The Era J WESLEY J W Lockhart retires NEWMARKET high school teachers salary of little over and the com petition for a position in the depression years of the are part of the things Mr has been concerned with schools students and sup ervision problems in edu cation for almost years and it is well over that since he graduated from Collegiate in 1927 Mr has been Superintendent of Sec ondary Schools since the of ficial name was changed to that in but before that he was Supervising Principal in the early 1960s during the afternoon This was also before the days when an efficient bus ser vice had been II was during this time that Mr as sumed the duties of super vising principal and he con tinued in this role when the first buildings at Huron Heights Secondary School i opened in He ing principal of both and the duties have chang ed over the past few years Mr was actually liaison between the two principals and their staff and the members of the District High School Board f the principle the erection and ad- high school Mr taught from Jan 1943 until June 1944 at Forest Hill High School Toronto He attended the University of Manitoba and graduated with his BA de gree in 1931 and with his in 1934 Mr was also on the staff of the University as assistant the Physics Department His first teaching job paid and when this he v up to he getting into the better paying end of the teaching profession To his He market buildings since the early still work market in to teach at Newmarket High School and look over as principal At that time it was decided to organize the teaching methods so that there would be actually two shifts daily predominemly with the new York County Board in an advisory capa city for the proposed addi tion to Huron Heights The retiring sup erintendent of school gra duated from the Ontario College of Education later joining the staff of riton High School in 1935 work he was awarded the Canada Centennial Medal in 1967 for his outstanding contribution to secondary school education and in particular his dedication Mr Lockhart will not retire completely on Jan 1 He will still inter est himself in the future of education in York County by advising the new County Board on secondary school problems and giving them his years of experience when the new board is launched on a county basis Its Curtain Time By RUBY L HASKETT Toad of Toad play Hall presented by the Aurora Drama Workshop had some distinguished musicians ac companying the actors Mary Jean Oliver was the painist Rodney Heard was on the viola Andrew the cello Use Thompson double bass David the pic colo Karl the clarinet and Ann and Alice trombones Most of these arc mem bers of the Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra They Canadas National Youth Orchestra for will hold its auditions in Room 116 at the Edward Johnson Building Stephen will be the ad judicator and auditions will be held on December and Time is 9 am until pm This Rex has run drama courses for the Curtain Club of which he is a active member Joseph Shaw plays younger to I rum pan Mortimer and Heath Lamberts who made such a hit at the Crest will play the Bishop of Coventry Portrait Artist John Leach of is just Toronto completing a large by Tony Mil ler to participate in the production Friday nights per formance was sold right out last week The other performance also proved a ell known in this area Robert Christie will play the roles of Lancast er and in Edward Christie taught a num ber of members of the Newmarket Drama Club in of Kitt Eartha came to Newmarket for a day last week to pose for John and spent the day with his family The portrait Is a approximate- The Aurora drama Workshop presented Toad of Toad Hal last week SI Andrews College Auditorium Pictured are Water Rat Shiner Don and Mr Ifcidger Iierpoint Photo Chef with Mushrooms or Meat SPAGHETTI SAUCE 2 Elbow Macaroni or IGA SPAGHETTI IGA Varieties FRUIT DRINKS Pure Blueberry or Strawberry IS ED SMITH JAMS TOMATO KETCHUP Planters Chocolate PEANUT CLUSTERS DONUTS 2- 59 39 29 33 SWIFTS RIMLESS SLICED SIDE BACON Triangle or Prim rose BEEFSTEAKETTES FRESH GROUND BEEF Meaty SPARE RIBS 69 55 69 fronn Turkey or MORTON PIES 3 Fronn STILLMEADOW COOKED CHICKEN j 79 Fmenriilt FISH CHIPS 59 Re Frtien AA ONION RINGS 3 MARGARINE 69 Kraft MILD CHEESE Si 55 SHORTENING 79 KLEENEX BEANS SUGAR BRUSSEL SPROUTS CELLO CARROTS CELLO ONIONS SWEET JUICY SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES 39 GMMN Of US ii 4 lit MGS CANADA 1 GUM MO GERBERS BABY FOODS JUNIOR STRAINED A EE 01 Ml t COUGH SYRUP SCOPE ORAL MOUTHWASH 97 TABLETS FAB BORAX DETERGENT DEMPSTER ONION ROLLS 36 IGA DUTCH APPLE PIE tin I II FMKTFUS TWHH HI Man tin KrsaifT SWIFT STEW MRUS TAPE appYes HMD PRICES AND ONUS BOOSTER FEATURES EFFECTIVE MN RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES NEWMARKET IGA MKT Davit Drive AURORA MKT Yang Si N of Wellington