I I THE ERA WED AUGUST VOL Nucleus Of Trouble At a recent Town Council meeting Councillor Tom Surgeoner once again brought to light the problem of controlling loitering and the recurring misbehaviour of a minority section of young people on Main St Mr Surgeoner was right and it is time something tangible was done about it The language which is audible for blocks sometimes is from the cesspool and all of it does not stem from the male members of this society Some of the girls have been running a pretty close race when it comes to a low in language It is deplorable that decent citizens and even visitors to this com munity have to be faced with this type of hooliganism almost seven evenings a week in an area which is less than two blocks long It appears useless to remind these smart young people that should they be arrested by police the resultant sentence if they are convicted will be on record for the rest of their lives and could have an adverse effect on employment applications and many other spheres of their adult life Each summer the situation gets worse and the solution more difficult but as long as there is hairsplitting as to responsibility these hoodlums will take over and disregard the rights of citizens to walk this section without hindrance Councillor Surgeoner is speaking mainly from the merchants view point but town council police merchants and residents must think up an answer soon to rid Newmarket of this little ghetto of filth and mis behaviour which has been going on far too long For another point of view about loiterers see The Readers Era Main St Mall The fact that a town planning firm is considering making a recom mendation that Main St be closed to vehicular traffic is interesting but really not too surprising The Era hopes that the recommendation to close the street to traffic is made and that town planners take their recommendations a couple of steps farther More parking is needed on Main St obviously Therefore more land should be expropriated There is plenty of land available at the rear of some of the stores for parking Some of the older more dilapi dated buildings could be torn down for parking lots Main St is too narrow to accommodate both moving and parked cars obviously from the town planners report on accident patterns Closing Main St to traffic at Park Ave and Water St is the obvious answer to the car and pedestrian congestion With Main St blocked off to cars and plenty of parking at the rear of the the next step is a shopping mall A canopy of uniform height covering the sidewalk could be built along both sides of Main St This canopy could be painted in bright colors and festooned with hanging flower pots The canopy would not only protect shoppers from the weather but would provide an element of uniformity to the area The paved portion of Main St would then provide an attractive walking mall Benches could be placed at strategic locations Gardens could be planted and perhaps even a fountain built Everyone recognizes that the Main St area needs redevelop ment In what form this redevelopment takes is in the hands of New market Town Council But bold steps must be taken something more than just a paint job must be done The merchants of Main St and their customers throughout the town must persuade town council that immediate and bold action is needed Essential Recently Bob Taylor of Taylors Ambulance Service informed North GwilHmbury Township Council it must either provide a subsidy or his firm would be compelled to withdraw its ambulance service This reminds one of a similar case near Orillia earlier this year In that incident township council refused to subsidize the ambulance firm Consequently the business withdrew its service to the community As a result several residents went without urgently needed first aid and medical attention Finally that council admitting its mistake subsidized the firm Let us hope that North GwilHmbury Township Council profits by others mistakes and doesnt refuse to subsidize Mr Taylors essential business We hope the council reconsiders its earlier reluctance to subsidize Mr Taylors firm before he is forced to enact his withdrawal Readers I am a Main St loiterer Lying on a Main St bus bench the other night 1 was shocked to discover that a recent issue of The Era which was covering my eyes from the dazzling streetlight contained an article concerning councils efforts to eliminate such crea ture as Newmarket loiterers Its time your readers were ex posed to the other side of the story too Did council ever give us loiterers any credit for the good which we have done here I think not Permit mc to acquaint council and other doubting residents of the good points of such an animal as a Newmarket loiterer First of all we are a catchall for the Newmarket police force When irate citizens ask questions such as where were police when burglars used nitre to rob the store in Newmarkets welllighted plaza the cornered officers reply that they were busy with crowd control on Main St quelling residents fear of the dreaded loiterer what burglar would think of entering a Main St busi ness when he would have to walk through a bunch of insulting threatening hoods such as we As we scuffle our pointed fairy boots along the asphalt jungle of Main St nobody ever stops to thank us for keeping the side walk clean Were it not for our daily shuffling up and down Main St the cigarette butts