Its TE AUtX a ft Almost knows that mote Canadians shop at Dominion Because of tie But there an many that add up to make to Dominion A truly satisfying experience MturM such as allies pleasant atmosphere and modern surroundings go a long way towards more shopping enjoyment too to say nothing of courtesy guaranteed sausiactlon and low every day prices Discover lor yourself that there is more than one big at Dominion Canadas fioestl V a W JUST A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS THAT AWAIT YOU AT YOUR LOCAL DOMINION CLARITA STANDARD SLICED PEACHES SPECIAL or Tins COLOURS MODERNS BATHROOM SPECIAL TISSUE Roll Pkgs DOMINIONS OWN DOMINO POWDERED iLUE DETERGENT 2 lb box is mainly because of CHOICE DRUMSTICKS TURKEY GRADE A EVISCERATED CRYOVAC ROASTING OR FRYING CHICKENS SHOP DOMINION AND SAVE Vjluet effective at Newmarket Mil cloak Saturday 26th We reserve the riflttt to limit Dominion Store Follow The Canoe Brigade ANOTHER CENTENNIAL EVENT 1867