NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the Ontario Board by the Corporation of the Township of North law of The INTAKE the of Corporation of Township of North intends to to Municipal Board to the of 30 Planning for approval of ByLaw passed on 1st day of lay A copy of the by- is famished herewith Any person interested may fourteen days dale of this notice by registered man or to the Clerk of the of North notice of bis objection to of the with a statement of grounds of ittat Ontario Board approve of the said bat before doing so it a time and any objection to the will be considered No tice of anv bearing that may Ibe held will be given only to persons who hare an The last date for- fifing ob jection vifl be Jane Math DATED at the Village of this day of May Signed JOEL HOPKINS Clerk of of North a Ontario BYLAW NUMBER A BYLAW TO PRO- THE USE OF LAND TOR CERTAIN PURPOSES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH WHEREAS by Section of The Planning Act KSO Chap and amendments thereto bylaw may be passed by the Coun cil of Municipalities for pro hibiting tbe use of land for or except for such purposes as may be set out in the By- Law within the Municipality AND WHEREAS the Muni cipal Council of the Of North deems if advisable to prohibit the use of land in the Township of North as here inafter set out BE IT THEREFORE ACTED the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of North as follows this Bylaw means any parcel of land separately owned person shall use a Sot having an area of not less than ten acres and not more ithan acres for the purpose of erecting or having a The provisions of para graph shall not apply to any which on First day of May was held under distinct and separate ship according to the register lands in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of jibe North Riding of the Coun ty of York or the Land Tales Office In Toronto by any per son or persons who were not the owner of any adjoining land A Every person convicted lef a breach of the provision this bylaw shah forfeit and pay at the discretion of the Convicting Magistrate a turn not exceeding Three I Dollars WACO for each offence exclusive of ENACTED this lit day of May J DALES Reeve JOEL HOPKINS Clerk DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I TORONTO DISTRICT TENDERS TO The District Director St Room Toronto Ontario and endorsed TENDER FOR MOVING GOVERNMENT OFFICES FROM COLLING- WOOD AND TO BARBIE be received until 3 JUNE 15th 1967 Plans specifications and form of tender can be seen or can be obtained from the locations Office of the Director of Public Works of Canada Jar re St TORONTO The Caretaker Federal BARBIE On tario The Caretaker Federal COLLING- Ontario The Caretaker Federal Bonding Caret F Building Ontario To be considered each tender must be made on the forms by the Depart ment accordance with the conditions set forth there in The lowest or ant tender not necessarily accented R S DISTRICT OFFICER AURORA York County formed its aim to promote University Womens Cub eel- welfare of to Guest Mrs A Toronto Provincial Director of Western Ontario and wife of Professor Goodge on of the found ing members mem berships now totals with organizations Iran and Kenya are the latest Kenya are members j Canada is the second larg- onto Mrs Goodge United States and by Dr Moore Aurora has always had some Her topic was higher posts There are for women clubhouses The Canadian Federation of in London Crosby Hall and University Women was found- the other in There used after War I at a to be one id Paris The IFUW meeting in Winnipeg Mrs gives seven scholarships F was Ihe first It has set up many At that time it and useful 1400 members plus affuV tees among them one to clubs Of about mote better cultural relations female graduates within the whole society a membership of about other to inquire into the legal Since interests lie status of women and a Relief primarily in the education of Committee to look after pro- women the club offers five university women scholarships totalling 7500 who are displaced persons annually some ailing some young In the Fed- enough to use funds to rees- -A- H A V E At last his house as during the course vlously this Members awarded- a weekmeeUor limbury council received from Mrs furnace He also pointed has already exceeded theeo supervision out he was not in ia posHioii J