1 J Register Auctions September Auction sale of Complete Vicoo Dispersal of and fakh grade atems Classified ROP tested vaccinated 75 milk cows to freshen in Sep tember balance bred heifers and yearlings and calves Daughters of Citation Hi Ex Selling Ex Seiline Triune Achilles Ex and other popular sires Dairy Equipment Delaval Milking units etc the property of Farms Lot 32 Con Darlington 7 miles northeast of Folders upon re quest Robert on Pedi gree Lloyd Wilson Sale Manager c2w35 Wednesday Sept Auc tion sale of farm machinery etc the property of the late William French Jot Con East Sat Sept Auction sale of household furniture the property of Alex ski corner of con East and Davis Dr at stop light Newmarket Sale consists of pine corner cup board walnut dresser refhv ished cherrywood tilt table rocking chair dressers sev eral pieces of Pine furniture milk glass pictures several pieces of Carnival glass Grand fathers clock Large quantity of antiques No re serve Sale pm sharp Terms cash Alvin Farmer Gordon auctioneers phone Gormiey C3w35 Sales Register Auctions Sales Register Auctions AUCTION SALE SAT SEPT THE PROPERTY OF ALEX KRYZANOWSKI AT THE CORNER OF DAVIS 3RD CONCESSION OF EAST AT STOP LIGHTS Auction sale of household furnishings Pine comer cup board walnut dresser refin- tilt table chairs dressers sev eral pine pieces milk glass pictures several pieces carni val glass grandfather clock large quantity of antique LIST Pine corner cupboard Kitchen cupboard walnut Walnut sideboard seat and settee cherrywood tilt table Pine chairs and rockers number of beds library desk several dres sers and tables tables Bedroom oak mirrors standing hall mirrors Bedroom oak sic oak dining room suite Imitation fireplace and set Pictures quantity of frames tables matching chairs 2 hall seat rockers shamrock tables Number of chests school bell Round table oval table Complete hanging lamp Anlfiues Quantity of vases milk glass uantity of vases milk glass satin end of day coloured and clear Many water pictures pat terned and clear Numerous carnival glass Items 2 Complete tea sets I com plete cocoa set Various odd plates dishes bowls trays Cut glass items many com plete seta 2 Flowered toilet sets Mantel clock some marble Numerous coal oil lamps butter bowls and press running order COLLECTORS ITEM Complete cut gloss fruit bowl set Grandfather clock perfect Ellison type grama- phone perfect 2 Dozen cylinder type records perfect I Complete cruet set Knight In shining armour fireplace sot Number of guns antique muzzle loader Evening nurse collection of mustache cups Shaving mugs I covered compote dish I Tapestry fire screen picture Many many other articles not mentioned No reserve as giving up Terms cash pm sharp Farmer and Gordon Auctioneers Phono Kept Auction auto of farm machinery hoy and furniture the property of Brothers lot Con Mariposa west mile south of Wood- villo Foul tractor Ferguson tractor MF power mower ton roller bearing wagon with Mc cormick seed drill set of har rows nearly new full lino of machinery bales of Mostly last year good hay Furniture china cabinet writing desk chair dining room of other furnll sold no reserve terms cash tablo washing of furniture Farm at I pm Johnson Phono Sunder land Public auction sale the property estate of the Cecil Leo tot Keswick On Inventory of Vnuxhall riding mower disc cultivator trailer garden tool room sullo chairs coal and wood beds dressers chests wash machine dryer and nu merous other articles at I pm Terms Fred Smith auctioneer phono WWB Executor Mr Jack 73 St Newmarket phone c4w3S AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS About Yorkshire hogs Ayrshire Angus and No Hay rake Case x threshing machine on rubber Con struction motor bucket with hp motor on rubber Gar den Tractor and equipment Quantity of household furni ture Some Antiques Hal Baler No Thrower No THE PROPERTY OF