J I iwjfrfr j THE ERA I APRIL VOL No IOUS The annual meeting of York County branch of the Childrens I ik Aid Society held last week clearly indicated the growing need for the present senices perhaps the extension of some and certainly a new approach towards providing some new services From reports submitted also comments made by executives and those of the genera membership it was clear that the CAS does not lack work The problem is to keep pace with the demand for services without adding greatly to the operational costs It is agreed that the organization does splendid work in diversified areas and that there has been ah increase in services provided but the very fact that the CAS reports show how busy it has been- la the criterion that conditions in many senses do not improve In the true sense it is a fallacy to concede the CAS is successful when each year more persons need its services If society was different from what we have to accept bringing as it does its complex problems concerning children and a proper home life it would be a much better situation if the CAS could show each year a reduction of cases requiring attention The responsibility for this however docs not lie with the CAS but with the same society now making necessary an increase in the various cervices the CAS and its field workers provide WEEK By Ray The Maple V A sure way of rein forcing Canadian nationalism and of ensuring that this country Is and price never swallowed up by the United The boasts the world highest living standard But a living standard includes more than I I March It has been said that sometimes March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb Well weve decided to show photo graphic proof of the ageold saying This little fella in Columbia turned around and said goodbaaa on the final day of March Were told he then winked quickly and gave a knowing glance to await the spring breezes and warm weather April brings f t i Worth Seeing SUGAR SPICE By BUI Smiley I a Looking around the downtown area last week while some boys participating in the four day hockey tournament were on the street or in restaurants one outstanding feature was quite noticeable There were no long hair types among them On the other hand some Newmarket boys not hockey players spending their time standing at comers oftimes blocking movement along the sidewalk were distinguished by their long untidy hair This it would seem tells a story If boys are interested in wholesome recreation and have pride in participation in team sports and their community they also have pride in their appearance Others apparently lacking the desire to conform with what most people would like to sec devote their interest to developing almost shoulder length hair to the exclusion of any effort to appear tidy and give visitors a good impression of the town Unification Part Three i Dog Days Ahead i i I Judging from the theory presented in figures to members of Town Council Newmarket has made a much needed move in its animal control problems by setting up a contract with the Ontario Humane Society The final outcome will depend on the altitude of the adjacent municipalities with whom the Society are negotiating for a similar form of contract There is no doubt the system in vogue at the present has been unsatisfactory It has been a harassment to Town Council a headache for the press and no doubt a source of futility to Walter Lowe the pre sent official Tom Hughes manager of the Toronto Humane Society was cer tainly not in accord with Mr Lowes operation right from the start and our own telephones were kept busy trying to placate irate ratepayers who had missed their pet from the front lawn and immediately had visions of the dire treatment might be subject to at the Kennels If this contract goes through the Ontario Humane Society has its chance in this area to prove it is able to satisfy the wants of both council and the ratepayers with an operation which is fraught with prob lems even under the best conditions The four or five radio equipped vehicles in the proposal should give some continuity of service and the building which they intend to erect at Oak assures a more centralization of dispatch One thing the public must remember They alone are the first step in effective animal control There are bylaws and regulations cover ing stray dogs and it is loo late to scream vivisectionists after the animal has taken to the hills Remember Its and wo have alias the Canadian Cobras strong pure bone gristle masterminded by Joe Garibaldi Minister of National Defence The Yanks arc all upset because lie is dickering with the Chinese a couple of waiters from the Nank ing restaurant Its obviously a second Cuba in the making Joe gets a call from the White House He states his terms and hangs up He knows his man LSD president of the US of A is a tough cookie He came up through Hie unions like loo but owes his position to the huge wealth of his wife Alary Warner of the hide ously rich Warners Twenty minutes later Joes phone rings Its himself Now look Joe We dont want trouble We paid eight million for Alaska and I think five million for the Louisiana Purchase thing Yeah yeah we know theres infla tion How about a straight eight billion after taxes You want ten Dont be ridiculous We wont go a nickel past nine After all own most of the country any way A deal Right Take over It wasnt quite that simple of course Joe had to call a meeting of the War Council This group had supplanted the Cabinet which was relegated to such us studying Hie Immediate Housing Hill introduced in and the Old Age Unemployment Act pre pared in 11109 Hut it didnt take long Joe had handpicked his senior officers MarshallAdmiral Louis Latour had wonted to be King Louis the First of New Canada the Second After Joe had explained how awk ward this would be Louis settled for the liquor concession at all martyrs shrines in the country The others went along Colonel- Commodore Nils of Winnipeg balked a little at getting no more than the remaining min eral rights of the Prairie Prov inces but finally acceded grumbl ing The rest accepted what they got The fishing rights in Hudson Hay the Rocky Mountains or Whatever It was beautifully planned per- fectly timed At noon on July 1st our national holiday the Cobras struck Flying squads took over all communications media with out a drop of blood being shed Nearly everybody was pooped after the long hot holiday so that only a few heard MarshallAdmiral Latour announce on the pm news that hud unearthed and promptly a Com munist plot to take over the Ncxt day the full story came out in all media and the Honor able Joe was lauded for the speed and decision with which he had handled the emergency There wasnt an loin of resist ance Parliament wan on holidays The Prime Minister was ill and In seclusion The universities were closed so there were no students protests The Mountiea and militia had long since been disbanded as needless expense Everything was perfectly calm as usual Most Canadians were starling their holidays A few noticed that there were a lot of new radio and TV an nouncers and newspaper column ists but the new guys wore just vacation replacements Then the good news started com ing Corporation income and sales taxes were all to be reduced Farm subsidies to be raised Food prices wore to be lowered Free housing for everybody making less than 5000 I guess I dont have to