figure to pay the cost to Gary Maynesas promoted H Mv the building Council prbmls- Class Officer as 4 TOpe used ed to look into the matter of April a and grant a letter of per annum council She also again cbrri- plained of her peace and quiet being disturbed by local marina workshop and was In formed the area was zoned on the Official Plan as Commercial and would coh- 1 daughter until Tom of Keswick of Mr and Mrs George by CouncU an exception Heacoek King in the recent parking bylaw City graduated from the complained thereby he would College the improper Use of School of Nursing on gs His neighbour utUizeda May Miss Hea- pigpen as living quarters cock is a graduate of Building Inspector Jack Kettleby Public School stated he was aware of and the the situation and had turned Hams Secondary School the matter over to the York She has worked part County Health Inspector time at the York County Bert Grant of Spring Road Hospital Newmarket for complained to council a the past three years work order had been put on park bite taxi in front of his restaurant on the north side of Church Street The matter- was referred to the committee for further con sideration Harry of Elm- view Gardens presented a complaint from residents on stale of the Mitch ell property Council had pre- of University Women Sales Register Auctions School Colleges Private Tuition ATTENTION PARENTS Is your child failing weai in a subject or subjects This summer from July to Au gust for elementary school teachers will have 2hour classes Individual attention For further information call Between and pm limited First to call be taken Crlw22 Thursday eveninc June Auction sale of items of furniture dishes glassware antique items electrical sup plies doors quantity of sisal type carpentry quantity of panels of various sizes Ideal for scenery backr in play huts etc Many other miscellaneous items in cluding girls bicycles the property of C Snider Johnston west half of lot Con of Vaughan on No highway east of Keele St Time of sale pm sharp Owners or auctioneer will not be for any accident on of or per taining to sale Cord auctioneer Sales Register Auctions AUCTIONEER and VALUER JIM SARGENT Hills PO SAIXS CONDUCTED TOWN or COUNTRY 31 Special auc tion sale of antique furniture and dishes the properly of Campbell Richmond HUT plus other consignments to be held at Fell Barn Stouffville it ems to be sold without re serve This sale will be an tiques only therefore we would ask you not to bring children to the sale so that no items get broken The sale barn will be open Tuesday evening from pm pm for Inspection and Wednesday afternoon The sale will start at pm Terms cash No reserves Frank Bennett and Norm Faulkner Sales Manag ers and Auctioneers June 9 Auction Sale at pm sharp for Earl Bowles at lot con West Gwillimbury 3 miles north of Bradford 2 miles west of highway Sale of class farm machinery in cluding a full line of modern haying equipment arces standing hay 21 can Craft Bulk Cooler 1939 International truck cattle and some household effects including antiques Terms cash No reserve as farm is sold Jerry Auctioneer iff Transportation Taxis Wanted Transportation to Bay and King Toronto leaving approximately am Phone New market AUCTION SALE Friday June For CAVE At Conaession Township miles northeast of or miles straight west of Highway Sale of head of cat tle pfgs full line of farm ma chinery hay straw grain and some household effects in cluding Terras cash No reserve as the Saturday June Auction sale the property of Ernest Irwin lot 21 con 13 Innisfll Two miles east of No highway turn at Palnswick or miles north east of Stroud Sale consists of of choice beef cattle pigs farm machinery hay straw and some household effects Terms cash No reserve as the farm is solo Jerry auctioneer Travel JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer -a- GOING OVERSEAS We set passage on all Boat lines etc Our laformatlM and service Is reliable Come in and talk over your proposed trip Chester Best BEST DRUG STORE Retain Newmarket Florists FRESH FLOWERS our wa delivered la Metre dairy Aurora Greenhouses m Personals FACED WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM AlchohoUcs Anony mous Can Help Phone Newmarket Aurora Personals AT HOME ii arid Mrs Fred King will be at home to relatives friends and neigh bors on the occasion of their wedding anniversary on June