the world get a punch of discrimination right on the nose and escape to drink Lots of them do on the reserve too but what else is there to Weave baskets Theres another group that I feel for a large one These arc the elderly and the disabled Sure they get a pension Try liv ing on it you middleclass Happiest of these are the born bums whove always lived in a shack never paid taxes insur ance and seldom rent Theyre in clover proportionately But theyre Perhaps the saddest tion of this group is the elderly couples who worked never asked anyone for anything and saved for their old age They may have a small pension from the job or even some savings bonds And now ready to spend a few golden years their pensions and bonds have halved In value their living costs tripled They cant pay the taxes and have to sell the home theyve sweated for and move into a couple of rooms The reward for years of hon est toil Its enough to make one join the hippies Its a great country But next time you start whining be cause you cant quite afford a sec ond car think of the farmer whose wheat cant be sold the plumber who cleans your stinking drains the Indian who fought in the war and cant get a job the doughty woman battling for her family or the little old lady sitting alone in a furnished room living on bread and tea until her cheque Newmarket Ont Dear Editor Now that we finally have the makings of a broad wellsurfac ed Prospect St from one end to the other surely something could be done at the same time about the confusion of traffic at the Prospect- St intersection The pile of atone on the face of the Water St slope does little but confuse motorists espec ially those strange to the ways of Newmarket Traffic desiring to turn north on Prospect from Water St should have direction into a lane of traffic and so also should vehicles from St heading west down town As for the unless he has double indemnity he should the crossing altogeth er and seek an alternate route Let our engineering department build another obelisk this time in a spot noticeable from all directions and with directions that arc notice- Gorham St Commuter Somewhat belatedly have noticed your report of what was said at a recent meeting of Whit- church Council with regard to the police using the services of Mr Hans for towing and gas Your report included a statement by Mr Ron Smith which referring to Mr said They refuse to go on private calls They arc absolutely useless to the ordi nary motorist As an ordinary motorist I read the report with incredulity Experiencing our first winter here we earned no medals for driving and got stuck several times On each occasion we called Mr and he gave us prompt and efficient ser vice for a reasonable charge In our experience therefore Mr Smiths statement is completely untrue and in fairness to Mr Heyd I hope you will publish this letter in your Couldnt the reasons for Mr enjoying so much of the police business be the obvious ones of proximity and good service It J Leach Vandorf Stouffville Downright egoism When it comes to down right egoism our town council takes second place to no one Pick ing up on the council minus Hugh Grant bit I see where some mem bers are suggesting that a replace ment for Councillor Grant be ad vertised for As the Deputy Reeve put it We might have a former Toronto controller residing in town We might also have a former Washington senator or a former member of the British House of Lords or even a former professor of political science resid ing in town Are we to believe then Henry Vamlcn was runnerup choice of the and although I didnt vole A Toronto firm which calls itself Canadian Classified Business Directory has a cute little gimmick going for it CCBI sends out little yellow invoices to unsuspecting companies showing an amount of to be paid Some of these turned up in New market a couple of weeks ago When phoned a few days ago giving a phoney company name and enquired what it was 1 had bought that cost a sultry female voice said to me Let me straighten you out on that Sir If you wish to participate in our Directory plan you send us a cheque if not just ignore the invoice Of course none of this in formation is contained in the in voice and ledger clerks could not be blamed for thinking it was a bill from the Dell Telephone Co for advertising in the Yellow Pages which it isnt Randy Leggc who has been vacationing at his home in Newmarket after an immensely successful hockey season with the Buffalo Bisons was saying the other day that when they are at the Fort Wayne farm club and it hot to practice hockey they would sacrifice home and mother for 18 holes any old day he says that some of the guys practically balk at the idea of having to play golf in place of hockey The distinction here of course is doing a thing because you want to and doing it because should make a note of this Randy by the way got married Inst Saturday and is cur rently honeymooning in Barbados two facts which should put a rather inhibiting curb on his golf activity Most paradoxical note to pass through the portals of this column in many a day comes in the form of a couple of statements made to the press by Ron Myer proprietor of the Credit Bureau of Newmarket Mr said in back- loback statements in five years the bureau would employ more people and expansion was due to the bureaus confidence in the future growth of the com munity The Credit Bureau of New market chases debtdodgers keeps tabs on poor credit risks bank rupts businesses hat go bellyup bad employee risks etc If the number of such undesirables is going to increase in five years to the point where Mr will need per cent more staff to cope with it it is hard to imagine how he can have any confidence at all in the future growth of the community Ah well better a satisfied pessimist than a disappointed oooooOooooo A team of auditors do an audit for Newmarket recently phoned a Main bank to confirm the amount of cash the company had in the bank In about seconds the bank relayed the information When the monthly state ment came in it was found that the bank had charged two dollars for the service This works out at per hour Like many Canadians the flag wavers in the United States often prove nauseating to As I said such emphasis on the flag and America the beautiful has often left me with the same feeling that results from too much strawberry shortcake That Is It did until this Dominion Day I960 When I was a youngster in Ont July 1 was a big day In the community a day when we hauled out the Union Jack and the Canadian Ensign and proudly street took on a festive look and It was a strange indeed that lacked bunting This year our family took our new Canadian flag out of storage and erected the Maple Leaf June On Domin ion Day we watched it flutter in the breeze a solitary reminder on the street that this country of ours is Where 30 yean ev ery house was decorated today not one other flag could be found in a three block stretch Two blocks north one house did manage to fly a Union Jack notice that many in this country still have not ac cepted the fact that Canada does have a distinctive flag Several years ago the House of Commons did pass legis lation changing the name from Do minion Day to Canada Day but this was turned back in the Senate and has never been suggested again Obviously what this country needs is not a cheap cigar but a feeling of loyalty The Ame ricans may have their southern extremists their their black power movements but few can be found to criticize the flag or ignore the meaning of Indepen dence Day And what is more Im portant the Americana are proud of their flag proud of their na tional anthem and proud to be Americana Unfortunately the same cant bo said for Canadians For years re told also the flag of Great Britain Lester Pearson changed all that but still the same feeling persists To pacify the French Canadians the government talked changing the name of the May holi day from Victoria Day to Sove reigns Birthday They neednt have bothered The call the holiday des Ormeaux Perhaps the time has come to start all over Columnist Dennis suggests Lets take Canada away from the the Dutch the Ital ians and every other foreign power that thinks it has a prior claim on the country and give it to the Canadians Unfortunately hes right and on Dominion Day or is it Can ada Day 1969 the Maple Leaf flag was sadly neglected THE ERA Serving County Since Incorporating THE POST CDC THE HERALD WILLIAM J Associate Publisher TERRY CARTER Managing Editor GEORGE News Editor Published every Wednesday at Charles St Newmarket Ontario by the Newmarket Era Express Company Limited Subscriptio for for one Single copies each or liy carrier per month Mem ber Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Second Class Mail rat ion number Phone Aurora