ft Hie Era Wei J Don MeKnight for Camera men scored the run last Tuesday night which gave Argus a win over Efmvafe to give the home team a 2 edge in the Senior League semi finals Don is shown at batting practice before the game Shepherd Staff Timbers NoHitter Swamps Ballantrae MOUNT ALBERT Mouot Albert riding on the lat er left pitching arm of Bar ry Timbers breezed past Erics in the first round of the juvenile C playoffs Timbers unfolded a nohit ter and fanned as won the series opener 2 Tim bers pitched a second nohit ter and whiffed in six in nings in game two to win collected two hits off Murray Knights who took over from Timbers in the sec ond game Knights struck out eight in his three frame stint and lost the shutout on a couple of errors hitters were on the warpath in each game Steve Harrison hit a home run and double Timbers was an ace three hit punchman Wayne bit a round tripper Tom Fair a double in game two Gord Long- field Bob Green and Larry Dixon provided big pushes for Mets in the series Dixons grab of a hot liner off Don Tabers bat and Len glove of a sinking liner pre served Timbers nohitter in the second game Taber and Gene Lewis got the only hits credited to BUI Yates Eries in the series Peter Baker and Peter Yates took their lumps as the Mets came off the bench swinging for base hits Gilford Top Man On Bowling NEWMARKET First year member Bob Gilford is the singles champion at the Newmarket Lawn Bowling Club Gifford a son of the Land of Heather defeated Andrew St bowling king Lorne Keffcr In the final to win the Don Robinson Tro phy defeated Mrs Etta Keffer Lome Keffcr defeat ed club president Grant Real to qualify for the finals The singles competition was com pleted at the St bowl ing greens last week The Newmarket bowlers have now switched to the doubles club championship competition Three duos re main in the running for club laurels They are and Fred Godfrey Bill An drews and Keffer Jean England and Bob Aurora and Newmarket bowlers came home with the prizes from a recent district doubles tournament held at the Allandale Club Lambert and fellow Aurora ci tizen Roy won the Tony Matthews Trophy with wins 56 Grant Real of Newmarket teamed with Sid Roach to win the third prize with one win The next major tournament at the local greens is sche duled for October CASH ft HOUR Dry Service Colonial QUALITY CLEANERS Eagle Street Get A New water GET 10TS AND LOTS AND LOTS HOT WATER for ONLY 9 A DAY CALL Sam Plumbing Hatting Allan Stmt Mjrtlftw Your COHIUHMS CAS CO Authorlud I i Set Stage For Lobpitch Playoffs Lobpitch Playoff NEWMARKET Plans for the Newmarket Lea gue playoffs were finalized at a meeting of team re presentatives held August Delegates voted for each league National and Ameri can to declare a champion two survivors to meet in a best of three Lobpitch World Series In all but the finals suddendeath games will be the ticket with a toss for home game before the start of each game It was decided to have the bottom two teams in each division meet in a sudden- death game to declare a place finisher Christian Baptist will play Church of the Sept at Park at pm New market Soccer and York County Hospital clash Sept at the fairgrounds at pm Other scheduled playoff games are as follows Sept pm fairgrounds Trinity vs Christian Re formed Three Bat Over 300 NEWMARKET Ar gus Cameramen hitters ed into the charmed over circle during the regular sche dule in the Senior Fastball League Club batting averages were announced over the past week by Leagite Secretary Dorian Parker Dale who won the league batting crown was tops with a 328 mark had 20 hits in 61 trips Wallace who joined the club at the midseason point had five hits in appearances for a 312 average Terry Gorman who saw limited action dur ing the season batted 303 The baiting averages of other Argusmea were Lee DID YOU KNOW Since its Save a life program was introduced St John Ambulance has trained more than one million Can adians with free twohour classes In the techniques of mouthtomouth and other methods of artificial respira tion Gould 289 Jerry Case 230 Don MoKnight 240 John 229 Norm Roberts 221 Glen Mainprise 220 BUI 211 Larry Bill Collier 200 Ken Sturgeon 197 Don Gibson 179 and Ron Beckett 167 These averages do not include playoff games Sept 6 9 pm fairgrounds Specialty vs Bankers St Andrews will play the winner of the Christian Baptist Church of the game at 7 pm at Has- kett Park Sept East Gwillimbury Tigers play the winner of the Hospital New market Soccer game Sept on the fairgrounds south diamond at pm Semi finals in each league will be played at 730 and pm at the fairgrounds Sept All games will be seven innings Five innings will constitute a game if called for darkness END OF SEASON PARTY Plans were discussed and approved to hold a wiener roast party at the Watts Sept 23 to wind up the sea son Plans for baserunning ball throwing contests etc to be held one night when the finals are being played were approved Peter Watt was named chairman Bill Fibs and Don commit tee members for the party Attending the playoff meet ing were Nell Maan Bob Pick Don John Harry Boag Bill Ellis Peter Walt and Bill Hicks League director George was chairman Sept 7 pm Newmarket Fairgrounds Hospital vs Newmarket Soccer 8 pm Trinity vs Christian Re formed 9 pm Office Spe cialty vs Bankers Sept it pm Fairgrounds East Gwillimbury Tigers vs Hospital or Soccer Sept pm Park St Andrews vs Baptist or Church of the EAST GWILLIMBURY HEIGHTS MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Starts Sept II and will continue every Monday at pm at the ODEON BOWL NEW BOWLERS WELCOME PHONE PHONE 8955054 AURORA ROTARY CLUB Presents ROTARY BALL Friday September 22 Featuring in an Exclusive Appearance at the AURORA ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE BOB LIVINGSTON and his ALL STAR Big Band with leading musicians 9 from Radio and Recordings Along With THE NEW ORLEANS STOMPERS Bit Bond Sound and Dixieland at Their Bent Bar Buffet Dress Informal Dancing til Advance Table Reservations per couple Call Aurora 7275682 Nevir Hoar it So Good J N EWM ARKET READY Drive Newmarket When did Niagara come into the picture Its Our 2nd ANNIVERSARY Yes weve been in Newmarket two years Were celebrating our 2nd An niversary by holding OPKN HOUSE our modern offices which ore located on Drive just west of Second Street We extend in vitation to everyone in the to come and see our operation and to enjoy a refreshing of coffee doughnuts Well be OPEN FOR INSPEC TION this Saturday September from am until pm We have made arrangements for everyone to have FREE GUIDED TOUR so dont miss it well be happy to see you I FREE COFFEE FREE UGHNUTSN THIS SATURDAY SEPT 9 am to 3 pi The painting Tho foyor now And llvlnnroom But Bill Alice short of Enter QUI snw of tho about a Homo Redecorating Loon Tho was vory understanding And In no a loan and easy repayment terms arranged You can how oxcltod was whan Dill came homo with to When you need extra money for any good reason you can expect sumo courteous quick service al any of offices NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Member of the Qioup of Companies 92 Davis Drive NIAGARA LOANS V Our Modern Fleet of Trucks We started our operation just years with ready mix concrete delivery trucks We now have 8 of these capnble of trans porting cubic yards of ready mix concrete each trip Wo servo both the building Industry and the Individuals of the with quick delivery service of ready mix concrete Our Modern Plant and Offices Our modern plant will bo open for your inspection this Saturday Drop In and see the complete operation of ready mix plant We are now of over cubic yards of concroto finch day county of York from our Nowmnikot Dont miss this opportunity to come sec us ALL OF YORK COUNTY DAVIS DRIVE EAGLE STREET DRIVE 1 i i