Town will pay to service building NEWMARKET Town Coun cil will install sanitary and water services to the building on Kent Drive at a cost of 7000 This was agreed to after a recorded vote on the matter at a recent council meeting There were some objections to the project some councillors feeling that there had been confusion regarding whe ther the land was supposed to be ser viced when it was sold originally to bar Construction Co and just where the responsibility was at the present time Mayor Drew Doak said that he had negotiated the original sale for per acre to and they could have built the Wrighlman project and then sold to the owner but they were under too many committments at that time and had been able to make a start on the structure There had been talk of installing a single service line from Penrose St but the engineer had recommended that the service be constructed outside the property line with the pros- of serving future and possibility of joining with any planed development of this nature from Mule Sideroad Sanitary service will also be un dertaken from the Urban Warehousing will involve the installation of about outside the building Urban Warehousing will have to he necessary separation of and storm sewer drainage and also conduct a sanitary drain past the outside the building Tenders tor the construction of storm sewers on the Cane Parkway will be opened on Dec 30 by the present coun cil mi no contracts will be let until the 1959 council takes over The Age Made little difference to the pupils at Notre Dame school last week as they watched a performance of The Princess and the Wood cutter The program also included skits and variety acts II holds a bigeyed Kathleen Taylor on her knee during the presenta ties Photo Carol Laymen above says Soak ft to me and Gold smith obliges with a jar of water The two Notre Dame School students were doing a takeoff of televisions Laugh In during and a play at the school last week The sheep below only looks stage Shelley Patterson was Mary THEERA PACES I ion Newmarket 8952331 VOL NO Aurora CENTS NEWMABKETAURORAKESWICK ONTARIO WEDNESDAY DECEMBER Keswick MPP ASKS FOR COMMUTER January GO report promised by minister Special to The Era TORONTO Highways Minister George promised last week that he would be presenting a complete re port on the Government of Ontario GO Mr said the report would include all the possible plans of extension of the service including the proposal that GO must GO North hour of discussion in the legislature about extending the line to the north to service Vaughan and Townships along with the communities of Thornhill Kleinburg Maple line in any direction because of the cabi net report but he said hed already had requests from every area surrounding Metro for the service Weve been asked for the from every area but the south he New council meets Jan 7 The discussion in the legislature was sparked by a resolution from York North William Hodgson which called for the northward extension of the line CRYING OUT In backing his case Mr Hodg son told the legislature that the area to the north has a population of 140000 who are crying the The augural meeting of Newmarket Town Council will be held on Tuesday evening Jan in Newmarket Town Hall The date was settled by reso lution of council at its regular meeting last Tuesday Mayorelect Tom told council that he was considering chang ing the meeting date for council to Tues day nighs for the 1969 sessions Mr Sur felt that with a majority of down town merchants elected to council it would be more convenient to meet were some objections to the Tuesday suggestion one being that it would affect the press coverage for pub- City of Toronto Mr Hodgson also pointed out that there are acres of partially ser viced land to the north which is ready and available for occupancy He said there Is already a rail line In ex is a nee which connects Torontos Union Station with Newmarket and Is within easy reach of most of the munici palities inbetween The ease and low cost of im plementing a full rail commuter service to the norlh of Metro to service this de mand for good transportation is well- documented in the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Transportation Study entit led Study of Existing Railway Lines Mr Hodgson said Quoting from one part of this and commenting on the existing rail line from Toronto to Newmarket Mr Hodg- line serves Concord Maple King Aurora and Newmarket It has been determined that an improved limi ted commuter service providing four trains in the peak direction during peak periods could be operated with out additional facilities It is considered that this service would meet the need of communities north of Stecles for some considerable time INSIDE He went on to say that if the line established only the rolling stock have to be purchased and It would carry as many as riders during peak periods STRONG INTEREST Mr Hodgson referred the go vernment to the fact that nearly every municipal government to the north of Metro has passed resolutions