Wed July York WI rally at Sharon SHARON Approximate ly members and guests attended the Womens Insti tute Rally at the Sharon Temple grounds on June and Mrs welcom ed the guests on behalf of Sharon members who were reminded that they have a link with Sharon Temple as the Institute had donated the log cabin on the grounds Mrs Percy Brow ducted the business and it was decided to con tinue the sponsor a child program under the devised The report of the Chil drens Aid Society was read by Mrs C and a letter was read from Mrs Ruth Pearson thanking the members for the knitted baby sets and layette Members were conducted Micks resent a live Mi auditors Miss V Rose and Mrs Hamil- Aid rep- ton C County director is Mrs Mrs A York of Sutton Neighbors aid couple involved in accident EG HEIGHTS Con cerned and interested neigh bors collected approximate- Mrs Percy Brown Cook York East Mrs G Miller York Centre Mrs Richardson Miss Sandra Allen daughter of Mrs Allen and the late WRAllen of Newmarket graduat ed recently from the Toronto East General Hospital School of Nursing Photo Toll ly 400 to aid East limbury residents Bob and Helen who were dent recently The couple were return ing from their cottage at Rice Lake and the accident happened near Ajax Mr and Mrs and three of their four children were involved Mr Hannigan was the most seriously injured and is still a patient in Toronto General Hospital with a fractured skull and lung in juries His wife is a patient in Oh aw a General Hospi tal with back injuries and a fractured collar bone The three boys were re leased from Oshawa Hospi tal soon after the accident Reports from both hospi tals slate that both Mr and Mrs arc im proving TRAKEHNEN Ml I t in ami day events ceding Hock In TRAKEHNEN FARMS LIMITED private lin res Tel Prime Minister King Mulotk Sends Good Wishes Hon Mackenzie King prime minister of Canada has sent the following message on the of the birthday of Sir York Norths mediui Era and Express warmest congratulations to Sir William upon his birthday anniversary particular the pride that I recall at this time many close associa tions with North York and that it Williams instance I first entered the of Canada With his hosts of friends I re Liberal tradition During his long and active career Sir William has contributed in many ways to the wellbeing of our country By his example he has enriched our national life Sir William will be justly honored today as the grand old man of Canada Hon William Pate Mulock a Colleagues and opponents grandson of Sir William is like earned thnt he postmastergeneral of Can Sir William gave him started- on public career Even without the magnetism of Pierre Elliott York North and the southern part of riding have a long tradition of electing Liberals to Liberal John was elected last week in and Barney in York North Both Liberals defeated the favored Progressive Conservative Statistics favored Hie Liberals in York as Ihe Whigs were in office in the years since Confederation for the Tories The riding represented for two years by an among its representatives have been such dynamos as Prime Min ister William Lyon Mackenzie King and Representatives York North York North in Cauudiiin Pari iment since Confederation J P Well Liberal L Mukeiue King I ibcril A P Independent Lennox Conservative 1874 A Liberal 1931 P Liberal P Strange J Smith Liberal Liberal 1957 A 1305 A Aylesworlli Liberal 1902 1 Addison Liberal 190ft J Roberts Liberal I support here reason enough to call York North cradle of Canadian Liberalism REFORM MEMBERS It was the year 1838 ami Samuel Lonnt had spent four months on dentil row Lount was a member of the Upper Can ada assembly father of seven and black smith at 1 1 oil ami Landing Ho was promised bis life in return for evidence his rebel fri ends He proudly refused and after mounting the gallons he bowed to bin compatriots who watched from behind bars in the nearby prison Before he died ho hud said Canada yet In- served under William Lynn Mae kuiie in the abortive Rebellion of Mackenzie whose fiery editorials jabbed constantly at members of the tilling Family Compact had assembled 800 brave men from the highland farms of and beyond With government troops away fight ing the Papinoaii rebels Lower Can- Mackenzie might have succeeded in toppling the government In York Toronto hut through Illmade plans a delay Governor lion had time to rally support in Toronto REBELLION Dispirited by the delay and Mackenzies band was eventually beaten and scattered Some escaped to their farms others were executed or deported to Australia Mackenzie ted to the US The little Scotsman bad been plagued by headaches and poor health hut lliey never deterred his rage at the injustices under the rumresponsible government Incessant attacks in his papers the Colonial Advocate and Constitution made him a hero to the lower classes and the farmers of York County Time and again be stumped this area In win voles for his scat in the Assembly laying know is the Twelfth York Infantry at Newmarket Two years after the Rebellion Mulock married Mary daughter of John of Newmarket Their son William was horn six years alter in Bond Head Thomas worked himself hard and Mulock also of he Pacific Cable from Vnneouvci Island to New Zealand and Australia and on the Atlantic side he contracted the famous William Marconi to build a transatlantic wireless station on Capo Breton Island For Ids persistence in these projects Mu tuck was knighted but what was pos sibly his greatest contribution to is often overlooked he advised the enter politics KINO ENTERS William Lyon King did go into politics and in Mulocks old riding and was later to remain Prime Minister longer than any other Canadian A ItlUeknown Liberal hem who re North York riding just prior to in Newmarket nr SI there In French William as called the bar 111 Of and by his mater was MULOCK li III 1882 Ins first el lion to federal pari and he King Alter In one or the few limes that the gun was used in Canadian polities Historians may dispute Ihe Rebel lions affect on Canadian history Was it an isolated I appeiiing the of madmans mind Or was it popular uprising against III abuses Hi Unit Empire Loyalists ami the ably the attack raised eye brows in Ihe Colonial Office in England and was in part responsible for the Ap pointment of he maiinanlmous Lord Durham to replace Bond Head One of the soldiers who defended Toronto against was i li doctor Thomas who had Immigrated In Canada and Iloydlown Aurora in 18ifi group the nucleus of to the Sir John A Mucdmiuld live years later Wilfrid Lanrici took over Liberal leadership from Edward Make but it wasnt until 1890 that I under he- iaiuc prime minister Patient William was among the first In line for a cabinet post As Postmaster General his first task i reform he postal branch of he civil service had surplus of Mulock introduced a grander scheme for cheaper postage rales Penny Post age in the vast British Empire By lowering the rate trade and mall vol ume between Umpire countries increased markedly Gen eral but nine months Inter assumed lite of justice minister King became prime minister 1921 mid had won his sent In the York North riding post war depression and minority government Indecision left him with a shaky control going Into the 1925 election He opened his campaign hill year in Richmond Hill and shades of campaign 08 he pleaded in vain fur a working majority Ills parly was defeat ed tin to by the Conservatives with Progressive holding the balance of King himself was defeated in York North and a few months later won In a by election in Prince Albert his Inst iijiys at his side of Street ninth of Aurora still occupied by the family Even in retirement Mulock is said to have retained him brilliant memory and quick wit Ills grandson William I Never Cease to be Pleasantly Surprised by whats Happening in NEWMARKET Whats happening Why day something nownow merchandise right now just when you need It to make outdoor living and vacation time more fun plus advance selections to matte your backtoschool and fall shopping easier thriftier too Savings aro a happening when you shop In Newmarket You can see more merchandise compare more prices In loss time thanks to tho many modern wellstocked stores located conveniently near each other Theres always a wide selection to suit your and your budget In the stores whore you shop with confidence In