STAN CLARKS0N AT LOT 22 CONCESSION 3 MARKKAS Mile South of Victoria Square Rd Miles East of Richmond Hill Elgin Mill road FRIDAY SEPT Stall Ayrshire Cow pure bred reg fat cow Stall Ayrshire Cow pure bred reg calf by side Stall 5 Ayrshire Cow pure bred calf by side Stall Angus Cow open calf by side Stall 2 Cow open calf by side SUU Cow open calf by side Stall Cow open full flow Stall 4 Cow open full flow Stall 7 Cow open full flow Stall Cow open full flow Stall Cow open calf by side Stall Cow open calf by side Stall Cow open calf by side Stall Heifer due time of sale Stall 8 Cow due time of sale Stall Heifer due In January Stall Yearling Heifers Stall A Yearling Heifers Stall Goats Kids special Hay quantity of baled hay Pen No Hog Pen No 2N Sow Bred August 24th Pen No I Sow and Pigs born July Pen No 3 Sow Due August Pen No Sow Bred August Pen No Sow Bred July Pen No 5 Sow and 10 Pigs born August 7th Pen No 3 Small Pigs Pen No Sow and Pigs born August 1st Pen No Sow Bred July 14th Pen No 9 Sow Bred June Pen No Sow Bred July Oh Pen No It Sow Bred June Pen No Sow and Pigs born July 1st Pen No 13 Sow and Pigs born July Pen No Sow and Pigs horn July Pen No Chunks Pen No Chunks International Tractor International 3 Furrow Plow International Spring Tooth Cultivator International Stiff Tooth Cul tivator International Double Disc Case Disc Case Roller 3 Drums Cose BuzzSaw complete Manure Spreader on rubber John Deere Tractor Manure on rubber Wagons and Racks International No IS Hay Bake international Binder ft on rubber Case Machine on rubber with ft endless rubber belt International No hammer mill with fine coarse screens with bagger Extension Ladder feet long Other Grain Auger and motor ft Auger motor Elevator with motor ft International No 2o Baler No Bale Tli rower 1 a Milking Machine 2 units 70 ft motor Piping Outlets for cows Feed Cart and Troughs No el Barrows Can General Refrigerator International Cream Separa tor Electric washer Milk Pail Milk Pall Back Forks Shovels Jacks Bones Chains Feed Boxes and Barrels I load Drag Tractor Chains Steel Door Track fasten ers Tachometer Coupling Mall Box A Stand A Baskets Electric Uppers Jackal Jack ton size Bond Safety Sign bracket Now Fencer Kleetrie Sprayer bar rel shells No 7 ft cut mower Water Hooter and Cable Poll Wire Wolklmt Plow ween foot boom Team of Sloop Sleighs Poultry Equipment Hen Nods Waters Baskets Boxes and Trays Plow and Potato Digger Transplanter hand type Niagara plant Duster hand type Fertilizer Spreader hand type Fertilizer Row Spreader hand type Plant Jr Hand Seeder Many Extras Kitchen Table extension and Chairs chrome Black White Chrome Chairs blue Kitchen Range oval coal wood High Chair natural finish Coffee Table natural finish Walnut End Table Walnut China Cabinet an tique Walnut Secretary Walnut Gramapnone Cabinet console type Wash Stand with Towel Rack antique Single Double Bed Walnut antique led and Springs Chest of Drawers 2 Night Tables Firestone Vacuum Cleaner good working condition Spartan Table Radio PullOut Couch and Mattress Kitchen Stool folding 2 Floor Lamps one old Fernery Lamps some coloured lan terns Coleman Lantern good Small Tent Large Quantity of Quart Jars clean Flower Pots Crocks One 5 gal with cover new One 1 gal with lid Quantity of Dishes some an tique some colored Glassware some antique Vases Irons 3 antique Terms cash Sale at pm Clerk Wood Smith Alvin S Farmer Gordon Orr Auctioneers Phone 8875311 Wed Sept At pm Auction sale of farm machin ery tools equipment some antique furniture The prop erty of the estate of the late William French at Lot 101 Concession 1 East Gwiliim Township on No 11 Highway mile north of New market No reserve Terms cash Frank Bennett auction eer C1W36 Thursday Sept Auction sale of farm stock imple ments grain and furniture the property of Robert St John lot on Brock miles west of Sun derland mites south