from and to No gifts Sat June The under- signed will sell by Public Auc tion the household effects of the estate of the late Mr and Mrs J Black Kettle- by at con miles north of the Aurora com mencing at pm the follow ing articles piano and bench two chesterfield suites 3 walnut end tables 2 floor lamps beds dressers and chests chair hall rack studio couch uphol stered chairs I occasional chair canebottom chairs antkiue Television new rolltop desk antique lamp vacuum cleaner settee antique stand toilet set 2 coal oil lamps pine trunk 2 mattresses foot stools electric stove ft refrigerator good room extension table buffet chairs sewing ma chine lawn mower lawn chairs and benches trunks 2 cook stoves shovels and rakes quantity of dishes and glassware some antique quantity of old lumber rock ing chairs antiqued Boston camp bed heads quan tity of Realty washing machine washstand tubs round antique 2 radios bathroom seales quantity of old Iron one cart other tides too numerous to men- lion Terms cash Leon ard Clerk Smith- Auc tioneer 69S6668 Newmarket Saturday June Auction sale of farm stock Imple ments hay Rn the property of lot con Reach mile east of Green- bank consisting of head of high grade Hereford and Shorthorn cattle number of fresh cows with calves by side number of baby beef 3 fat steers bales of hay quantity of grain John Deere model 2010 RCU gas tractor only hours power steering excellent shape Deere tractor Ford Ferguson tractor new Holland baler Farmhand rake nearly new Full line of machinery Antique settee with platform rocker corner chair arm chair 2 plain chairs a matched set Stone Jugs kettles china cabinet dressers quantity of other furniture Farm sold No re serve Terms cash Sale at pm Johnson auction eer c2w22 be at home Auction Jate of 1st class household including man antique articles grandfather dock lovely Victorian sofa oval walnut tables Gone With the Wind lamp brass parlor Cranberry and other colored paltped glass Goods will be on display from pm until time of sale Kale at tun Community VW- miles north of No Highway on Don Mull the property C Jackson No reserve- Terms cash Owner or Auctioneer not sate S Farmer Gormley Tuesday June 13 Auction sale of farm stock hay grain implements furniture the properly of John Harrison lot con Brock Twp 2 miles west of Sunderland mile south Sale consists of head of good Shorthorn cattle cows several with good calves lbs number of springers baby beef and year lings fat pigs chunks bales of hay bales of straw wheat mi mixed grain Case model tractor New Holland baler Case manure spreader John Deere seed drill New Holland side rake full lino of machin ery quantity of furniture library table rocking beds dressers etc Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Sale I Herald Graham clerk Reg Johnson auctioneer- tablish themselves One interesting project the speaker said was a seminar held in Uganda for African women south the Sahara Desert to study their needs and to discuss their problems They resolved to extend sec ondary education for women and to secure the preserva tion of African culture while their societies are in MrsCoudge was lhanked for her thought provoking talk by Mrs Oliver rora HISTORY OF CLUB Miss Edna Richmond Hill gave a resume of the founding of womens in Ontario and a brief history of the York County Club She pointed out that both Kings College and Up per Caanda College were Church of England institutions but that Trinity College was founded by a Presbyterian Bishop St Hildas College was- opened in and still holds its charter as a separate university In St Hildas- girls published three chronicles a year and were involved in the meetings which led to the formation of the Toronto Alumnae Associa tion in Miss is the representative for St Hil das College Alumnae to and was appointed to the Corporation of Trinity College In 1965 At Kingcraft House Febru ary Dr Martha Law Past President of CFUW pre sided at a meeting where university women from King Aurora Newmarket and Rich mond Hill organized the York County Club Mrs Johnson King who was large ly for promoting this branch was elected presi dent vicepresidents were Mrs P Richmond Hill and Mrs King There were 16 members from King from Aurora from Rich mond Hill and one each from Newmarket and Oak Ridges had reached from Aurora New market King Richmond Hill Gormley Maple Sharon