ttkav fffc THE ERA WED AUGUST VOL No 1 Special Care Needed With the reopening of schools next week it is apropos to suggest this week might be a special time of instruction for children who will have to cross busy streets This responsibilty of course lies with the parents and should not be left to others with the assumption that school crossing guards and teachers should undertake the care of children once school starts Of particular concern are the groups attending morning and after noon sessions of kindergarten These children starting a completely new phase of life are apt to be a little excited the irat few days and forget to stop look and listen before crossing the street This situation along with the heavier general enrolment creates a pedestrian traffic flow which for a short time at least will appear abnormal to motorists Because of this drivers must be on guard for the unexpected Young children are often unpredictable so those at the wheel are faced with the responsibility of thinking ahead to make sure no tragedy occurs Let us hope that parents and motorists can look back on the new school week without the shadow of injury or death looming over them Balanced Assessment it is not a new story but one which bears repeating residential growth in Newmarket exceeds by a big step the growth industrially Industrial and commercial assessment are the safety valves which prevent the tax millstone around the homeowners neck from becoming too heavy Education costs are said to be the major reason for the annual increase in taxes and a look at some of the figures presented in the Urban Renewal Study compiled by experienced engineers and town planners tell quite a story the population of Newmarket was and 10 years later had reached In this total increased again to Residential building permits in were valued at for dwellings Four years later permits were issued for dwellings valued at 1 658600 This indicates clearly why more school accommodation and more teachers are needed each September The salvation of Newmarket at least from the homeowners view point is more sources of industrial and commercial assessment Town council must in their wisdom look carefully at any proposals of this nature weighing the advantages and disadvantages in terms of assessment and cost However because the mill rate has every indication of continuing its upward trend perhaps a little latitude regarding zoning restrictions might be a good thing providing does not get out of hand in certain areas would offer more scope to those desirous of undertaking commercial development There are many factors to lie considered including rising costs of roads sewers and other municipal services what development requires and how the costs are to be met Council does not set itself an easy task when trying to find the right answers is to be hoped however that when proposals for development are presented everything possible will be done to clear the way for more loadlifting assessment Newmarket has grown and will continue to do so in a big way within a very few years according to the Urban Renewal Study the projected growth have balance rather than give the residential taxpayer an increased load Readers Cottage Musselmans Lake August 21st Dear However wellintentioned the Whitchurch Conservation Club may be the very word conserva tion applied to Whitchurch is The era Since Incorporating THE POST CD THE It and Publisher J Advertising and Manager rill News Published every Wednesday 30 Charles Newmarket Ontario by be Newmarket Era Company Limited Subscriptions for two years or one year Single copies each Mem ber Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit of Circulation Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Ottawa for payment of postage In cash 1 Phone Newmarket barks HI phone Aurora l Voiitfe St Phone Keswick I Keswick at once and infuriating Whitchurch has been blessed with small Jukes which if con sidered in the light of their prox imity to Metropolitan Toronto were and could he priceless natural assets One due to abuse lack of and is notorious alum Our summer cottage at Musael- mans Lake is surrounded by other cottages occupied on a yearly hauls whose standard overcrowded Jiving conditions per mit and encourage with unbeliev able rapidity the transformation of a resort Into a slum Whitchurch reeve its council building inspector clerk and solicitor all have been com pletely ineffectual In dealing with the problem Letters to the authorities at Whitchurch by Hummer collages go unanswered Conservation in Whitchurch In HO years too late If he town ships Conservation Club wan to dedicate to the restoration and reclamation of the natural beauty of and the enforcement of zooming and land use bylaws at Mussulmans the club would merit support and re spect not derision Yours truly Mrs floss Musselmans Luke SPACE TRAVELLER This is one of the 18 chimpanzees which have been used over the past three years for survival tests conducted by the US Air Force Aerospace Medical Division The tests give an idea how long man could survive a nearvacuum without permanent brain damage if his spacecraft or suit were punctured All the chimps have recovered from the tests within four hours SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley The Expo Trail Well Expo is all they say it is Its fantastic and fabulous ex hausting and expensive Its got everything from Saturday night in Hayfork Centre to a round-the- world cruise in your private yacht Its true that the lineups are long at some of the pavilions but you can easily get around this Some people put on a walking cast and are ushered to the head of the line Others use a wheelchair Or you can buy a sailor suit Visit- sailors march straight to the head of the wink at the girl and walk in One chap I know spent wo hours in a lineup with no strain at all He was organized He set up his folding stool sat down put on dark glasses to make him think he was in a bar and opened the quartsize thermos of icecold martinis which he had prudently brought along All about him people were cursing fainting and wishing they were home in bed He killed the quart and never did make the pavilion but he made a lot of lifelong friends when he shared his potion and claims it was the best party he was ever at Another middleaged friend whose only normal exercise is walking out to the car went to Expo with his son fifteen The boy la a fiend for organization and had a series of plans and timecharts worked out They cov ered pavilions in two days Thoroughly Three weeks Inter the old man is still limping clutch ing his cheat in the region of his heart and you can make him jump two feet straight up merely by uttering the word pavilion One way of getting around smartly saving time and giving your- dogs rest is to hire a This is a vehicle propelled by a youth on a bicycle Holds two And its only cents a minute Come now dont be so cheap Normally it costs you forty cents just climb into a taxi the surly driver cowes you into Hoping him for nut helping you with your luggage One thing you can say about is thai nowhere in the world you get so much for so lit lie And so little for so much The first applies to all the wonderful free entertainment the sights and sounds The second applies to liquid refreshment Many people feel its a great pity that these magnificent build ings should simply be demolished when the fair ends Some think it would make a fine university Others believe it could become a great international centre for the exchange of ideas and cultures Something like the United Nations without the scabpicking and back- stabbing Montreal which had the imagina