Sale consists of head of cattle cows full flow fresh and due time of sale bred heifers year lings etc pigs chunks approximately 2500 bu grain M tractor hours like new John Deere model M tractor Oliver combine No pull tvpe MM No 10 baler MF mower point hitch new roller bearing wagon new equipped with high racks for drawing bales Full line of machinery Quantity of furni ture Including re frigerator bedroom suites butter mixing table cradle rocking chairs sellee wash- stands etc Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Sale at pm Reg Johnson auc tioneer phone Sunderland C2W35 Sept Clearing Farm Auction of dairy herd including fresh and bred heifers also tractors com bine good baler hay con ditioner hay chopper 2 bale elevators power spreader power mower groin drill bulk milk cooler Surge milkers vacuum pump good bales hay and straw auto steering wagons furniture etc he property of Harold and Son lo cated at lot con Mark- ham being miles NW of Markham Village a herd and live in In good condition Noto Tills Is a good dairy herd and lie Imple- Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Faulkner and Woods Clerks Atkinson and Wilson Sale Managers and Auctioneers Friday Sept Auction sale of farm stock and Imple ments the property of Stan Clarkson lot con 3 Mark- ham south of Victoria Square ltd miles east of Richmond consists of JUL i COM I fclunond Mills about 100 Yorkshire hogs Ayrshire An ami Hob 15 hay rake cattle Cose 37 machine on runner Construction motor hi with motor on fc J Aurora Midgets First Aurora Youth Club midgets ran into some hot potato pitching on to Sept firehall flipper John Young threw a onehitter and fanned 18 Aurora batters as recorded a SO win It was the first game in the OASA midget zone three finals Second game is at the Aurora town park Sept 7 at pm Coach Ted Reeve and manager Bob are hoping Aurora fans will be out in full force to give their hopefuls cheer support Aurora had she baserun ners Paul Smith put the hex on Youngs nobit dreams with a Texas League Into centre field in the second in ning Mike Smith drew two walks Bob Kennedy Wayne Preston and Dave drew the other stroller tick ets Preston and got back to back walks in the seventh the only time Aurora was able to get a runner to second Alike Lavender pitched well for Aurora giving up nine scattered hits Mactier got only one earned run the oth ers came on Aurora errors Bob and Jim Salt hit doubles in the eighth for the only earned Mactier run EG Braves Blow Big Lead To Force Third PeeWee Game EAST GWILLIMBURY East Braves East Woodlands B zone three Garden tractor and equip ment hay baler No 25 hay thrower No Quantity of household furniture Some Terms cash Sale I pm Wood Smith clerks Farmer and Gordon auctioneers phone Gormiey Sept Public auc tion the property of Mrs Kenny at 345 Davis Dr Several Cords Several Water Rous Fleeter WO Motor with motor on rub ber ton site Bolls of Snow Fence I Drive Belt 50 ft Cyclone Seeder Set or Chains and Tightener House Semes Barn Garden Garden Tractor Cultivator I Newmarket consisting of household refrlg- electric stove coal and stove washing machine piano dining room suite chesterfield 3 beds dressers rack coffee table step ladder mower Iron caldron kitchen lawn chairs rockers tools etc Sale 130 pm Terms cash Fred N Smilli auctioneer phono MM Farm Economics and Statistics Branch Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food states that In loss the aver age Canadian consumed of meat pounds of beef pounds of veal pounds of mutton and lamb pounds of pork pounds of offal anil pounds of canned meats Beef has been steadily enjoying a rise in popularity white con sumption of mutton and lamb was up last year too North School Art KESWICK PUBLIC SCHOOL ADULT CROSSING GUARD REQUIRED Male or Female For further information call Hugh Kernohan Principal School 4765481 Home 4764460 CIW36 The