Spring cleaning Get holiday cash by using Era classifieds a Margaret May at Toronto General Hospital a In Mnorian 91 fnr Std i Arti or Sl Hlp I I I line Crd of Thanks Bead who passed away Ma His charming ways and smiling face Are a pleasure to recall He had a kindly word for And died beloved by remembered by parents John and NEWMARKET PRECAST CONCRETE Diamond Steps Railings Septic Tanks Sidewalks Patio Slab 8959787 posts clothes poles ibson and Sons poles Delivered- Sons Phone know Tor- need and Phone Robert and of sad shadows remembrance outlasts Sadly missed by the family of a dear son and brother rth May Bur Toronto the Marriage ir li St we wish to Anglican Church New- heartfelt thanks and LrywEJy a box Phone are to Mrs renlon nnounced Trenton Wedding Mrs Muriel Clarke gagement of daughter Kane Myth to Mr Wayne Mrs A t Marys Immaculate Hill r Newmarket The friends and neighbours for and sympathy shown to us in father and grandfather appreciation is extended to Rev March Dr Slingerland Phone Newmarket I tributes kind- sympathy death of Ihefi thanks to Rev Hall- and the Taylor Funeral The family I would like friends and neighbours and the kindness shown during the 19 Deaths J era Home Rev Lute and Aubrey Duncan and dear father of En Belly Mrs Duncan and late family Main St on Wednesday at lieu of flow ions may be made Cancer form Mrs Nor of New and Donald on Saturday A tlv- Manis lm Mason wish to and thanks to friends and neighbours for their generous help sympathy flora offer ings and cards during the loss of a dear husband and father and family while in York County thanks 1n to Dr care Rev find members of the Church for heir many nd Special neighbours and relatives for kind thoughts yjfts and flowers sent to us during our recent bereavement thanks to Rev Rev Running and the ladies of the Tabernacle for kind help Mr Hurling and family Apartment si piano beau tiful like new cu ft freezer 3 years old Green chesterfield excel- barrel shotgun Phone lamp basket desk and stool bed complete rue bookcase bed large selection of un- ends complete with flash good condition market Bookkeeping Unlimited Theres A New Idea in Luggage Tempo bynvEBFONE And we have it NEWMARKET TRAVEL WW SERVICE i Progressive wholesale outlet will train bright young man starting as driver shipper Greenwood Newmarket Betty I Selling Everything Used I Wellington St at AURORA Round oak dining bed and me tings 520 double refrigerator chairs bed and mattress chrome sink and fit- 520 double sink laun dry tub and large sink 5 McClary portable electric cutlery all suitable for its from 10 drum banjo color garden tools golf clubs and rangette Wed 1130 am 22 Articles Wanted table and chairs Must be china clocks ok noli or large amounl Lamps etc ve you firing to Dr Newmarket for large riding ay week good sal- Phone 8875639 Willow- ietp for potato packing a to run tying packing i- i iil Light household In x Reasonable salary Ilmm for general farm and tor work over ye Also to assemble truck fleet days a week Phone good working other benefits top wages hone Mr Gagnon 8335411 Main St Newmarket or general office answer telephone dj MAIL THE CO 1 Richelieu 4005 Rich Montreal Gentlemen I ll parttime basis fulltime basis Please send me FREE the world famous ept responsibility Give all details in application to mem i Motor for If nluiijlxil t Picking up garbage out Hauling In my home in ville area Phone Schomberg Phone required for Nurses ROME FOR THE AGED 191 Eagle SL Friday May 10 21 Articles for Sale Cards of Thanks For dovmi the lane of liiti the Mara Mil remember Sadly by family dealer for I larding jLs elastic siery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee rouble Arch Beat Drug Store phone tree near handle knives and forks china jiiccei mink Phone iSU New hot Mouiil nitliiri Mill lie ft memory missed Green and family Treasued forever in our memory Sadly misled by a In loving mem- Thompson who passoi fear father Thomas Monk- man who passed away Somewhere back of the Where loneliness never They dwell In a land of Mid the blue and the gold of the skies Ever remembered by their New mar I i Ironer Dominion de luxe moil el automatic heal control like new suit- laundry or large family nal coal Sell for Phone Sutton ririginal rlghlifre good Queensville Hairy grand piano Manning condition Ml CONCRETE LIMITED CONCRETE Ton Dora Slap Curbing Stab Tlfe NEWMARKET 895 Collect Call Production welder for algi metal Able quickly and work i minimum of I lione Newniur- need apply a I drawing for nursing ho hilt work day week i 3rd weekend off not top grill Canada USA and Great Britain If you arc looking for a career In the solos and Held and if you over married and own a car we have the position you arc looking for Experience not essential Multi million dollar or ganization operating In Canada USA and Great Income to Impending on Telephone for personal appointment 2797121 31 Motor Cars for Industrial Richmond ord cylinder Motor good shape Phono Newmarket Hardtop Pull price Newmarket iw20 wagon full power I Newmarket niter 1968 Sports with 2 tops fully equipped Full price 2795 with down and payment of month- Industrial Rd Richmond Icon icdan Full price i this car Richmond Hill clwM Mount Albert Cars for Sale 1969 Volkswagen Valiant station I960 Nash Rambler all I Chevrolet Pick 1954 horse THE RUSH IS ON In SadlonScott Country TREMENDOUS SAVINGS On Both New Used CARS During Our V8 Wide Track PONTAC SAIE I Only V8 Sedan automatic transmission radio Grand hardtop Lie door hardtop Lit Wildcat Custom Door Hardtop Lie PONTAC Grand A dooi 7827311 2 doot Lie Victor Station Wagon METEOR Montcalm 2 Door hard top Lie 7997011 I Door CHEW CMC TON Up Lie 43069V FORD Sedan Lie CHEVROLET door Lie 77446H VALIANT V200 Lie PONTAC Laurentian Sedan 4 door sedan Lie 784- CHEV TON Pick Up Lie CHEV TON Pick Up Lie DROP INTO OUR City Stock At Country Prices and BUICKS Call Clalte Park Today Get a Dependable Car at Roman Motors 5 CORNERS KESWICK AMERICAN JAVELIN Demonstrator fon REBEL 770 FORD CUSTOM VALIANT 1 FALCON Standard model in perfect condition Lie I962 CHEVY II RAMBLER STATION WAGON ROMAN MOTORS Corners Keswick COUTURIER FORD Lie 9579N Was NOW VALIANT Lie Was NOW 64 FORD Lie X79927 Was 1495 NOW 64 CHRYSLER Lie Was NOW wogon Lie Wns NOW Was NOW LOW DOWN PAYMENT DODGE Auto Radio Lie 65 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 dr Fully equipped Lie I FORD FARUNE COUPE tli auto lljckct Seats Radio Lie dr Sod- Rod- Lie Ton Pickup Lie many to choos from 1M0 only miles mechanically best offer Phono Newmarket after pm automatic with on rebuilt motor new brakes Phone 4784613 door Rood condition mir Phono Waaled cash offered for Ihe best four hard top yellow with blacl vinyl roof power equipped new oversized tires condition Phone Air Era Classified Ads Accepted Until 10 am Tuesday