The Era Newmarket- A ERA CLASSIFIED ADS ACCEPTED UNTIL 10 AM TUESDAY PHONE 8952331 Abundance of water clay soil level land sloped for drainage no stones All buildings public and sep- school bus and mail route Taxes Construction C Ontario 2 miles north on Mount Al bert Road Implements hay large box stalls good pasture and farm products very reasonable Phone Toronto loam last year in Toinship vicinity meals reasonable WHITFIELD HOUSE NURSING HOME patient Full care supervised by J apartment May range included Phone or monthly Phone market modern heated apartment private en trance spacious lawns and parking Available and POOL Phone Bradford II-U- monthly Phone area hush and water from 9900 also farm building Before you hi J Estate Ltd cleared land in Zephyr St Catharines monthly For a call included immediate Call Marian Rooms for Rent Approved lot Mount Rooms by day KIf GEORGE HOTEL Under New Management tfl location for dental Phone or Write Phone GI21 Vacation Properties for Sale Rent Wanted floor kitchen privileges blocks from Main St suit able for lady Phone Newmarket after Room and hoard on Main St 2 Newmarket pickerel and bass iWiroom housekeeping cottages and For in fo ill Winterized cottage partly suitable for basemen bed sitting room with balh- refrigerator and Trent River Boat Lake lakefront home Newmarket after 1nrnlshcil bedroom for able June anil after Inly bedroom all Mortgages Opportunities Mills units pi is apartment si drum him- Wanted mortgage money nil valuable Lake area rne 1st morlgaj io yint far duwil in liiu of tonal No children to Hut location flat refrig erator ami stove nil ser vices Included available July I Newmarket after p available July kcl quiet self contained included adults only monthly available 14 Wanted to Rent bedroom and far Newmarket acceptable i i i i teacher and family in or Newmarket farm Corporal by July house or apart ment possession July or August Phone Responsible working mother Era Newmarket and kitchenette rami approximately or Aurora district Must have good house and all conveniences good barns references Up to 250 per month with lease Hob child wishes apartment or house by July 1 reasonable rent Newmarket area Phono Toronto evenings home Keswick 15 Coming Events in Maple fit duo day tin Tlinrsiluy June I li floor at Wesley United Church Vandorf Supper SI lor tickets call Coming Events of country homes for Hu mane Society of York County branch are sorry to inform the public that we are not able to sell any more tickets due to the fact that alt the tickets are market Horticultural Iris and House Plant show m Euchre at North Union Community Centre prizes and refreshments spon sored by Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary Barbecue at Wesley United sored by Wesley IfCW Children 12 and under adults 150 Takeout orders available For grounds of Senior ns Fairy Lake Eagle St We in I grounds Additional an- Walter and Car- John and Mary proudly announce the arri val of Carolyn Anne May Kenneth and al of Patricia Anne the new arrival of their chosen son Richard Don ald Harvey Proud grand parents are Mr Mrs Baker Mr and Mrs Madden and first great grandchild of Mrs L Simpson Many thanks to the arrival of Robert HO at York in Howard and Bar May I9fil brother for i Ik I i II Id Park Claire and Holland finding wish to he arrival of I heir chosen win Eric lain Mi Tammy list bliililien for Mr Mrs Item e Newmarket lei y of Mich Alan mid iiula service was hid al tin dhmisi Main Newmarket oil Monday June I HUM liriucnl OUR TOWN Alice May At Hospital Sun day June 2 1968 Alice St ley St Newmarket dear sister of Albert and the late Herbert Resting at the Road house and Rose Funeral Home Main St Newmarket Ser vice will be held Wednes day at 2 pm Interment Newmarket Cemetery In lieu of flowers donations he made to the Can- York County Hospital Tuesday Charles Rye markel on Tuesday May loved husband of Keswick Mrs William of Ruby of Mount brother of Mrs James Barker Freeman and Mil- Bve Mrs Kydd Mrs James held on Thursday Inter ment Ceme- residence Newmarket on Sat urday June 1 1968 Percy beloved husband of Nellie Maisey and of Percy of Aurora Mrs John Prosseri father of Percy of J Joan Mrs of of Newmarket Fun al service was held at the and Rose Fun eral Home 157 Main St Interment Cole At York County Hospital Newmar ket Tuesday May 28 1968 formerly of Ave Toronto Ben Cole husband of the late Edith Stiles and dear of Mrs Lawrence Hen Newmarket El in Toronto and the late Cole in his ear Funeral service was at the Thompson Fun- ral Home Aurora Friday market Cemetery Sunday 2 1968 at Hospital An gus Kerr Gray of liueii Ave retired Eaton Co Past Master of St lair Lodge No 577 A and past patron of lloscmounl Chapter No 117 O member of Maple Leaf Shrine No S3 beloved husband of Gladys Allen dear father of Allen Gray of Newmarket of Mrs J Cnr Mary Mrs Baker Ness Mrs Devon Mrs Jones Doll Mrs Lex Mrs and Daniel Gray all of altheTu Chapel Resting id the Turner o clock Monday evening i mix nil service one oclock afternoon leiineiil Park Lawn Ccme- Itlaneho who passed away hill nephews- Wayne Han and Eddie Ik loved Mil In ineiuory jollier died Jams who passed my May 30 10T7 linn takes the 1 lot turns buck May takes awn of grief mi every leaf missed ami iov by dauglitir Joyce and son ill law George Hull In loving memory of my dear wife who passed away one year ago today tin knows how I miss her memory Io Hie spot where silo Is laid missel by husband In loving mem ory of dear daughter Woolven who That lives within our concerned Sadly missed by Jnmon mill Wool brother John William who left us suddenly as trie re sult of an accident June 1967 and of our beloved