Joan Clark School of Dancing CLASSES TO BE HELD AT THE NORTH CENTRE commencing MONDAY For further information call TAP BALLET MODERN DANCING final series will go to a third game East Gwiliimbury won the series opener 32 East Woodlands won Sept 1 at Qaeensville Alan Smith Ray and the Braves kicked them- selves all the way home from Ihe second game of the series The Braves blew a six run lead Braves on the power house slugging of Bob a homer Brian Conners a Tom Coffey triple and double and Mike Killoren a double fashioned an early 71 lead East Woodlands scored sev en runs in the sixth to erase the Braves lead and shot home three In the last innings to tie the series Tom Coffey Braves starter got into deep trouble In the sixth and was charged with the loss Bob Calvert Tom Coffey and Mike drove in two runs each to lead Braves Ken Rondeau and Brian Connors plated the other Braves run NEWMARKET WED SAT EVENINGS MATINEE 9 pm SAT AT pm KffiK Douglas BRADFORD OFFICE SPACE REQUIRED Invited from owners or authorized Icdso approxi mately feel gross of office space to accommodate the Ontario Provincial Police Detach ment at Bradford Additional requirements preferred- services and part itioning including inside accommodation for cars and outside narking for ap proximately cars Written offers on una will or proposed form trio for future should ho forwarded not later lhan September 1067 to Mr Chief Properly Officer Department of Public Works Hay Street Toronto Teleph Code Ontario wne Please refer to Pile No Bradford Lowest or any other offer ihiI necessarily accepted Milliard Deputy Minister TV Ere Newmarket- Aurora Oil Wed September r Kings i ZEPHYR Zephyr Spud Kings bantam variety de frosted fast August 31 scor ing eight first Inning runs to wallop East Woodlands in an bantam B play off game at Zephyr Kings won the series open er 21 to wrap up the best of three set In two straight The Kings are Zone Three champ ions and now meet the down east winners starting at home September at pm The never bad a look in Bill pitch ing assortment was loo much for them in excellent form threw a four hitter and struck out 13 for a glittering performance lost his shutout rating hi the seventh as visitors John Williams pol ed a long shot into left centre field for a home run The pattern for the night was set early as first Zephyr batter Nell Arnold hit pitch er Dave third pitch for a home run Before the first Inning had ended Terry Evans Paul Case Ed Clark and Arnold hit singles and Ev ans smashed a windup three run triple The Kings used a walk Ev ans bunt single and three East Woodland errors for a final two run push In the fifth Dan tripled in the sixth but was left stranded for the other Zephyr hit Terry Evans catch in centrefleld was a fielding highlight In the series opener Zephyr scored two runs in the sixth to overhaul a one run deficit to win struck out Paul Case Nell Arnold pitcher Dave Dennison hit a Ed Clark and Terry Evans en- fourth inning home run to hits provided the count the lone East WoooV KESWICK DRIVING SCHOOL and Surrounding Arva 4764844 I MAKEUP mm in this GLASSES Seethe revolutionary Winkle makeup glasses at Optical 256 Main MEATY SPAII LEAN STEAKS BOILING FOWL BREADED SAUSAGE PATTIES lbs PRIME BONLE55 ROAST RIB 591 POT ROAST 491 A GALLON BUI ICE CREAM 9 LOOK WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR ONLY COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE lbs WIENERS lbs MARGARINE 3 FANCY COOKIES It LOAVES BREAD 4 Special BEEF FAST PROVEN SIDES 49 in FRONTS ii nt NO EXTRA CIIAROKIl Youll Save More When You Shop 235 MAIN NKWMARKKT CANADIAN STEELCASE PROFIT SHARING OPPORTUNITY FOR SHEET METAL FABRICATORS for shears punch pm Afternoon shift pm stinting plus generous profit share bonuses in cosh quarterly working and mi opportunity with ft Browing office furniture Apply to The Komi just north of Steele Ave Phone