and gum wrapers which our decent citizens toss aside might never lie swept into the gutter Finally the them selves have forgotten to thank us for insuring their jobs and fare Without such things as loiterers and pussycats to legislate against our fine politicians might soon find themselves out of work I suggest they dont push a loit ering bylaw too far If they ilo they may find an Ironic twist in their pay cheques come next ejec tion as we hoods come of age JUST GROWING UP THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND Toddy in this our Centennial Year Canadians can stand back and gaze with pride at the vast network of rivers streams and lakes which flow across our country Canada is one of the few countries in the world today which can still boast of breathtaking sights like the one pictured above SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley Me A Hippy Every so often I experience an overwhelming urge to throw every thing to the winds run away and become a middleaged hippy Those kids have the world by the tail With the rest of us its the world that has us by the tail and does the twisting Think of those lucky bums No taxes no insurance premiums no shaving every morning no hand ing over a buck and a half for a haircut The hippies have abdicated from a society that has no reality for them a society in which they see precious little love and honesty and a great deal of hate and hypocrisy They have said Include me out and in many ways I dont blame them So let them grow their hair and beards Let them have loveins and smoke grass and give each other flowers and refuse to work Theyre harmless compared to many people and things that are highly respect ed in our society Out after the first fine care less rapture of seeing myself among the hippies the cold wind of rea son blows and I know I couldnt make the scene Oh I could let the hair and beard sprout get some purple pants and hide behind a pair of shades I could look the part But Id never fit In I dont have the hippy atti tude or mentality or whatever it is And its all the fault of my parents They brainwashed me with a lot of Victorian cliches and puri tan maxims that made me the warped inhibited individual am today You know the sort of thing Cleanliness is next to Godliness A rolling stone gathers no moss A stitch in time saves nine Pure poppycock most of it For tunately our own children have not allowed themselves to become in doctrinated Try that rolling stone thing on Kim and she just hoots and points out how many million records the Rolling Stones made this year The only Stitch in Time she knows is a rocknroll group by that name and she thinks theyre great My parents injected a lot of other ideas into my innocent little skull They convicted me that you should do an honest days work for a days pay That gives you some idea of how old- fashioned I am They said you should face your responsibilities not run from them Thats another reason Id never make it as a hippy Id be com pletely out of tune They believed in helping people who needed it My mother must have fed 2000 hoboes during the depression My father lost his busi ness because he kept on giving credit to people who could never pay their bills They believed that you bore your troubles as best you could and did not inflict them on others They told us many times that if you couldnt say something nice about a person you shouldnt say any thing about him They detested the idea of charity and fought tooth and nail and successfully to keep from going on relief My mother sold home made bread and Avon products took in boarders and tourists My dad who couldnt sell aircondi tioners in the Congo took a series of humiliating jobs as a salesman on commission fighting it out with younger brasher men and selling almost nothing but his pride They believed in God and law and order and honesty They believed in neighborliness but also in minding your own busi ness They believed in the family in total abstinence in good man ners They believed in paying your bills and sweated agonies when there wasnt the money to do so Thats one thing that didnt rub off on me thank goodness I pay them eventually but I dont sweat in the interim And to tell the truth Im afraid a lot of the other things didnt take with I did have some resistance But a lot of it did Now how could anybody be a hippy with a rotten upbringing like that So dont worry If you come across a middleaged hippy with a flower over his ear next time youre in San Francisco or Van couver or Im sorry but it wont be me I was ruined by my parents No- THIS WEEK By Ray Gathering Of The Clan For the five or six men who almro reasonable chance of suc ceeding John next month the campaign leading up to the Progressive Conservative convention has been a gruelling but unexciting affair The candidates have traipsed the country seeking dele gate support from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island But there have been no stirring rallies or spontaneous draft movements it has been an almost dull proces sion for the leadership candidates Nearly delegated from Tory groups across the country will gather at Torontos Maple Leaf Gardens Sept 6 in what the Conservatives have optimis tically dubbed their Centennial convention It is actually the forced gather ing of a disunited party meeting together only because a rebellious group was able to force the annual executive