r vTrt Era Avm pat r Friday A JACKSON V af ft per year or oM jii BATES OF ADVERTISING far die da tor tlirra a ttioaa da di foe and adder fint gfieh Tea Cot insertion- lux lit per Km Cri tea line per iutrKlnu till MOO 15 COM COM IOCS SCO 1 7V ft 0 I AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ME TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE ACCOaDINO TO ABOVE ALL VOL XVI NO NEWMARKET FRIDAY JUNE 28 TERMS J IN ADVANCE If tT STYLE PAMPHLET BUSINESS CARDS CHEQUEBOOKS NOTES BILL HEADINGS PROGRAMME STAGE BILLS Wff BLANKS t I MT Dm M iclc ij9ilX lf51 A BABPUTCR o fctt 5cavttiOcl9 da- International ASSUMNGF SOCIETY Of LONDON it Sit ITU Trim I Stoke COUUlSSlOXEIifor iikii is a Ac W EiWt PHT3rCMSjfcoa Aecoehcr Joy BARBERHtirdrwrAcValBSUrw- rroDDilaBiUctiatha WEST at ilario CbioceryCoJ DUNL4r mm IjM George an4 AU at la Dr AccaacLcaf Office J tsrla r- Mali Street T I I ADAMS Kin Altai A Lit ijfuol a ail in ic Hie be fii-r- Vjriil I6C0 C P REID c CO AND WINKS BenJ Sum Associate Coroner UNITED COUNTIES OF YORK Bible applleatloji to I Smith alike Dapatllory Br place of Alfcfi if7 VETERINARY SURGEON RESPECTFULLY rkiait Ac oclock A a v WUre will Aappy to wail ho fati Id of of aii If Carriage Fa TBibaplaeatobay a If ikrable Carriage The A aoticiitaiia carracai flccaaiti April a a lilt GRAHAM Conveyancer MO TO bacir will da David L Rogers or cr Victoria Medical College tc Spencer Spencer AND in IV a 1 yi4iWiriH9itMi I OAT Um Severn BARRIiTERHAUaraaalUirSolkltra in Corner and Wei Aurora Barristers ft AUonejg it Law IK air Court lf3 JUATPRIMTEDIaantaUodcnaeuwfofm for of ii be BRITISH HOTEL awMoliilia for duUIar aid a lf33 Mutual Assurance of fa AdlrufJCirjPO If it UK Blank Account 4lia1aad Ac OfiltflLt wide of lb raatariiiaod in a arorkmBalike MIDf CHEAP FOB CASH I AJMcCRAOKKN ifll Bk AMEBICAN HOTEL MAIS BBKL8FORD Pbopbiktor b4 many room Tbt 4a mm to tod from i Iht fcuaovopto4alanfloIcLlK ijrrIir4rfttifrtH Mr M1ioltL Hi- The sod Commodious And fllUrl far A- will fiMJ The Bar Wen Supplied Hit labia far J Ohio to f Station Die I If dfaaak House MAIN ST HE flaUtfiUr lb I lid Slrrit inn Ub at ACCOMODATION OF And iniMliai Mmfnrlof JOHN DAVISON 1MB obi lt3 Oar lb God OUT lAftat Mir la looi la Ucaa Our ru for rca Ad all ills Horns ear be ltd WIkI to rat Lit 14 fcr Lost llcLii role For A Funeral Sermon llij Newmarket ifct heir infill aWftpitd TwM llf Amtiktn Infant Hit llilllltif J up but Superior leather of Cash for Hides Kit At vaaiiE main AHKANGKVatKTTuia I km ay Money to Loan A A IS if I WM ANDREWS Honey to Lend AT I 1 l rate a a lr i milt im Iiptmti W TUB Emily Dunham IT 48 Trip Bell ft la tt Barl If WILLIAM Major or Aa llIiinpvai I flubiMand Cat lira Jliaibaoaai A Al Hotel METAL aad fof aUlnli Han Up ia til da ToriNlAtiW Rarer II aw I MO WaAaMi A WWVII AT a- Mad rcami no la thai a ago In ilia pariah at a villaga our Din In It ioua if for ilim for may judgt of iha In la of puTpIl lhanJ A Dkii I or Ha HA ia F13U Ar Ha it ara not to ao- the funeral of Mr Proctor hte name aa Mr Proctor of the family aoilnra Mr be lima Mail In Norfolk end high Hundred and wife Mm lata wife of Mr cam from hall beyond a mood tod aha a good wife and rnonay aha brought a lot bar now beloved I make clear by argument bo a good men and in apictal ha a loving man neigh- tore a charitable men to poor A nun In and a good lu Me A aiia r cm nil a of money bo forgAvo him upon hie daalh four acoA now beloved not a man end a him and good woman