m re si -vi- Ray WED JUNE 21 VOU No Worthwhile i What price county government For anyone who has to sit through endure would be a better word sessions of York County Council the price is far too high in terms of time boredom and sheer frustration In terms of actual dollars and cents the county will cost the tax payers in direct levy the balance of the more than 8 million budget being provided by grants fees etc- which of course the taxpayers pay in one way or another Admittedly 1223000 of this amount is for roads and other goodly sums are for equally necessary works such as that of the courts the Childrens Aid Society York Manor Home for the Aged However a glance at the proliferation of committees through which county council operates and a reading of the reports they present at council sessions is sufficient to bring home the point with great clarity that many of them are redundant overlap each other and are just plain extravagant of both time and money The fact that committee members really have no sound knowledge of what they are reporting on and are just turning in material prepared by staff people was vividly demonstrated when Vaughan Township Reeve Brian Bailey new on the council this year enquired how the fire radio equipment installed last year worked- No one in the council cham bers was able to say and recourse was made toa staff member present No one was more surprised than Reeve Bailey to find that the central station in the countywide fire radio system was at Maple Were not satisfied with our fire radio system he advised in some wonderment We relay the calls through the police Does this inspire confidence The citizens of York County are being asked to contribute to pay members for attendance at these committee meetings and council sessions this year As well each of the 28 council members may receive 500 for convention expenses In our opinion the only committee which earned its money was the legislation and bylaws committee Chaired by Reeve Donald its report was one page long and it made two eminently sensible recommenda tions that the administration of justice and police committees be com bined Into one and that committee reports lie mailed to council members at least one week in advance of the commencement of the session This latter would at least give responsible council members a chance to ask intelligent questions about the reports which is not really possible when they read them for the first time when they are presented If York County Council wishes to play any worthwhile part in the future of this area or to continue in existence at all St will have to put on a better show than this Frankly we think its lost its audience and they should ask for their money back Richmond Hill Liberal 3 Church St Keswick June Dear Editor Just a word in appreciation of Ray article re Israel en titled The Gallant Struggle of your June issue With reference to current news of the MidEast people familiar with the Bible know how this ArabIsrael animosity is nothing new hut approximately years old dating hack to the time of Abraham Both the Arabs and the Jews are descended from Abraham but through different lineage through and Isaac re spectively God plainly Indicating that Ills Seed Christ would come through the line of Isaac not An almost similar situation cured in the next generation and here God made it clear the chosen lino would lie through Jacob arid not Esau Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated Jacobs name being changed to Israel his descendants were then known as the children of Israel and It Is worthy of note that the spoke of Himself as The God of Abra ham Isaac and Jacob not of and Esau from whom descended the Arabs The Scriptures reveal that the land of Palestine Is spoken of as Gods laud and that Ills eyes are always upon it they also show that He states of Israel you only have I known of all families of the earth of whom It Is writ ten he that touchcth Israel touch- the apple of eye Hence salvation Is as Jesus said of The following poem written by Betty Ward of Ave East Heights is dedicated to Margaret Magy who became Mrs Jim on Saturday It is entitled The Bride Morning lias dawned and Mils Is the day Youve been awaiting you so Memories to crowd into your mind Remembering things that are now left behind noise your head high you ore proud like a queen Every detail is perfect blissful serene Your purity flowing and white A beautiful bride and everythings right Just take a few moments to think whats To give ami to lake theres nothing to dread He patient and loving understanding and true And life will bestow yon with bless ings anew The moment Is now as you float down aisle Everyones watching it seems like a mile As you reach the you know its all true When the smile of your loved one rests upon you The moment Is husband Its sacred When you hear the words I take you bo mine And you respond clearly with love for your Jim With beauty and loveliness only for him And as you begin your Journey through life Theres a wish would like to convey May you both always slay just happy As you are on this glorious day Jews and Gods future blessing all mankind upon this earth will to effected through Christ J Students of Bible Prophecy long Interpreted chapter