THE ERA WED JULY 19G8 VOL 117 NO Editorials Keep it flowing The towns decision to hold a meeting last week to inform down town Newmarket residents and taxpayers of how the proposed Urban Renewal Scheme will affect them was an excellent idea And Mayor Drew Doak said there would be more meetings But these meetings should not be restricted to those directly- affected by the Scheme Meetings should be held to permit all taxpayers to ask questions and voice opinions regarding the Scheme The Era has and will continue to publish reports of the meetings and all pertinent information supplied by the town But this is just a one way street the information is in print and the reader is unable to ask It is therefore essential that public meetings be held so that the public can ask questions of the planners and voice opinions to the coun- This became evident test week when the planners were asked specific questions pertaining to specific properties One of these dealt with the question of whether or not present store return to their former location once the- Scheme was com- Planner that thm under the present set- up but that he would consult with Central Mortgage and Housing to see if a policy could be worked out to assure retailers of 1 site of their choice This question seemed to be the crux of last weeks meeting that present Main St merchants will not be shoved into any location a developer might want to place them This is an important question and town council should take every step to insure merchants are not shoved aside at the whim of a developer Only through meetings and a steady flow of information will a tran quil transition from dilapidation to a modern mall take place Charge them Once again complaints of beer drinking on Main raised in Newmarket Council Aside from wondering where they are gutting the one won ders why people choose to stand or sit in cars on Main St to drink beer One also Im- public beer dj inking is open how the towns police force misses it Police obviously cant search every occupied car they see parked on Main St Or can they frisk everyone they see leaning against a building But if it Is so flagrant as some people claim they can watch for this illegal beer drinking charge the offenders bring thorn to court and let the court decide what to do with them hopefully treat them harshly That will put a atop to Main St beer drinking flagrant or other- SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley The limbs of life This is being written before the national election And theres no thing more exhilarating than go ing out on a limb It begins when youre very little when you eat a worm to see if really stay alive inside you or pick up a toad to see whether youll wind up covered with warts Later it might be climbing out on a long shaky tree limb over a deep pool when you cant swim Or if might be caught up in a tree shirt Muffed with apples while the soke of Cm J thun ders from beneath Come down ye little I know up here and Ill whale the tar out of ye and the put ye away life Or it might be caught in the through backyards and over fences with the cobs dropping and your heart thumping and the shotgun going off Into the sky Or it might about age mokmg with the in the jungle beside the railway tracks and having a drunk with a gallon of wine come up and start terrifying you with all sorts of obscenities you dont understand Or it might be about and spotted like a hyena with pim ples having to ask a girl to a party knowing that you are the most repulsive awkward booby in town This Is a pollen limb to be It could be saying Dont you say that about my mother to the bully of your age and sailing Into him yourself outweighed 20 pouuda but your fists mid feel and teeth going like a windmill Or it could be a swimmingly exhilarating moment like the day when I was in high school and kissed my Ilench tenth up in an apple tree She was a spinster anil six years older than I but If recall it was a swooning and I think we bold wound up hanging by our knees from the limb These are some of ilu- limbs Ive been out on or other limbs Youve had yours round limbs crooked limbs rotten Unit ones We have all gone out on a When youre young you dont really know the difference or you just dont care Its climbing out on the thing that matters at I was climbing out on a limb trying desperately to make the grade as a fighter pilot fire and be killed What an iro Those who didnt make It were it hearted And then theres the limb of Mfjsl males will climb out on the first limb that is on- with long eyelashes or trim ankles or a big bust though they know its a very green one or brittle urn out they go I was lucky The limb I out on was but yielding green but not brittle And I damn soon discovered that when you climbed out on that However what I started out to say was that as we get older we climb out on shorter and shorter safer and safer limbs until we are finally Ml trunk even though were two feet off the ground and dipped The placed by the limbs of safely and conformity and security and enough life insurance And the sad pail is llmi are the limbs we wnnl our chil dren to dim mil dm mi than two feet from the trunk and no higher than two feel from he ground While they waul climb on the swinging limbs that will sail Idem to the skies or break and lei them fall All this of course is pream ble the fact that Im slid will im lo go out on a limb If some body will fetch a stepladder to help me gel stalled up the tree repeal this is written before Die national election I to be a landslide Dear Editor Because silence protest against Mr sentiments regarding Brow Camps It will perhaps be grati fying to know that New- marketers have not pulled the trigger on these young people We hesitate lo defend these residents because they need neither defence