THE ERA WED JUNE 1968 VOL Editorials Downtown revitalization I The final report of the needs of downtown The planners say that ll buildings lorn down needs needs more parkland and from Park Ave to Water August Now that the planners obvious for many years it about it Something must a good idea of the mall will stop parkins the old OR Main Si part of a project But equally Scheme is the planners the own to study contains few surprises market needs some of its old needs a better road system bo turned into a mall The advocated Inst and a mall still seems like parking since the creation nettling must be done about no sense modernizing only of the Urban Renewal hole Newmarket core They lent of York County offices the taken by he plain to all tnx- PreSS for housing The plight of two families with nine children unable to find a home brings into sharp focus the critical shortage of rental accom modation in northern York County especially Newmarket An article in last weeks Era told of the desperation of two families a man and wife and their children a deserted wife and her five children Everywhere they went they were rebuffed If the rent was reason able the landlord wouldnt permit more than two children If the land lord didnt mind the number of children the rent was beyond their The deserted mother of five has found reasonable accommodation thanks to a good Samaritan The married couple with four children are living in a railway station at Maple The father had to quit his job in Newmarket and will eventually move to Toronto where he will be able to move into a subsidized rental project The town cannot provide this type of accommodation its the responsibility of the senior levels of government but the town can and must press for it SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley Yanks not that bad Sometimes the world seems a pretty rotten place to live and one of them was during the period of shock and horror following the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy Hut theres always something to redeem us from bitterness and hopelessness For me it was the magnificent display of courage and dignity presented by the Kennedy family The Irish arc often presented as overdramatic and oversenti mental in the presence of death This family with Ha Irish roots gave he Me that picture No tears no hysteria hut an almost classical acceptance of tragedy down lo the littlest ones assassinations of Kennedy King The about the side of guns Is locking the door entire populace to round them up and get rid of them And youd Hi ill have an underground market for the nuts Americans claim they mo a loving And noun the tradition of violence as a means of solving thing is woven deeply Into the fabric of their history and its going to lu- to plunk out They fought the In and again hi 1K12 They fought each other in a civil war of un paralleled ferocity They fought Ihe Spanish ami Mexlcnnn and took Texas They attacked Spain again on flimsy grounds and wound up with number of colonies They killed passenger pigeons and buffalo and Indians to the point of extinction Pile on top of that two massive world wars the Korean war ami the present un declared war In Vietnam mid its a pretty impressive record for a peaceloving people Im not being sardonic 1 believe the Americans arc a great people and basically a peaceloving people They dont want to rule the world as other great nations have done and still do Hut the evidence of violence as a means to an end is unavoidable Politically there is a history of assassination and attempts at it that would make a state green with envy American folkheroes were men of violence Hilly the Kid Jesse James murderers both Gangsters have ruled cities like kings There was a deep fascination with the careers of murderers like Pretty Hoy Floyd and John And whats the latest craze In everything from fashions to ad vertising A sick movie about a couple of sick killers Ronnie and Clyde And whats ahead More of the mime The American negro after caught the sickness and hes go ing to gel what ho wants by violence if necessary Vandalism beat ings knifings are part of dally life in big cities Student Power and Power vie for headlines and gel litem The vast hotly of Americans the good people the decent people must ho sick lit heart and bewild ered The American Dream Is turn ing Into a nightmare Itui you cannot indict a nation on the performance of a lunatic fringe Americans are a people of goodwill of boldness and of great Ingenuity Surely hey will find a way o purge the sickness We have nothing to be smug about There is a growing lawless ness and violence creeping Into our Canadian society The only rea son Its comparatively mild Is that we have a small population In a big country Wo can only wish our good neigh bors our sympathy and the fervent hope that solutions will lie found ami soon to the problems that he- set them Closed because of Strike But where I my empties Newmarket Out Dear Editor It is painfully obvious that the of mercy is not strained in Councillor Twinney The Era June I became so deeply ashamed and appalled at his callous comment on the Brown Camps issue tint my anger soon turned to pity for this misguided I gained the impression that Twinney considers these unfortu nate emotionally disturbed children to be nothing more than aliens from another planet These are his fellow Canadians young Cana dian children children who need help Are von not willing to help these children Mr Twinney Are you one of those who thinks his duty lo mankind is over with a two dollar enveloped donation to an unknown child in an unknown country Doesnt charity begin at East should lie flat tered that the area has been chosen as a suitable environment in which to bring back these chil dren to a state of mind where they can lead healthful happy lives Good will overcome evil If these children are as evil as Mr Twin believes then let East Gwil help them with the forces of goodness kindness and love I shudder at the thought of what kind of warped reasoning would deny these children the right to lead a normal life I shudder at the brutality and selfishness of mind which pervades the thoughts of a minority of the residents of East Gwillimbury A series of mild and however wild exaggerations are throwing up a vile prejudice a sickening paranoiac prejudice against help less