Matebfeaiwe of church service VIVIAN An usual debate was the form of service last Sunday Me morial Church Vivian Onl University professor Mr Gordon answered the materialistic side and the paster of the church V G Shilhngton defended the Christian view Rev Paul Smith a Baptist r The En NewmarketAurora Out December 18 Principal is speaker at teachers meeting Fed erated Women Teachers As sociation York 1 Region enjoyed its last general meeting on December 3rd with members of at Cousins Fiesta Room Aurora Mr Jesse Flis Principal of Oriole Park School in Toronto was guest speaker His theme was Testing and reporting to Parents Mr an in- tractor of Special Educa tion for Department of Edu cation courses for several upon the casually from dayto day observations systems tically by the jotting down and by the use of such things as check lists When teacher- made a arc used it is essential that they lap the higher thought processes The speaker con cluded by saying that close be aware of educa tional policies Anecdotal reporting comments in stead of the traditional is apparently row a general trend the rest of the school Thursday Dec this time the their annual Christ program on Due the East on west coast SOUTH Sympathy is extend- to Mr G Rogers and sudden pass- Mr and Mrs Co lin Guelph and Mrs Jean Simmons of Smith Falls enjoyed a dinner with Mr Mrs Jack Everett Miami Beach malt Naval base Ik- Mr a nd Mrs Don Debbie Kar en Cathy and Judy spent the weekend with her par ents Mr and Mrs Alt Grainger Scarboro for a CHRISTMAS CANDIES FROM THE BEST DRUB STORE MAIN ST NEWMARKET Reg Price 79c SAVE Ac FOIL WRAP MAXWELL HOUSE 24 OFF DEAL Reg Price SAVE AN EXTRA AT ASF AT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAVINGS PONTIAC Automatic Lie 1963 COMET Cylinder Radio Lie K3035S 1964 Automatic with Radio Lie 111 CHEV 6 Cylinder Automatic Lie 1962 CHEV Cylinder Lie 1961 FORD Cylinder Lie 198633 EASY FINANCING ARRANGED AUTO BODY MS MAIN ST NEWMARKET 8959521 73 159 SAVE AN EXTRA AT AMI INSTANT COFFEE OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE OR JELLIED Rig Prlu tin BUY SAVE CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 FANCY QUALITY Rag lira 45c BUY SAVE 14c Merry CANADA NO 1 BUTTER 68 J ASP BRAND CHECK THIS LOW tomato juice AT CIGARETTES Siz42T ALL POPULAR BRANDS Km Plump and Juicy Pleasingly Priced OWN SUPERRIGHT BRAND YOUNG CANADA GRADE A EVISCERATED FROZEN TURKEYS OVER 20 POUNDS 39 45 TO 16 POUNDS BUY QUALITY CANADAS FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF STEAKS PORTERHOUSE OR WING tf FRESH 9 STEAK or ROAST R STEAK J SAUSAGE MEAT 45l wIEMERT 33 69 BE BOLOGNA JANE PARKER SOUTHERN R Prist SAVE lOe PECAN PIE ORANGES 59 JANE PARKER LB PIECE SI RING FR CAKE MEAT PRODUCE ITEMS EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY DEC 24th RICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY DEC Slit AO FRESH I TURKEYS Fresh Fesfive Produce tomatoes Florid No Now Crop Firm Rip TRAY 49 59 YONCE ST AURORA MONDAY FOOD STORES MON DEC 23 OPEN TIL MIXING KESWICK