tell you the rest Popular movement de manding a republic and Joe for President Joes statement that he had no ambition except to serve the Canadian people through the democratic process Rig con vention Only stipulation for dele gates was that they be members of Joe elected unanim ously You had to hand It to him From President of the Dot ruction Workers Union to President of the great Republic of Canada in a few short years Thats all Oh a few people dis appeared quietly here and there but that was because of new Relocation Act States How Just have busloads of Canadians tour a few Midwestern industrial cities every now and them Theyll likely come back determined not to allow the same fate to befall their home towns As one who has traveled quite widely In the United Statesand generally liked what he has seen a recent swing through the Mid west came as a disappointing climax to what had gone before Cleveland for instance a city of two million on the south shore of Eric gives the appearance of one vast slum extending for miles on both sides of the month of the Cuyahoga River Us civic leadership has been so apathetic that the US govern ment recently took Cleveland off the list of cities slated to receive federal funds for urban renewal The reason The city fathers couldnt think of what to spend the money on This Is despite the fact that Cleveland offers nothing more than a drab and unnllurlng rnma of dirty streets broken down buildings and messy suburbs American cities are generally older than Canadian ones and because they were built in an era which paid less atteiw Hon to such problems as zoning civic planning air pollution and mass transit most US cities simply not any longer fit to live in Urban decay has come about as the middle ami upper income citi zens have fled to the suburbs levels of a country One should also reckon In such factors as normal climate crime in the streets and polluted cities By these guides Canadas living standard easily outstrips the United States Crier 72 Elizabeth Not enough can he said about the Centennial Hockey tourna ment which Newmarket Minor Hockey and the Newmarket Royal Canadian Legion put on this past week and no description cando justice work and efforts of the many volunteers connect ed with it from the Tournament Committee the coaches the mem bers of the Legion right down to the families who billeted the visitors that stayed overnight A gratifying interest was shown by town and businesses express- in array of trophies The publicity devoted by radio TV and local papers gave he event deserved importance Theyve left behind a motley cross- There la no reason to believe section of economically depressed and culturally deprived low income citizens and cities without resources or leadership to raiso living conditions In addition goes the problem of race lit city after city the eco nomically depressed who streets should have been done up convention like in sign and banners for this affair However it would have been a little nicer if someone in the right depart had thought of cleaning the us Dear Editor The recoil Public School budget presented to Township Council could he a vision of things to come in many muni cipalities as budget time thaws nearer The Board had its answers for much of the fantastic jump asked for but the taxpayer is going to have a few answers too when is this recordbreaking spiral go ing to end Wo are continuously bombarded with the repealed that our children deserve and must have the best in cation but I imagine some of our senior citizens wonder if it has to be goldplated redcarpeted and accomplished in ah architectural ivory tower Some of the school buildings In Europe have been doing a very excellent job for hundreds of but the worlds best in scientists diplomats and to the nation We in Canada seem to be put before horse In to outdo our neighbor by tearing down school buildings less than half a cen tury old ami replacing them with a Tnj Mahal which still only separates the wheat from tho chaff Throwing the responsibility at Queens Park is not the answer Demanding and insisting on less opulence and creating the right channel for- both the future doctor or ditchdigger might help Lets quit kidding ourselves that all our children can end up in honor list and pay for those that can Donald Brown BASING NEW HOME OH AND OPERATIC HOME PUIS CAR etc era can oh by are you FOND OF SANDWICHES the decaying cores of thoroughfares from the parking lot to the arena entrance and up to the Main Street where visitor from six towns not counting East spent quite some time and must have gained im pressions of There were hundreds coming and going and walking In the brilliant sun shine with a view of scattered garbage Hut never mind this minor flaw it was good to see the old arena bustling with activity and filled with spectators to cheer the House League teams who normally are playing their ache- games before an empty house attended only by their coaches and a few forlorn parents and what a difference It makes The atmo sphere caught everybody with excitement even those who gen erally just use the place to make themselves a nuisance Everybody gave their best it Was a great success With this highlight of the clos ing of the winter season credit is due the manager of the arena and his staff of two All winter long throughout the days and weeks the holidays and Sundays these three men have kept up the machines and ice and building repaired the damage done to toilets dressing rooms and show ers and kepta watchful eye on them on hand whenever someone wanted ice to skate without regard of time So lets give thanks and carry some of todays spirit Into next season in the fall oncegreat American cities arc tho unskilled Negroes and the Puerto Viewed against the white back lash inflation urban decay and foreign involvement in Vietnam the United States today offers no enviable haven that cannot also be found in Canada While Canada has its own prob lems especially such as Quebecs demands for special treatment our difficulties are slight compar ed to those facing Great Society If Canada can continue to finance Its development with need ed foreign capital we will con to enjoy the of American technology and finance without being burdened with that countrys social problems Rut along with this must go a Canadian firmness to set our own foreign policies In doing so it is essential Canada avoid entanglements that the US has permitted itself in Asia The US again symbolizes a kind of decay by the type of army it has sent to Vietnam Because educated young Americans can avoid draft the US Army in Vietnam is made up largely of high school dropouts W Negroes make up per cent of the American population they comprise 22 per cent of soldiers in Vietnam This is no citizens army such as our coun tries raised in World War V Dear Sir The members the Wing Com mander Lloyd Chapter of the wish to thank you for your cooperation this past year We appreciate the attention you have given to our organization and its activities r truly Mrs J Emmons Serving Northern York County Since 1852 DAVID Editor and Publisher GIL SHEPHEHD Editor J Secretary T I Published every Wed at 30 Charles St Newmarket the Newmarket Era Limited Subscription two years for one year to edi vance Single copies Member of Canadian papers Association Bureau Circulations Second Class Mail Post mem Ottawa Phone Newmarket Phone Aurora7a7 rX