and aha from Hall bay Norwich la firu to plows ibla to ha a I mm of which waa long and ha far Mr Cola imniiter of to pray for Mm A ended nap bo prayed fur only no beloved he pray for all arid for Mr children la him and Mr bo Amen Amen Amen riot Ihle a good men and a run a think you and Me wlfo a good women bnd aha from Ilaledon Hall Nor- pilch- Than ha far Mr to for him J whan ha name and prayed for him for all Manila and for for end for all Mr It to Mm any and Mr pre ere ha likewiaa aald Amen Amant nul I hie a good man and a men of think you and hie wifa a good woman end cima from beyond Than he for ma end I came for i Mi good men Mr Irooior for all hie and hi Mr wuiiKIji for Mm wnehlpnrid for Mr children It ahould to eend him any and to my he devoutly not a good man and a men or you and a good wo man and Halation Hill beyond Norwich Thirdly and I came to a clear argument to thli man to La a good man and a man and that la a vary poor bag carboy the beck of a dun flow It not a elect cow nor a cow nor a brown oow no beloved It a dan now wall ihte poor boy a bagging thla good iMor did not do aoma would hive give Mm arena and oan4 away or chide and make Mm Mnd him Into own country no took him Into own and in Norwich Ma lima nut ha look him noma again and married to a wifaa Rohan- or aeaiii ilnre aba aha a good and bar tka good rata bar ha bad ikla good Mr a Aetata bar to a vary Mr preaaol alia who Mat a OH Mi aaata Mi iKia a good map a a LAND Co TORONTO WM J low end el baa Urn Apal Car williale A 1667 if AlaKX ItaliaA MA IS KRKra on hand a choice of rami If lee Ac he law a noma u A lUVrAU April led good and from don beyond Norwich Beloved you may lime aincc I preached at funeral of Mr a Proctor all of which lima I troubled you with many of bar vic tors but your may fall and I now remind you of Or two of item The firet aa aha a good knitter any of Norfolk whan family ware In bad and aba would gat a clap aalf down by and all and knit but aha waa no prodi gal woman but a woman for to candla aba up coale with her and by that light aba would ait and knit good work aa many other woman by daylight I a pair of on my lege knit Id aama man- and that aver I wora In my lifa Secondly aha maker of In drink that I In my for whan I uaed to go a oaornlog aha would ma to a total which I waa will ing to do became had an way of loaning it no alack or burning ii aha had auch a way of grating and It bear each a piece of tat I thai they were beat loeaie avar in my Ufa Well beloved abort and many of you fe great way liana end to a conclusion think I have protAd ibk man a good mas and hie a good woman your fail you repeat parte lota lo neighbor Ilia charity to poor 3 Ilia favourable net In Ma ihhee Ilia Ma Ilia in hie prayara in aaylng Amen Amen lo of Mr Cote Mr Hut mora for that act of charity In poor bagger boy lo binding an to a and iwarrving blm to a hit and bringing up to a womana aetata and her to lha hunourafate Mr and giving him a portion bar end giving remeloder of to other not a good roan and a men of God think you and Ma a good wornant and from Halation Hall Norwich Wall beloved work aaria couregoualy and manfully In fighting under banner of good In galling money lie ia now gone to and ao we here him Colonial By Cable Gold keep aiblic of what gold and every hI bare noticed ihelr for tna raoaib tba moat Gold in email aunlltiaa baa been brand in a and wall fiad ere the of the properly where baa going that hare to work at a