f tat ERA LINOTYPE OPERATOR He Cant Speak Hear His Fingers Eloquent More than Ontario secondary school Teachers went back to classes in August for their annual workshop on professionalism at College School near Peterborough The workshop is sponsored by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation Among those attending were from left to right above Don Lloyd Woodbine Heights Junior High School Bob Paul Heights Junior High School Don Mills Mrs Rita Huron Heights Secondary School Newmarket and Eric Skinner Wilson Heights Secondary School Public Meeting Planned Concerning Glenville Bylaw KING TOWNSHIP Tbe secretary of Planning Board has been authorized by the Board to invite mem bers of Township Council and York County Planning Board consultant Dawson to attend a public meeting on Aug regarding zon ing of that portion of King Township surrounding Glen Pood The meeting will be held at York Pines United Church at Kettleby Approximately 90 property owners in area of Coo and 3 in a pocket of about acres have gained peti tion consent of per cent of the ratepayers to authorize King Township Planning Board to draft a restrictive zoning area bylaw for tbe Glenville area around Pond There are some large estate Local Family Visit Newfoundland Coast EG HEIGHTS Mr and Mrs Alan Smith Brenda and Robert of Newbury Drive and Miss Heather Scott of Maurice Court returned August from a three week motor trip to Newfoundland covering 5500 miles While on the west coast of Newfoundland they staved with Mr Smiths sister and her family Mr and Mrs Wal ter at Black Duck Sid ing and visited with another sister and family Mr and Mrs John at Upper Is land Cove Tbe remainder of the time was spent with Mr Smiths parents Mr and Mrs James Smith at New Peril- can on Trinity Bay While staving at New they visited many relatives Includ ing a sister Mrs Sam and a brother Mr Harry Smith and their families Mr Smith found trout fishing excellent and the en tire trip was aided by good weather Miss Ann Bowman of Gwil- Road was guest of honor at a bridal shower when friends and neighbors joined with hostess Mrs A Gilbert to honor the bride-to- be Mrs Gilbert had the liv ing room of her Lindsay Ave home decorated with pink and white streamers and the brides name spelled out in pink carnations Miss Bow- mand was married to Mr Don Aldridge at Trinity United Church on July 29 and they now reside in Toronto Mrs Kathleen Snoxhill Wal ter Avenue has as her guest Mrs Elsie Roper of Christ- church near Bournemouth England Since Mrs Ropers arrival they have spent a week vacationing at Sauble Beach and visited Niagara Falls with an Expo trip yet to come Mrs Roper was very impressed with this country and expressed a desire to re side in Canada properties in the portion of King Township and some tenacres parcels but these are controlled for use by township In last minute preparation for the public meeting to discuss the proposed draft bylaw Planning Board sug gested one or two minor changes and the fact that the square foot single dwell ing house size might be con troversial but the reasons and any variations would be explained Secretary of board D McCallum is having about copies of the bylaw ready for distribution at public meeting Manpower Centre Ohm Ful Service NEWMARKET Mr Manager of the Can ada Manpower Centre New market states that through the cooperation of this news paper and other news media more and more people em ployers and persons looking for jobs or information are becoming aware of the excel lent service Canada Han- power Centre is providing to this area He states that with tbe uni versity courses his counsel lors have attended and some are now attending a com plete employment counselling is available DID YOU KNOW In 1966 the St John Ambu lance Save a life program free classes in mouthtomouth and other methods of artificial respira tion graduated more than Canadians in the tech niques of life saving By ROBERT SHAW Era Staff Reporter NEWMARKET John Wright 26 is an un usual linotype operator for The Era John is unusual for the simple fact that be is handicapped Born a deaf mute he has lived in Aurora his whole life John attended the Ontario School for the Deaf in Belle- vale from the ages of six to While there he received linotype training under the supervision of a competent instructor Upon graduation from John went to the Free Press and work ed a linotype there for sev eral years John came to The Era in when the foreman telephoned his mo ther and asked if John would like to work at The Era- He was then interviewed and accepted John is one of three lino type operators at The Era His job is to set type for special print whkh is found on the front page or the editorial page A linotype machine is a large machine which