tion and guts to create the thing will probably salvage something Toronto would solve the problem with dispatch The whole thing would be knocked down smartly to make a super parking lot Whatever I hope they dont take it away until we get there Whats that You thought wed been Oh no Were just getting packed at the moment You dont have to go to Expo to write a column it I could write a book The country Is full of Expo experts who ire only too ready to fill you in on everything about it after spending two be wildered days there Weve been hearing about Expo from friends relatives neighbors and casual acquaintances until we have Czech blown glass coming out our ears Its rather amusing to have people who have never seen any thing bigger than county fair dismissing the pavilion as brittle or ponderous or prais ing pavilion as subtle or wonderfully Theyve picked up these expres sions from the critics and are going use them even if it makes you I brow up Everything weve heard about it has been contradictory from the availability of lavatories to the juice of meals However thats life thats people and thats prob ably Today we leave Were all My wife hasnt slept for two nights and has a blister on her heel Kim has a fallen arch I have a vicious coin on the ball of my fool Hot never mind that Its the spirit counts And ours are very low T Vietnam Election The nightmarish contradiction of holding a national election in a country torn asunder by years of nearly constant warfare has finally shown itself for what it Is in South Vietnam Elections there Sept 3 for presi dent and vicepresident follow by several months the writing of a new constitution But it has been impossible to run a political campaign of any real democratic intent and this has finally become clear in the last days before the voting Elections in backward or semi- developed countries are always given to much doubt anyway The lack of effective political organi zations makes it difficult to involve the average voter If illiteracy is an added burden as it is In South Vietnam the use of colorful em blems to identify ballots because voters cant read does little to build confidence in the ability of voters to make a judgment in the campaign But staging of an election in a country torn apart by war where the enemy the Communist Viet Cong holds effective control over more than half the villages and where half a million foreign troops Americans occupy the harbors and cities can only be described as an act of either sheer folly or doubtful courage The US government has under gone a subtle but significant change in attitude toward next weeks Vietnam elections When the cam paign began the elections were to prove the democracy can be made to work in Vietnam But now the campaign is in the homestretch amid all kinds of charges of mili tary interference American spokes men are cautioning that not really much can be expected from Viet nam but at least a step is being taken toward democracy The military claque which rules South Vietnam will of course be elected Premier the strongman of the present government is run ning for vice president under the present chief of state Lieut Gen Van who Is on the ticket as the Democratic partys presi dential candidate It is said that Ky took second spot in the interests of military unity tut It Is likely that lie will continue to wield major Influence after next weeks voting Of the various civilian candi dates some are outright dovish- while others would press the war against the Viet Cong The lead ing civilian candidate Is Trail Van Huong who has good relations with the military Hut as the New York Times quoted one Vietnamese general Theres a war to fight Wo are willing go along with the vot ing but things must come nut right The elections me a calculated risk that by going through the motions of a democratic choice the military regime will he legi timatized and the vote will be taken as fresh evidence of the Vietnamese determination to press the war against the Viet Cong The eligible voters an increase of In a month will have to turn in voting cards when they show up at the nulling booths in the rice paddies hamlets and cities where Viet Cong does not exercise complete control Assuming that the military re- is thus given a ounaidemo- stamp of approval the next risk will he that the military group running the country will bo able to remain sufficiently united to ensure the survival of the govern ment The several regimes which nave taken hold there since the fall of the Diem government all came to power by military coup While the elections will not assure political stability in the face of military power neither will they make the American cause in Vietnam very much easier Growing criticism at home has plunged President Johnsons popu- larity poll to an all time per cent low He has clearly exceeded the bounds of the Congressional resolution which in J authoriz ed him to take action to defend US forces following the Gulf of Tonkin incident The government pleads lack of money for the war on poverty because of the war on Communism Its society at home becomes sicker its domestic problems more critical while inter national support for the American presence in Vietnam continues to fall away all around the world Crier By Elizabeth Protesting and demonstrating is the order of the day and going on quite frequently and in such different ways 1 let ween the SteepIn at Nathan Phillips Square where Yorkville hippies threw themselves on the steps of City Hall love slogans on their backs and the scene of crowds of striking workers in Hamilton beleaguering their fel low employees and wrestling with police it Is hard to decide which was the more disgusting Since are not so new in fact with all their consequences and violence are part of our way of life the focus of all media is turned on the develop ment in advertising In grand scale a movement that needs nothing but time and seclusion to work itself Into a character or out i of existence When oddball colonies were started in other cities now often cited as examples the may have been quite Hi mi In founded by disenchanted youth condemned the respected citizen However generations later they have achieved acceptance of their distinction atmosphere which they are now known or famous and are integrated pari of their communities It Is not nor alarm Ing a growing city such Toronto should finally bring forth a congregation of disbelievers In their present society It the Pe culiar features of this place and time that this movement so dramatic and may prevent front taking the has In cities and from producing similar results One of them Is fact that our legislation allows youngsters age of HI move out on their own which In the case of supplies a great age of Immaturity In combination with our liquor and drug regula tions this Is resulting In a con stunt sequence of violations of letter of law Creation form and shape of The Village may given lime succeed out of the gutter hut never will out of jail Another is the fact that moral standards have not changed as rapidly standards of reporting and publicity A public mind till counting the days between a wo mans wedding and her childbirth Is not well confronted with Love Ins In headlines and on national telecast and expected not to vio lently turn against growth before it can bear fruit If Toronto wanted to build a it should not have exposed the fwinda- lions though ugly to evtry one for casting stones The hippies therefore art fight ing tremendous odds unlikely to succeed If all goes well an to a ending will eventually Join of decent strikers erasing from placards the words pence sad 1 i