nor pity They have as much right lo be here as we have Only because Mr indicate- a problem we want to establish that the presence of such a residence in our immediate in We could not but be amused at Mr Twinnoys account of the youngsters threat that the worst with the kind of delicately luiicdiii that arc TjuigK to be baited there ale those who will offer bait We are con fident that the young person who offered that bait has not been dis appointed in his catch Mr has further sug gested an incompetence on the part of counsellors We admit to a limited exposure but such ex perience as we have had has re vealed an enviable relationship between counsellors and young sters There is a natural give and lake with a definite account ing for the rights as individuals of the young charges We see in many of these counsellors a great ion In purpose Certainly many of them are qualified Im positions which command a A place to stand and a place In grow and we call this land On tario May it hi Yours truly Mrs Mary week Mr answer THIS WEEK By Ray No political complacency Now the country linn majority Prime Tin- will chance of golfing lo know heller a man who lias an fur defied all Mr Trillion pegged as everything from a In a conservative during Hie earn in say nothing Hie cling which iicciihciI hint of communist However Hie Prima Minister reinforced Mm widespread that there lie changes in government iwltcics Hint Hie lllioral victory form and adapt lis constitution parliament and foreign In the constitutional field there irmnilis little iliuitd 1n I wink will on a written replace Hie llrillill America Art It will spell mil a strong central government in nil rule for each of Hie prov- mid special I one It Hie lllnirnl tins pill In rest at least lor Hie li lining Hie III lit of separatism In The slgnili I sill Hie I lids Hie The rate of inflation also will Inn I he cm last will have to lc alien in water This is provincial icipoiisilnlilv tail Ottawas help will he needed Tito Prima Minister he ex perts a report omit in Julv on dial slip take I ward overtures to felling for of Communist China c liieniileespTleil increase in Ink- a hard liiek at Us future role 111 NATO Three la licit tills week mid it can tie expected Hint sev eral provinces will Join and Saskatchewan liefer the summer Is out Tile sniping has already liegiin ill while Hi resells will hasten Hie retirement of Tummy III Hie Mill Cell Minor Mr Sinn Meld held own liieillon Im Tories he em he cm led I he given at least line inn liefiro the itlves tiulu looking for illllal dm It the parlys Hilling mid the wlllill linilmllv iil I Inill Hie tin lid of appealing I to pat off la IVeiicli Camilla and Mm Tulles seals In Next to the field Mm sin Hie mummy will Hie goVOl llllljot III- The aim lender An lit liny men anil wiiiuci it ninny reflected hi lite which Ml lag liefinc lie I In leu many guml ilcfenlcil eating new per- 1 lilts will he changes ill will he milk Now Hull Mill used In the idea said Mini tile ill country ran gel if majority gov inn he it mark- tics Mr Truilrm boon mil III Mm average III In nil I Tint fuel lie now Is indicates how I has ihang- In tin Just il II will probably change again In recent of the Era again draw our attention to the prob lems of finding and being able to rental accommodation The cost of renting is directly related to the cost of buying When cost of housing is high I he purchaser of an investment properly must charge higher rents in order lo pay he requirements of a larger mortgage with high er interest rate and lo todays higher costs of maintenance and laxes There must he enough money left after expenses to pro vide a reasonable income lo the owner who like any other other investor has placed his monev where he hopes it will make him Lets ri in mortgage interest rales were com paratively low Rents at that time Mere also lower and for discussions sake will sty hat liie owner Now in IQGS purchase prices and interest rate have gone up sub but these items do not affect this owner He now pays higher taxes and maintenance costs but these are more than offset the fact that he can charge 19GS rentals The return on his invest ment may now be Can the owner be expected to reduce his rents the point where his income gives him the return he origin ally had Or in oilier words should he rent his properly for less than what the market will for hu- manitarian reasons Since his oh is in fact an investment it would not be realistic lo expect meats however must be with humanitarian els i tit luclal and muni filial authorities and private enter prise must cooperate a wider degree If he problem of housing is o be solved Municipal councils can permit higher densities more dwelling per aero and cheaper con struction This means cheaper hous ing but also ins less lax dnllais the Mian the hous ing iiuiies in sen it Jug lie difference only he made up by new industrial growth and a muni- which does have the benefit of Industrial subsidies pro vided In levels of govern ment dices stiff competition in Iractlng new industry Tbe price of land will continue to until land speculation is I know of farm lauds Hint can be serviced for to years Ibi- hind is now for times its farmuse value One of the losers in Ihe past election iiested tin il tax on the sale of farm bind eltui the iwiiei could sell five hut the mild be a mi the the lYLi mild i limbs stuiily li Federal In lend bill Ihe have In Mime means of loans In he point where Die THE ERA County Slnco Incorporating THE POST THE HERALD DAVID II IIASKKMi News IIOtKIAS I tlasitloss every Wctlneailny at Inn I SI Newmarkol Onlnrlo lit lira A Ilntilcil fin IP veins for teal Single lopies 10c each Mout her Nowiinicra mill Audit of iiciilnllon lass Mail lit- font Office for the payment of In Phono St Phone Anient St Keswick