infant son and brother Tommy who left us April Hearts are dust hearts again jr lovingly by Mom Dad Jerry Jim Kathy lovingly remembered Mary Heather Wight In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Ruby Wight who passed Death take Memories that always linger II Cor ftVo are con fident I say and Willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord Lovingly remembered by John I family In loving mem ory of a dear mother who passed away June Today recalls sad mem- Of a dear mother gone Sadly missed by daughter Wendy George and Verna Smith would like to thank everyone who thought of them during the recent loss of a loved husband and son The expressions of sympathy with flowers cards tetters phone calls and personal calls both at home and the Kane Fun truly appreciated friends and good neigh bours for the flowers cards and expressions of sympathy during the loss of our dear mother Special thanks to Dr Knupp and nurses of York County Hos pital for heir kindness The Dyer Family wish to thank alt t family friends and neigh- hours for the lovely party gifts and cards we re- Viola and Earl Atkinson I wish to thank friends neighbours relatives for the gel well cards and gifts also the staff on 4th floor 1 South Also Dr Murdoch and Dr Levers for their kind at tention during my stay In hospital Thanks a million Wo wish to express our sincere thanks to friends iclativcs and neighbours for their cards flowers and donations received during our sad loss of husband and grandfather Special thanks to Mnrjorlc Phoebe and for pro viding and serving lunch Thank von from all of us family The family of the late Surah hurst would like to convey their sincere thanks to the many friends and relatives their kindness Ihv flowers We wish l hunk Evans for his comforting message A very special thanks also In the King funeral Hume for llielr kindness and wonderful attention re ceived by all during our recent bereavement Many to the pallbearers for their help and thy It eased our sorrow knowing was loved by so many Thank The Family Ann and 1 would like to express our dap gratitude to lackson Vail Dr our Dr and the staff of York who did so much to help my wife Special hunks are extended jo Ihe Cancer Society mem hers Mrs Mi Male Mrs Miller Mrs VnnCamp my very dear friends Don neigh hours on Sheldon ami Writ tor Ave who helped In so many ways to lighten my also other friends too numerous to mention who paid tribute lo my mv grateful hunks Lust of nil my darling wife my flrn- titude for hiding much of her pain to feel- for the lovely flowers gifts cards and visits I received while a patient in York County Hospital I Articles for Sale TOP SOIL Metcalfes Landscaping vices Phone New market tf7 of childrens adults hard wood workbench with vice 410 Eagle St Newmarket 21 Articles for Sale Four burner electric range 25 Phone New market Rubber Stamps 72hour ser vice Adders Typ writers Bookkeeping Unlimited 895- of encyclopedia Phone Newmarket after I wish to extend my sin cere thanks to friends and neighbours for their many gilts cards and flowers Special to the hospi tal staff of the 5th floor also Newmarket Canadian Phone Newmar wish to thank i Coal and wood stove looks 1 like a piece of furniture kitchen set bronze colour play pen Phone Newmarket thanks and of for their kindness and patience Nursing Home for lives friends and neigh bours for their prayers lovely cards flowers gifts and visit while in York County Hospital Many and staff especially those in Intensive Care Unit who were so kind and the department to the doctors big thank you for their excellent care and to Father Same Sincerely Cathy Carl a 21 Articles for Sale refrigerated for your tection Complete of syringes needles test tapes and tablets Prescription Pharmacy We deliver Phone liiii I piece chesterfield bed complete bar stools basket chair kit then cabinet occasion al chair floor lamp set of garden swing large selection of un pointed furniture Dyers Furniture Main St or wood i Household Horns for sale wringer washer new lied modern chrome set Hi Pi TV baby stroller odd tables chairs and dressers must sell leaving the pro vince Apply Timothy St Wednesday and Ihurs day or phone elastic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins and knee trouble Arch supports I bells Rest Drug Store Phone New- Stewart iicnres f iii- I wan to wall home or Phone Newmarket Ave condition tl pic latest styles 1011 Phone pair light beige drapes 150 til 100 l Phone New market Products for sale Ihoiia ii i i coffee able blond ml He 10 Phone Newmarket III with net and vinyl pro- lector Phone markel Mierlock a by firlUld p on walnut finish Phone Newmarket ConoJo 16 days BUS Mi GREY COACH Tour Department 8956901 laundry pump Phone floor length lined width drapes with bedspread 2 pair drapes broad latching short drapes ditlon Ideal for 1 Emperor tent trailer Phone Guns new remington model 700 business 22 tar- get rifle Winchester 32 special old model Hand Rose for your tage needs Beds dressers kitchen suites etc Open Friday until pm The Let yourself GO true ice No for Satifdiiy deliveries fofreeeStimates Coll 8956264 Centennial Ready Mix Ltd Diamond Steps Railings Septic Tanks Sidewalks A Patio Slabs ADVERTISE WEEKLY FOR BEST RESULTS f on ROCKIES and PACIFIC iJ dm Dm 379 CANADA Newmarket Travel 22 Articles Wanted inn and dance of the 1920s 30s and Phone Aurora condition Phono dolls Small or large of old furniture Lamps What you Bring I Dr or phono tiller Please give Menhirs Ilox The Wanted Cultivator 3poln hitch for Ford tractor Phono weekends typewriter in All private formerly Must- Newmarket after fl pm THE ountry style dancing shows booking Phono 11956425