and Sutton Present membership stands at Presidents have been 1953 Mrs M King Mrs- J Richmond Hill Mrs Aurora Miss Francis Hurst Rich mond Hill Miss Ed na Iuard- Richmond Hill Mrs A Canine Control Officer at a Salary of per year and also Welfare Officer at a 100 per month salary was decided the local dog pound now be known North Gwillimbury Animal Shelter Building Inspector Jack stated the service stations located at 5 Points and at Riveredge and Don Mills Road had still not clean ed up their premises and a township bylaw will now be enforced CJ Hospital Appoints Assb Administrator Shirley Williams and Tom Watson represented by proxy Charlie Williams and Bert Lewis were the winners of the Lions Car Draw sharing With them are Harry Walker chairman of the event Lions president and treasurer Tom Mr Walker and Mr present cheques and Mr ho the winning tickets Shepherd Staff NEWMARKET The Board of Directors of York County Hospital announces the ap pointment of Mr David Hart to the post of Assistant Mr Hart comes to York County Hospital from Womens College Hospital In Toronto A graduate of the Univer sity of Western Ontario and the post graduate course in Hospital Administration at the University of Mr Hart has had extensive ex perience in Industry before entering hospital field Mr Hart has taken up rest locally with his wife Claire and two children Youth Groups Give Gifts To Missions ZEPHYR The Explorer and Messenger groups pre sented their gifts to Mission at the morning service of the United Church to treasurer Ray Mr By ron Armstrong conducted the Dedication to Mission service and Jane Kcstcrmade the presentation on of the Messengers and Kim on behalf of the Explorers Mrs Clarkson Arnold saw a moose on the second conces sion as she drove past the other morning loaned Car Leads To Double Trouble Saturday June Auction sale of Raymond Watm lot con fiwilllmhiry mile of the village of ville Time of Sale I pm Terms cash Sate consists of household furniture and small farm machinery etc N Smith auctioneer Mr Wilfred of North Ray visited his aunt Mrs J and fam ily and friends in area on Friday Mr and Mrs Pick ing of Toronto spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Clarence Pickering Mr and Mrs Murray Har rison spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cecil Harrison and family Sympathy is extended to the families In the passing of Mrs Edith hurst Collins last week Also to the relatives of Into Mrs Clara Mr and Mrs Ivan Clark family Mr ami Mrs Ken Pickering and family of There wore members of the Happy Gang present for a Centennial Luncheon in the legion Hall on Wednesday May 24 Colored slides and a commentary on a recent trip to Expo were presented by Mrs Bruce Rolling This was the final meeting for the Spring season plans were made for a trip In September and a possible summer pic- UNVEIL CAIRN Mount Alberts Centennial Cairn will he unveiled at a special ceremony In Rirchnrd Gardens on Sunday June pm Local residents arc invited to attend this cere mony in Centennial Costume where possible SUTTON A Keswick man found out this weekend that It doesnt always pay to be a friend indeed to a friend in need William of Keswick loaned his car to Leonard Mc Donnell of Sutton in Toronto the A pack led within minutes McDonnell Brown received a pennant reported Ihe pack led by Mrs two parked cars and was picked up by Sutton lice who charged htm with See Expo Slides After Trip I McPhenoit Aurora Aurora- Mrs Mr Mrs Floyd and family of Mr ami Mrs Carl Micks family of Newmarket Mr Mrs Grant Arnold and fam ily of and Mr and Mrs Rob Me Kcwon fam ily of Toronto were birthday guests of Mr and Mrs Chw Clark The Sacrament of Commun ion was observed in the United Church on Sunday morning May 28 Walter Rone David Paisley Ktomp Eric Rice Wagg Pal Ronnie Paul and Alex Sanderson were received Into church membership at this service Two Mount Albert Dis trict Cub Packs participated in Centennial held at Aurora Town Park on Saturday May Roth packs did exceptionally well Timbers an A pennant Both packs were awarded ex tra marks for their neat ami good behaviour There were hoys and leaders in attendance- at this the largest ever held in this district The local Mens Club will sponsor a bus trip to Pickering on Thursday May where they will tour the Ontario Hydro Generating lion The bus will leave Albert United Church nt pm