Urge additional led iko roughly tailing In taller part of waek informed thai a vary Ana found at Bellarat mine la within a abort of tba Cariboo ml The a I ruck Abed of at tha depth of feet from which w fine of tha At iba Cariboo mine work moat aocouragiDg todicatkiai Soma of rock end to which told found taken la a abort lima and and it found rich that tba to work with raaawad energy to moke mora ara informed on good that daring patt peat lha Geological Department hie In aaaaylag tba different and aaoaraw tba gold and that their report will te la iba Tea report will thai on tba of lha rat as- will way and la raport will confirm ibaoplniooa repeatedly eipraaa ad by and ihe IKatrkt will oat to ha or tba gold la lha worldififmWtf Tae Taaoa Mr Stahba Informed a fa ago thai of White Pine got oil tba Ulioa hundred and forty Am fool and tba St mil aUtamaal appeared have fcaal lb trade and that thla will falJy if oyer twaaty of feet wbfob If interceded by the at win coma to aairkat lad thai avaraga alook for yaata of tea head oa let day of the aaaaaJ of ib of taa Beak at Maalratl tt aa pram lAat Ike omnia far Lew cbaryav at the rale ear per faaA aad there tea ha curbed of The of the Baah aaat lit Notice la given of applieailoa tor by ffaAaaAtlaaaaWiUAriUr a so a tS ftmlaanri Newark 1 A Hegel York John J MeatreaJ to be ceCaaaata Chaeaiaai Worha for iba puraoaa at die at Polra eat and In rape Juiing mala by a fanatic Iba That km their hat anaa gtvaa to a of at dar have attatly It ami of aha Marla a fc v t two average aW ml tot for teat per SopMfUoca returoe aid I at a hipped by oka all that of ike thai a brought la ear marker BaggiM THR la for the liberal that Itecw labia for AeAe la the febaia be In tad la prap la Ike WIT a WITHOUT TAILOR agalMBtf aAta aay mm lalbaflaaUaa Jane Hi of the Sublime Pone lo the United dapetta en bat voyage to Ufa Jane hit prlaoaere have bean Impiieaqment el hard labour for life evening of Common the tfavainmcal Baked give any In to have been by Omar of Lord of Stale for for iaplir1 that hie if called officii beau and knew mailer appalled In public pilule Juno evening da baa held with Mlu lha Si and Spain mealing celled lei South ft an iho Hlo allied anil far goay waa ihe Jane bee been lieia Deipalchee that JQ0 aimed nun had Into ally aup wiihibe of fJioblelMing a failed forty of in Jane The in military furoee of iba em Eire The of ike whiib a Urge amount 4 lie la fr Adeloaa from Manabmiar no Im In tone or have an Impiatlog which aril afternoon id Hi par for wunaia wheel Parley advanced oaa penny naw W for tmarl- cm lead for and Hat advanced la making Ja far day ad otoaed at Canada ail Vlalailt men who were ike left aad picked up In make abort brauahi ike proved tbay fined and all A In Meotraai who women mat piilaal baa bean fined aa year will be leaa the average of tea The a port lata yean Wi at hat large a away a lot i iba kcla at the other aide and the hare keen hot on polltloel fur lima bare by the of at London It a re preach govataaatal that it kaa dealt with the laUrret of Ice la lata real of taa are mere aatlmale i under the of aa ore tin of trade eremite far abet via could from oar meat There will Cava far all Ike iMi la far faaititlat af rude and bat alee areola the of The of wda to a will to railed or aerpeaat lad te will to iliac nolle of tka voice tad Nova If taa time to value la paper ha in to drive the titter collage oat of via tad will kail aeeeaiv aid a aan aid of MoaliMl to