children I urge all thinking rational adults to have mercy to have pity to help any unfortunate chil dren whether they have a Brown Camps Ltd label or a Jones next door label Your help will be a social investment your blind ignorance will damn these children lo a life of misery and dejection Would any avcragely intel ligent persons conscience allow him to condemn these children to the horrors which arise from a disturbed mind If so then Can adas future is in peril Your truly Ralph Pouting THIS WEEK By Ray Two major problems Two of the major matters to be dealt with by the new Parliament elected Tuesday me housing and urban affairs which traditionally are not even subjects of federal The fact that country has been looking so much to Ottawa for leadership In these fields indi cates that the provinces are pre pared to accept federal Initiatives in fields outside of normal fed eral responsibility The fear that strong provincial governments would override a weakened administration has been a continuing nightmare to advocates of stable federal gov ernment The election results combined With the willingness of the prov inces to follow Ottawas loud fields of usual federal au thority are reassuring to those who believe 111 the future it fetlcration Housing and urban affairs and It a lesser degree education mo among Canadas leading social problems By tonus of Ihe llrlllsh North American Act all come solely under provincial responsibility This Is especially of urban affairs problems of Ihe towns and big clllos la that the wholly the of the vineial governments Yel housing land prices homo tuxes and the of Ijlo are of such concern he nation that those matters are In increasing I lh kind o which the government can This is because to deal with mat turn one must cut across the whole spectrum of fiscal and legislative policy dilution In land tor lustaiuo will not he effectively controlled unless federal tax structure Is changed tin or hind for no other to force up the price The alter tax commission considered this reason alone lo be sufficient cause to impose a capital gains tax in Canada The creation of new satellite cities around our big urban centres will similarly require federal Initia tives in fiscal policies which will determine interest rates and mort gages conditions These matters in turn will decide Ihe kind of municipal tax burdens which residents have to carry in this field can come only from the provincial governments but the financial health of the provinces Is In turn determined in large part by Ottawa fiscal policies In the election campaign the housing shortage and high Inter est rates gave both Conser vatives and New Democrats a pow erful weapon lu attacking the gov ernment Mr responded by un veiling plan to have Transport minister Paul federal housing chief and a former house builder conduct a broad study of urbanization in Canada More than throotiuartors of all Canadians live in urban centres thai annul unities with a il lation more than Along with housing the problem of mass transit around the metro polltaii centres will require Inten sive There would he Utile point In developing lawcoal flounc ing for a massive house building program If the resultant sprawl put thousands more committers Into already choked and snarled traffic streams Perhaps Canadians will have to decide Hint In view of the con centration of population In the big cities and tin demand for laud that singlefamily housing will have to be restricted by high prices to a of the population Similarly people will have lo move from home to work by subway or other forms of rapid transit rather than by private cars Anything else may bo Jnst too costly for the nation bear Mm does not mean Is not fWfct lots of money In 111 he hill lor sev eral not been the In lniU thft investor want with good futurity th term of the J tly what a long term at a Inter est rate and the prop erly for Una been made The current market however Is not stable and the very features that attract money to the mort gage market In a stable economy actually discourage long term in- at men t during inflate Eods thei per- to rise As interest rates rise the In vestor naturally prefers a short- term investment so that he can take advantage of expected further Therefore in our rising eco nomy mortgages must compete with slocks guaranteed invest ment certificates shortterm notes government bonds or other in vestments which feature either high interest or liquidity short market has not been able lo at tract as it once did the huge sums of cash invested by the pen sion funds the insurance com panies and trust funds and when the investor can be persuaded to place capital into mortgages he demands a higher rale of Interest So here we are NHA mort gages cost and conventional money is obtaining and up All three political parties were concerned with housing costs dur ing the campaign One proposal would allow Income tax deduc tion of of mortgage inter est payments over the level and estimated saving for the average wageearner with an loan interest would be per year or per month Dig deal The monlhh on an loan at over years Is The payment til however would he 85 Assuming municipal taxes of per month arc added total monthly would be for the loan and for the loan Translated into salary requirements the home owner paying interest must earn about per vear while the owner with the loan would have earn about per As for the tax deduction pro posal we lake per month off the loan and month ly payment becomes Boil ed down this scheme would have an effect of reducing the Inter eat rale by less than of few than forcing medicare family allowances and old age pensions on those who dont need hem he government must find some means of subsidizing Interest rates to a point where people can afford housing THE ERA Serving York County Sine Incorporating THE POST THE HERALD DAVID It Publisher CARTER Editor News Editor I REKAN Advertising and BmlneM Msruulor Published Wednesday at at Charles St Newmarket Ontario Nowmnrket Era Express Company Limited Subscriptions for two years for one year copies 10c each Mem ber Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Burt of Circulation Authorised as See- Class Mall by the Post Offlc flcpt Ottawa for the payment of pontage In cash Phono Newmarket 8952881 SO Charles St Phone Aurora Yoni St Phone Keswick 1