returning about 1050 pm Members interested in going should contact Dr Ow en Slingerlond or Cloro Kec- to remain Yardley in his search for his car ended up at Ihe Sut ton police station and told his friend what he thought of him Yardley was then charg ed with being drunk in a pub lic place and locked up in an adjoining cell with his friend To Ice the cake McDonnell was released at pm and Yardley was kept in custody until Sain leMuie among ihe Huron at Country On a Country Ad venture Vacation you and your family gain firsthand histori cal insights in a setting of natural splendour From the Ottawa River to islandsprinkled Georgian Bay you follow where intrepid Samuel Champlain than three centuries ago Inspect the Officers Quarters Museum at Browse around Memorial Home See the awesome Bonnechere Caves For camping canoeing fishing or making friends with wildlife you haw square miles of unspoiled wilder ness in Algonquin Park alone Among the Muskoka Lakes Kawarlhas and sylvan Hsliburtoa arc dozens of luxurious modern resorts Youll find a Champlain Country Adventure Vacation richly rewarding for every member of your family Fled out more about it by mailing the coupon below Province ftfCmtirio of nun A liunrtt Building Room Toronto Kim ma hO jC Ok Too Fro Ontario of J- Mr Mrs Jack Mitch ell Mrs and Mr and Mrs of visitors Mr ami Mrs James Thompson Mr and Mrs Herbert Her man attended the recent con vocation exercises at Queens University Kingston at which Keith Harmon his Degree in Electrical coring with second class hon ors TOWNSHIP OF NORTH The first instalment of the Taxes bo comes duo on June and If not the AMOUNT of taxes become due and ler month will bo on AMOUNT for remainder of current year IF first Instalment paid second instalment until Sept 1967 No discount allowed on J V The York County Club spon sors three Interest groups the French Clubled by Mrs J Newmarket the In vestment Club started in and the Rook Club It has sent representatives to meetings in Montreal Winni peg and Sudbury to meetings In Brisbane Austra lia and will be represented at the Triennial Lake Simcoe Socials T BY MERCIELLE Due to Sports Day June the June meeting of Zephyr has been cancelled Plans are underway for a Mr Wilkinson re turned to the area after ah ex tended to west coast who left Jacksonr Point last August after selling his greenhouse business visited all western provinces aled recently from the Wom ens College Hospital to J CLEARANCE OF SECONDS Make it easier on yourself and Ihe remove and Washington Ho Is skins of fresh tomatoes by this fall In boiling water for Miss was for and Mrs Wilfred Smith family Mr and Mrs Fred am Cool at once In off easily without tug ging advise food specialists at the Institute University of SATURDAY AFTERNOON ONLY SAT FROM TO PM Come in and at 1 v Twfcdav June W sale of farm Mock Imple ments and furniture the of Cecil Jot a con fnrth fart on Don of milk cows number of fl sows 10 hales hay John Deere Model Cockshitr tractor Ford tractor mlck threshing machine MH baler Quantity of Full line of machinery Quantity of furniture Farm sold No reserve Time pm Reg Johnson auction eer phono 227 Sunderland and Fred Dew clerk nmortes by MenieA dent Mrs McPhereon in lhe fall the York Counly Allan Kaa son of Mr Sj be sponsoring and Mrs Bill Kaas of Black- Extension Course series In Port Perry Church of J to te gone a of for the Ascension on Sunday T University of Toronto sslon Mr Burrows recently relumed from a f days at CANADA GOOSE POTTERY ONTARIO -1S- Cumula 1 J- Professor D V Wade MA PhD on M New Morality and Ethical Be haviour how it has been and bow It l determined by Various Anyone Inleresled ln attending these lectures should contact Mm Wat ford Silver Stream Farm V Two Arrested On Charge r SUTTON Two Toronto youths were arrested in Scar borough on Friday night and charged breaking and Mm mm ntorfagWo cottars In the yxfy i Last year 175000 dairy cow were jested at the Ontario Department of Agri culture and Foods Veterin ary Laboratories break let are Mason 17 and la They were break- Taylor watt end log Into lhe homes of Paul at the home of Mr and Mm Davidson Macrae Beach BUI Sinclair Virginia Beach and Mr and Mra Don Mra Peggy Wade and Mrs Ray ail of Keswick re turned home last week from a three week trip to England and Scotland Only lour days dampen June at i- hi- i TSJftaKMBtal a VlrglnU -i- I tftL3