The Era Newmarket Aurora Out Wed October Humane Society drive realize 1500 in area NEWMARKET Over was raised dur ing the Sept tag day Id in the district for the Humane Society County branch Commented Mrs E G of was a tremend- and credited the children for their canvassing Further donations expected but a cur- t breakdown of he areas credits Aurora children collecting the amount in the York area Closely- following were the rrarket youngsters with King Township rais ed and Oak Ridges Winners of the two transistor radios given to the top canvassers were Ann Bailey and Carol Reams both of King City Top canvasser in the New market area was Miss daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Arthur DiHroan of Franklin St and a student at Huron Heights Secondary ani mal shelter at Industrial and Mary Sts Aurora re port they have currently dogs for adoption five puppies and many cats and the OHS have cared for 1217 animals and in most instances found homes for them Recently they- re ceived a donation of a threeyearold Kinkajou a cross between a monkey and a bear but in actual fact a member of the rac coon family The shelter will keep Marty as a pet Other shelter pets are Willie the goat raccoons Pat and Charlie and two Guinea hens The shelter re ceives willing help from the youngsters some of whom come in every day to exercise the animals ANOTHER REASON MOST PEOPLE LISTEN TO ALAN SMALL Teachers and their classes are frequent visitors to tour the Wild dogs roam farms kill sheep BRADFORD Vicious packs of halfwild dogs have killed an esti mated sheep and lambs in the area within recent months This week they attacked sheep flocks on the farm of C K Crang Shepherd Jim Lindsay says the Crangs have lost sheep and lambs and a calf He estimates the loss at SI Mr Lindsay said he shot some dogs last week but the pack returned again to kill more sheep Farm workers in the area are making armed patrols to protect their sheep he said John Ramsey of West Gwillimbury shot a dog several days ago after of his sheep were killed ter One mother included a visit to the shelter as part of a birthday party entertainment is Inspector McDonald The Ladies Auxi liary is planning a Christ mas bazaar and tea to raise much needed funds Information may be had on the Auxiliary by calling Mrs New market representative Mrs K Baines and Kes wick The for it the ln1erniitionll Plowing If called The will near County on the of Jack anil neighbors inclusive While he plowing hold the spotlight he now fnmou- city attracts over visitors Maintaining right lo preserve the International its place as kind in North of Photo Corn policy summed up by Olson Aeon quip men t MEEK Buy into Canadait pays 675 interest on Canada Savings Bonds 196869 Series times your investment available at maturity Buy yours now at TORONTODOMINION The Bank where people make the difference GET A GREAT CHAIN SAW dispute last week with a statement summarizing go vernment policy lem said Mr Olson is low price for Southwestern Ontario corn and the fact that Ontario prices are de termined by the price of imported US corn But any action that would force the price of Ontario corn out of line with US corn would dam age the economic position of Eastern poultry beef and hogs which compete with US meat for the North American market Mr Olson goes on thoroughly he possibility of controlling imports through system of import permits It has been suggested that the importation of corn be subject to the issuing of a permit by some marketing agency such as the Can adian Wheat Board which now issues import permits for wheat oats and barley The possibility exists that American corn the price level at which the American Government sup ports corn prices that is a bushel in American In this case I am seeking approval to have Canadian Government officials approach the Go vernment of the United States of America with the current price of corn it is recognized that current lev els leave some producers in difficulty It is the view of this Government that or derly marketing of corn would provide some relief a this area However the means by which pro ducers themselves could solve this problem and it must be noted that pro ducers have rejected past efforts to create an agency to bring orderly market ing to the Ontario corn in dustry The Federal Go vernment does not have the power under any exist ing legislation to create a corn marketing agency in Ontario Eggs survive hard knocks H0MEUTE XL12 tuts 17 logs In it seconds flits bast In Weighs only 12 lbs FAIR Saturday Oct 12 and Monday Oct 14 2 BIG DAYS OTTAWA Can ada Department of Agri culture researchers have discovered that eggshells and steel have one thing in common They are both strainrate sensitive That means that both break more readily if pressure is applied grad ually they withstand grea ter pressures applied ra pidly For example a ton toad placed slowly on steel may break he steel the same load applied as a hammer blow wouldnt Although he dis covery wont make any earth shattering differences to either the poultry or steel Industries it has added a significant piece of know ledge about eggshell strength Dr J It Hunt a nutrition specialist in the Animal Insti tute and Peter Voisey an engineer in the Engineering Research Service made the discovery Strainrate sensi tivity is only one of a mul titude of factors affecting October strawberries appeared in Cedar Valley Inst week Fouryearold Marilyn Baker daughter of Mr and Mrs George Baker is holding a big berry she found in the family patch More than a pint of the late straw berries were picked by the family Beisinger Photo thai HOG GROWERS SAY Tylan thrifty pushes pigs to market weight faster more efficiently The Grand Champion at the Ontario Centennial Barrow Show was a Tylan thrifty hog Tylan a product from Get more information oil the thrifty program from North York Farmers Pctd Limited Ih Newmarket District CoOperative Nenmaikcl Ill uca NEWMARKET BRANCH Ontario Street HUMIDIFIER FOR ONLY going for mt and the estimated in annual Canadian loss es from broken eggs is an indication of what remains to be discovered Most of the loss occurs between the nest and delivery to the processing plant Dr Hunts and Mr Voiscys discovery will be of major interest to has been conducted with manual equipment The scientists using this t eggshell strength couldnt speed so those results now appear to be somewhat un reliable Mr Voisey has de signed a machine that will this htminn error and make the Hardy farmer remembered in letter NEWMARKET A touch of the earlier rougher days of farming in many parts of York County is contained In a letter written by Mr C J Mauser of East Gwillim Township who recent ly lost a very valued friend in the death of Mr Oscar Slickwood lime or harvest CHAIN SAW Tractor Equipment 1 GORMLEY TEL has said Hint he honored only two professions the philos- Mr Mauser was M O who devoted most of his long working life to Then Iherc were few tractors no electricity and very few automobiles The hour for starting In the field was before am even that after two hours of chores with the ad vent of darkness giving the stop signal Mr Mauser he was surprised on arriv ing in this area in the 1920s find such devotion to the land the honor and in tegrity of the farmers like and sometimes that would be the only traffic on that road he had a big team and in Spring he hooked the drag harrows behind and dragged them along the concession road to help to dry up the sur face They were hard times a man had to save money Ho was typical of the rural worker that day who toiled in the fields of North York toiled some times hopelessly In conclusion Mr it is the passing of tin old way of life which will never ho replaced Area cow tops test the herd of Prior Fare Newmarket recently com pleted record perfor mance production test As a sixyearold In days of milking Els Hock Triune This record has a Breed Class Average of per cent for milk and 191 per cent or fat FARMERS MOBILE GRINDING and MIXING SERVICE ON YOUR FARM MOLASSES BLENDING Concentrates Complete Feeds Bulk Grains HIENERGY MILLS LTD Newmarket 8958112