M en dependent a held a on Monday iad Mr the and la a lew eld grail get a W difet of poll Ilia I par i Ha i try era on Mr Ron 6llag edit Mtrily it alleged to leaf Mr Wok id with Waller da Varliii III vary highly if Mr Work wen ha a of a Mr Mr Workman by aearli ill large to all Although Mr Wori- I MwNHaaa to r le Cava Hi raw taw weal Cat aha MiiraiiTiliaalwariQl follow than tkl for Afrka la of The we ftetav revived the hope report of tka death or the an tra AalvteawatJajaAaU for belief wu tii Sir Pratt of Royal Ike part The to karat it fery village Dong wen am waeAl mark tka away fracee nam Mr Sargeat gaecee of woo leal the wae arc M fiom kirn aid ha aat carate aawa hat ikwegk reataew ftom kia im The of Hew la kU Maori that aoalata ha Ira to three mate that aoe- Unit la a very ImaeeUat mooaaaiat the right dUtetioa it U1 ha for the reaommaada lion Uracil and milt If It will adopt A aether great to ally be on wewaaapare at In in on tell Pacific of ikaeiMr to be fotthat a willed by a heavier ever from Baa lavet- proa Co grata la gnat wile the fl 8aa Joaoala faia la lie It a of land pat Into wwwat there laat year ia a aval it ad for loir have oar nrMit many of patta of from to art tb6vwaad Bat ad to that math la being aatra at lentloa ah bring paid to a rarlety of other Royal Tka Parle of beak of Mr for citivraa Int of lot la of Mr Maiaoai team great of tSe with oak piper tad the farn oak aad of ball ftom with troof Iron donee ivery liiillaead beak all da a lam tad arc able aid that tlthtat ialetrarlaej with In tba low a at ail faiUUUi now by both art far fraat oil of to of Pub fa ailureleealra Within faaj to more than a dogt- Peat per teat that of It beta m oat of a Federal dtrlag war It oat la of A wmaaafa a of a oat be MamkeikrewkWamatkarwHilhiQd ha in The Secretary of the hit hie opinion that pon parted lata nice can be ad mined par cant If for or The Ytry dell Not two of tba koala to art to low that i raoalag eataAat are la of hat both to loading and acbtw that tat few thai ftpartt hat la tta ore ad miniali in tba laCilal that report which id degree eaileraetory Aa drank to death etelea a dan Slailiag A party a lata St hartal of Mttkwaaat a good died a art ill A No lb Ocean directly path A baa keen la Saa to cavaw it a teat a toUata the Lake ftrSwraA a amid VtJBFi hum of rcjoWag by Propheta Heap gay werw tad muy the loag litre MTAnii a la reading by hi Ha other whan tht gave him ha Ml too a Jeep fall wamr lib heed by the hair Ik Oat thai the boat of cleat malt kite of none of Satrawt 5 Caeca aaaa far drat a dteharajt lie at- tell if JiiVfeea hat iba to the Hi bat la t vara tilled up tofatotiaa af ttall kirn miw gaed There pet act tad Mam that meat tail re to in drew mmtt U fie waH walk lea I ibi hat M a bat tatted I I am A lady lech toehartli tee drat lime Cake kie fret lotiamer I wont ha roang A Yaakat writing froea to ja get on glib atw ttaih ad mm Never be ride or my a taeiae door Urn tour rAoUa to of petrcr air aat to pt your dernoaatrctioa that iho of a Yankee yoa that a In room ltd not a tvtr again Dye bet wan and the Yanhaa teak a tad it hard up knurl between end Kit I calculate noma yoa ever kernel and li gwan fork out -r- Maawm a very to a old landlady if I tad prater la milk ikard a lit I deal kaoer what but If you eaaaa to lav that thtta let that glviyou that aint to far mid ma eat la I well tad wralead It young maa fainted Law lb I eland ill to r a i J J M a A St Sit iff an mm t- viv a r i r i