and chapter to show that the Russian Power will attack Israel Further the predicts the destruction of the Russian Confederacy of na tions and the deliverance of the nation of Israel by Jesus Well may echo the inspired words of the Pray for tho Peace of Dear Editor Hoard of Directors of York Curling Club Ltd on behalf of the Club would like to express to you thanks and appreciation for your cooperation In giving tho club pub Its activities In the past season We would also like to thank you for your personal Interest in our social mid curling activities hope this friendly relay throughout the new sea Yours truly Field mi yours very truly lloiter Secretary York Curling i r mm SUMMER TIME IS FUN TIME When the sun shines and temperatures soar into nineties it becomes a childrens world Our kids enjoy nothing more than going away for the day to a conservation area or park equipped with nothing more than a simple toy and a bathing suit To them summer time certainty is fun time v It out suburbia Here comes of timeThis the that l dozens of American cities have I If the spread of organized crime learned Must the same thing hap- throughout Canada was being ad- pen here vertised like other products this kind of warning would have to be postctl in many communities across the country But unseen and organized crime is extending its hold on Canadian society The chief force behind the grow th of crime in North America re mains the legendary Mafia or Nostra Our Thing whose agents have moved out from the traditional rackets into many phases of respectable business Canadian police chiefs who y Wter SUGAR SPICE By Bill Smiley It Gets A Fella Down If you are about to enter an institution it helps considerably to know the written and unwrit ten what the grub is like and what you can get away with As a 20year inmate of that great institution known as Mar riage may I he of help to those thousands who are going to leap before they look in this merry month of June In this particular institution un like most the written rules arc almost nonexistent Even the vows are delivered verbally This of course is one of the great flaws in marriage In my opinion no wedding should take place until both par ties in the presence of witnesses have signed a written contract During the drawlngup of the con tract every man should be repre sented by a lawyer who has been married for years every wo man by her mother What a deal of heartburning and soulsearching recrimination and retaliation such a document could prevent 1 What would he in the contract Anything you like who handles the money who does the dishes who gels up with the baby who out how many nights a week tow high the bedroom window Is to be up number of children The possibilities are illimitable There should also be clause stating that the whole contract will be reviewed and redrawn every two years This would provide a regular and endless source of in come for lawyers But lets get on No matter how airtight the contract It is un written rules of the institution that will make you come up gasping for air For the men Some things you should accept without question First youll never win an argu ment so dont argue Just quietly admit you wrong and then go ahead and tin what you know was right all the Second shes going to make you a better man Even though she thinks youre perfect on Dday shell soon find room for Improve ment only defence against this is passive resistance My wife has been trying to re mold me for two decades and Im proud to say not a better man than on my wedding day In fact worse as far as shes concerned Hopeless is the way she puts it and nowadays she tries to improve me only about once month For the ladies You too will find the unwritten rules work best even though you have to make them up as you go I could write a book of unwritten marriage rules but will limit myself today to only a couple For example the only youre going to make the bum work hard and get a head in the world is to keep him constantly and deeply in debt This is a cinch In these days of easy credit Second keep him on the de fensive About everything Com pare him aloud with your brothers your father your male neighbors Hell all tho time and you can make him jump to it like a trained chimpanzee For both sexes a few general tips- Marriage despite the womens magazines is not beautiful fus ing of two minds hearts and souls nor is It simply a matter of give ami take neither is it a formula of sharing of communication of talking things out Thats a lot of written by women who have been divorced twice Marriage is a ruddy armed truce thats what It Is The only dif ference is that there are no Big Powers to get involved If it turns into a cold war or a hot one de pending on the situation you have to fight it out for yourself After few years you get mighty good at skirmishing ad vancing and retreating consolidat ing your position and sotting up an ambush About kids Have them early and have lots After tho first novelty of living with a strange woman or man wears off It is In them that you will find your greatest joy and sorrow Thoy keep you young They drive you crazy and keep you from going Insane Lots see I think was other item Oh yes grub Its usually pretty good after first year or two