demanding such a service and that a pe tition had been gathered because of strong public interest SUPPORT BID Mr Hodgsons bid was supported in the house by Tories Gord Smith Sim East and Arthur Evans Centre Liberals Donald Deacon York Centre and James Trotter and New Democrat Ian Deans Went Liberal Eddie Sargent Grey Bruce and PC Bill Newman Ontario South while not arguing against the northward extension also called for com muter services to other areas Mr Newman wanted the present GO line extended east to Oshawa while Mr Sargent wanted a transportation plan Will prosecute warns snowmobilers NEWMARKET Snowmobile the Senior Citizens Lake will for the whole southern Ontario region Mr Deacon argued that the line was needed to open up the lands to the north of Metro He said this would make more building land av ailable and lower metro land prices need for GO North We urge the Government to do whatever is necessary now he said Its about time the Government started paying some heed to its own members Mr Evans suggested that the tine should go past Newmarket to service and he pointed out that some people In have signed pledges to use the system It it Is extended Mr Smith told the house that even Barrie wasnt far enough and he called for the line to service as well He said that many people going away for weekends and those who would like to live or work in would be able to use the line BOMBED OUT CITY Mr Trotter took another angle in the debate declaring that downtown Toronto with all its parking lots looked like a bombed out city He said that the automobile just wasnt the answer to transporlation Trotter claimed that the sa tellite towns of the future would need a comprehensive transportation system to service them and he called for adequate planning now But referring to the attitude of Highways Minister George Gomme Mr Trotter said that GO wont go until Christmas Dear I hope you bring bomb because want to bloi up the frog pond because I will have i ore skating room And a go cart Grade pupil For r letter from for trespassing on private pro- Housing manager said repeated pleas to snowmobile driv ers to keep off the property have failed He said the machines have dam aged shrubs and trees And they also seem always to come in the small hours of the night said Mr Mr said the noise of the machines has caused many of the senior citizens sleepless nights The resolution house and never cam normal procedure on talked out in to be taken in any area that is considered for future service Just because the people are there doesnt mean theyll automatically the trains he said Whites must pay more Chretien To our But the integration Chretien warned a white audience of 75 people will cost whites more money than the cur in benefits to Indians Mr Chretien said he had a lot of good ideas on how to cope with the Indian problem He several times refer- But his good ideas Lions need Christmas help In spite of Canadas high standard of living Christmas can be a long way from rejoicing for many families and children in the Newmarket area The Newmarket Lions Club has been alleviating some of the distress and frustration experienced by some families by their annual project of making up Christmas cartons of food and treats for distribution just before Christmas Unless more donations and help arrives in the next few days they will have to curtail the number of pnrcels cut down on their list of recipients or make the cartons smaller So far they have enough cash to supply about fam ilies out of the over they have on their list All the work packing and delivery is done by volunteer members of the Lions Club working in their spare time All cash donations will be welcomed and a receipt issued for income tax purposes didnt elaborate greatly on them re quired more money Canadas natives face the countrys highest death rate worst housing conditions and some social dis people have become more vocal They wan to share in the countrys wealth and opportunity and But he warned against a repeat of the too paternalistic attitude of for mer federal governments This time said Mr Chretien the Indians at band or reserve level must be allowed to participate in decisions Mr Chretien himself proposed more programs for Indians off reserves While it would be unjust to force Indians off their treatygiven lands some re serves are no good and the Indians themselves realize it there were good programs to help these Indians adjust to white society programs to help them find adequate housing community acceptance and to establish community centres in cities the Indians would be glad to leave The Era will be pub lished Tuesday Dec ember and Tuesday December 31 so that the staff can spend the Christmas and New Years holidays with their families The deadline for news copy for those two is- sues will be Saturday at noon The deadline for dis play advertising copy will also be Saturday The deadline for class ified advertising will be am Monday So for tin neat two weeks you will be read ing your Era on Tues day instead of Wednes day