meeting of the party last winter to agree to holding a Con servative convention The upcoming convention has been made all the more mysteri ous by the strange behavior of Mr Diefenbaker who since Par liament recessed for the summer has been bouncing about the coun try with energy unknown to the average 71yearold But regardless of Mr Diefen- strategy it now appears inevitable that a new leader will take over the Progressive Conser vative party on the night of Sat urday Sept Between now and convention time it can be expected that the various candidates will claim an overwhelming number of dele gates have committed themselves on their behalf But as one politi cal organizer put it therell prob ably be committed dele gates among the 2400 who will vote on the leadership In other words the delegates at this point are being liberal in the promises of support The Conservative party will if it behaves traditionally at its To ronto convention choose a provin cial premier as its new leader Just as traditionally its choice will be that of a man with limited national appeal if past performance is any indication The chief problem faced by Con servatives is to find a man who will not alienate the progressive Westerndominated band of fenbaker Tories but who will appeal to the Eastern business community from which most Tory support has traditionally sprung And it means choosing a man who can keep the Conservative partys present strength in rural Canada while at the same time appealing to the increasing numbers of voters in the big cities and the suburbs Despite Mr im pressive showing in the elec tion when he won seats and held the Liberal to a minority position the Conservatives failed to pick up a single seat in Van couver Toronto or Montreal No political party which hopes to govern Canada can do so with out support from its three largest cities Present Tory strength is concen trated on the Prairies and In the Maritime provinces especially Nova Scotia The Liberals are strongest in Quebec and urban Ontario the strongest in urban Ontario and BC The pattern is clear The Tories must hold their present redoubts and build new strength in Canadas big cities According to Ottawa sources the likelihood Is strong of an election in three years after the last vote and five years since the Conservatives were shunted out of power Whether Canadian will opt for a return to Conservative govern ment will largely on the lender chosen next month in To ronto Among provincial premiers will it be Nova Scotias Stan- field or Manitobas Duff Anion former cabinet ministers will it be Hamilton George Davie Fulton Starr or Donald Fleming Or will it be a like Sen Wallace or even Montreal mayor Jean Drapeau Crier By Elizabeth As another summer and school vacation time is almost over New markets Playground program had its finale last week with closing activities extending into the eve ning hours If you were pestered by the small fry at front and back doors and garages asking for empty bottles be it known this was their project to contribute in their own small way to their community The Retarded Children received this donation of which took a lot of knocking and collecting This program for the children in summertime provides an oppor tunity that can be appreciated fully only when reading the pleas in Metro papers for funds to send Toronto children to camps out of their asphalt jungle into an un known environment of lawn and trees Their downtown homes are far removed from they could reach safely the fact is noticeable even that the best equip ped and most efficient tureen of their sort are located in areas where residents prefer to their own spacious backyards The situation is not quite per verse of course in town Although it hurts to see preschoolers and preteens playing as best they can in dirty parking lots and alleys full of broken glass and garbage while a conducted program for them is going on in parks not far away one relaxes in the knowledge that facilities are within reach and probably the parents are unable or unwilling to direct the children there which is their own affair It is still reasonably safe for smaller youngsters to cross the intersections downtown to get the socalled residential area where streets are wide the yards are green and treed and where the towns parks are located With the population growth fore cast for years from now this downtown core will bear the main load of the more dwelling units needed stretching upwards and overshadowing the alleys where children surrounding by a traffic belt will play It is there that a park is need ed or will be needed then and therefore must be planted now when vacant buildings are avail able and not yet worth their weight in gold With foresight we need not be come a city with a dusty con crete heart pleading for funds to send the downtown children where they can fee the grass anil see the trees and sun THE ERA Serving York County Since Incorporating THE POST Or THE HERALD DAVID R HASKELL Editor and Publisher WILLIAM J Advertising and Business Manager OIL SHEPHERD News Editor Published every Wednesday at Charles St Newmarket Ontario by the Newmarket Era Express Company Limited Subscriptions for two years for one year Single copies each Mem ber Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept Ottawa for the payment of postage In cash Phone Newmarket Charles St Phone Aurora St Phone Keswick 1 I J