forms the metal letters which the print is taken from A lino type operator types on a keyboard transferring type written copy to the machine which in turn produces an article in metal letters from which the paper is made Editor David Haskell ex plains that much of the job depends on sounds coming from the machine Mr Haskell says Its really remarkable to watch John work He seems to sense what is going on in the linotype machine even with out hearing it He must feel the rhythm of the machine because he can be working along and all of a sudden he jumps up grabs a screw driver and fixes something on the machine which ap parently is out of line Since John is unable to speak he communicates with people by writing when they dont know how to speak with their hands Sometime he can read lips John writes My hobbies include watching hockey on TV skating golf he shoots in the high and read ing books and magazines His favorite magazines are Life and Popular Science He continues I have play ed on three Ontario cham pionship volleyball teams which competed against sec ondary schools in Ontario I also have a small pom- dog which I enjoy thoroughly John Incidentally has a brother Keith Wright who also lives in Aurora who was recently signed to play hockey with the San Francisco Seals John says Naturally this created much interest in the game for me In most ways John is just like any other person For example he has a car and a drivers license and he commutes to work daily He is more talented than the average person in that he can speak with his hands John says he uses sign lan guage when he is with other deaf people because It is much easier to talk in this manner My two bro thers can also talk by using their hands John feels that people dont treat him too different ly because of his handicap And this the way he wants it to be He comments Everyone seems to understand that I have a handicap and they accept me the way I am I feel that I am treated with little difference relative to normal hearing people be cause I am in control of all my faculties except hear ing I play all the sports I wish I have a job and I have plenty of freedom I consider myself fortunate to be able to visit my friends in other throughout Ontario We always seem to have a good time whenever several handicapped people get together We talk freely among ourselves about our problems of getting along with others Johns primary ambition is to travel He writes My ambition is to take trips Into the USA and visit friends I have met at various social gatherings As far as con tinuing my formal educa tion I dont know of what else I could do except be come more proficient on the linotype He adds Informal edu cation of course can be im proved by reading travel ling and talking with other people My views on mar riage remain the same as always and that is when the right girl comes along will get married Fellow workers describe John as a conscientious hardworking young man John has indeed mastered his handicap and even sur passed many men more gift ed than he Deafmute John Wright of Aurora operates one of three linotypes at The Era Fellow workers say that John seems be in complete control of the complicated machine at alt times Photo by Shaw CHOICE BEEF For Your Freezer No Selling just Quality BRICES Home Freezer Service after pm m fsZ IS i I WHO COMING il I wish my Daddy mould Offtake Ma shoes off when ApfflPFB he comes in Kg He ihat Im a well therell be less noise when Bakers bring our rugs back in the morning 1MI just curl up on the one in the living room and have an extra sleep Bakers do such a good job that I can He down on any of our rugs without soiling my nice clean rompers Mom saya Bakers clean about rugs a year and they always check each one for stains and it if necessary before its thoroughly cleaned and resized Why not call Bakers next time YOUR rugs need to be cleaned or repaired Aikfor Long Distance PHONE TRUCK CALLS EVERY HON NED SAT ON MY AIRLINE ALL THE PASSENGERS Even when at play children remember that MILK is good for them and for everyone MILK from the farms of Glenville Dairy Milk Producers is natures best food It has vitamins proteins and gives lots of energy Theres no pretending about delicious flavor either TELEPHONE For courteous Home Delivery Every Weekday This advertisement published by GLENVILLE DAIRY MILK PRODUCERS AND FARMS DAIRY LTD COMING S00NII THE NEW JAVELIN TO Siys Doit Wife Ride To School An Economical MOTORCYCLE ML MODELS REDUCED FOR OUR BackToSchool Clearance Some Used Some Demonstrators Area Salesmen John Crone Pete Smith Joe Crossley Aurora Myron Taylor 199 EQUIPMENT KESWICK fc Eft JAW 71 a J r RON ELLIOTT AUTO SAL RAMBLER DEALER Yonge St Newmarket 8952315 Look for us in our NEW HOME SHARON and Davis Dr AUGUST 31