Bless you my children like suggestions that all is not completely under control In the world of crime still cling publicly to the fiction that the Mafia is not active in Canada This is in spite of authoritative statements by officials that Americanbased gangs have ex tended their operations into Can ada One such authority is Ralph Salerno a consultant on crime for the US government He warned publicly that not only have US gangs moved north of the border but that stock frauds and corporate thefts are the work of organized crime to a sub stantial degree Organized crime by which is meant gangs such as the Mafia have traditionally worked in the fields of extortion and protection prostitution gambling narcotics and occasional robberies But the underworld has become more sophisticated along with the rest of society The main worry of law enforcement now is that people who have derived vast amounts from criminal activities are investing in legitimate busi ness How long the business remains legitimate is doubtful The arson murders which rock ed Quebec last year were but an extension of organized crime Fraudulent bankruptcies which have grown to such an alarming scale in Canada are also suspect ed of being linked with criminal gangs They will take over a busi ness loot it of its assets run up vast debts and then declare it bankrupt meanwhile pocketing im mense profits The movement of organized crime Into business is so wide spread according to experts such as Salerno that both unions and management have been corrupted in some Salerno oven says the US cri minals will some day put a man in the White House although he wont know it until they hand him the bill Why is it possible for organiz ed crime to spread throughout North America reaching first into the major Canadian cities and later into surrounding suburbs and coun tryside According to US Nation al Crime Commission which has studied spread of crime throughout North America or ganized crime Is a success only where local officials arc corrupt AH available data indicates that organized crime- flourishes only where It has corrupted local officials Commission said in a recent report Tho growing penetration of busi ness and nubile life by the under world will bo halted only by aroused public concern and deter mined local law enforcement mossngo in all of this seems to ho that It CAN happen hero that when you hear of organized gambling or Itootlogglng tho prob ability is that organized gangs Involved And whoro crime has organized Its grip on a com munity tightens with the passage v i j tr j- Canadas birthday Is drawing closer the various organi zations are staging their events to pay tribute to the Centennial This weekend it will be the entire Scout Organization Newmarket arid East combine their forces of Guides and Brownies Cubs and Scouts in a parade marching from the Plaza down to Main Street and over to the Fairgrounds for a huge Cuboree Sporting competitions within four sections of boys and girts will be held followed by a hot dog sup per and genuine Scout Camp- fire at night In the Scout Hall a hobby show consisting of vidual collections and crafts and group projects will demonstrate the interests of all the youngsters This is the first time that such big event is held local Scouting has not been loo much in the lime light It dates back many years and in the early thirties receiv ed an active boost through the activity of Bert now re tired and Mrs as well as Robert Martin in whose name the Scout Hall at the Fairgrounds is dedicated Sponsored by the Opti mists this Hull is now almost debt free and the organization com prises three Scout and Guide each four Cub packs and six Brownie packs and a handful of able and very dedicated leaders Besides programs of education recreation the Scouts and Guides conduct their well- known drives of paper and bottle collections cookie sides and soft drink booths Through these pro ject they hope to he to send of their members to Camp near Montreal this summer with an opportunity to visit Kxpo Four Scouts lire scheduled to go to the World Jamboree In Idaho one will also attend the international meeting The whole concept of Scouting which Instils in children the best of humanity honor un- and love of nature de serves the respect and support of everyone At this first try of the New- market and East Scout and Guide Associations to put show before the public pre- pared and planned with so much eagerness and effort District Com missioners will greet from the Saluting Base St Johns School and then attend the happy doings at the Fairgrounds To make the day a really mem orable one all the parents friends and neighbors should he out and join them and honor with their Interest the principles that Scout ing stands for and the Centen nial occasion of the event j I THE i I i Serving York County Sine Incorporating THiPosf THE HERALD DAVID HASKELL Editor publisher WILLIAM J Advertising and Business Manager OIL SHEPHERD Editor Published Wednesday at Charles SI Newmarket Ontario by the Newmarket Era Express Company Limited- Subscriptions for two years for one year Single copies each Menv her Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Second Mull by Office Ottawa for payment of poaug Newmarket W I i t