j 1 SHARON Sharon Worn- welcomed into the 1st Sharon Institute held its Scout Troop try meeting at Sharon Hall Jim opened on Monday Visitors at the the meeting followed by a meeting were from Mount game The boys then formed Albert and Zephyr circle and those leaving the After the business meeting pack shook hands with each was concluded Mrs member his six convener introduced introduced the boys president to Scoutmaster Ed McGrath who played two piano solos who welcomed them as new Dr Margaret members of the Scout troop gave a very interesting talk and introduced them to on her experiences last sum- Bill McPherson Joe mcr in Congo and ill us- and Troop Leader her remarks color- Peter Jenkins slides The boys who had passed Such help so badly needed in parts of he world can be given with jour financial support through the Canadian Save Children Fund Street Toronto Ontario Mrs Boyd thanked the their Scout tenderfoot require- speaker The next meeting before leaving Cubs will be held on the first Wed- were Invested by the Scout in March at the home leaders of Mrs Alan Shaw The Cub leaders are a visit to the Ontario Six boys of the 1st Sharon Museum at Toronto and Cub Pack Chris Clublne boys of A pack need Alex Murray for this worth while Philip and Joe outing Anyone willing to son from Pack A and Don drive five or six boys to the of B pack all museum Is asked to contact ated from Cubs and were Jim at Lake Simcoe Socials BY BURROWS Other former Sutlonltcs and a weekend of curling former students of the Sutton High School who attended the Attending the Sweetheart dance included Mr Weekend at Mrs George hommes from the Sutton Curl- Newmarket Mr and Mrs Club arc Mr and Mrs Jack former Sid Mr and Mrs El- Frances Cook Mr and Mrs Cliff Mr and Mrs Ed Tanquay Robert son Mr and Mrs Roger ard Anderson lis Mr and Mrs Brady Mr and Mrs Harve Lyons and Mr and Mrs How- Doris Lyons Mr Mrs Thompson Miss Floss McLaughlin Joy Brooks Mrs Lois Jacksons Point left this week Lois Brooks Mr for visit with friends in the and Mrs Ken Cooper Mr and Clinton area Mrs Bert Cooper Mr and Mrs Bill Sinclair The annual World Day of Prayer was held at Knox Mr and Mrs Jack Sparks church on Thursday Hamilton Mr and jj 0 foe Mrs Gar Hamilton Mr and churches Mrs Bill Hutchison Mr and Jr lead Mrs Doug Ferguson Beryl the congregation Hamilton Mr and Mrs Harry is a meeting concerning a former Mr and h service the Sut- Jack McDonald Helen an pupils was Cronsberry Mr and Mrs evening Jack- George Dunk Dora have been berry Mr and Mrs Jack with a bus to and Wheeler Doris which is totally Mr and Mrs Les Digby Mrs Jack Rice Barbara paid for by the parents Mr Bob Walker owner of a Mr and Mrs Ed told the Boles Mr fa possible Mrs Jim SmaUwood i pick up all remaining Miss Mary and rcn a increase This her fiance Mr Gordon Dry- include children from den Mr and Mrs Mac- Park Wood Mirer Betty Scdorc Mr cemetery and Mrs Lloyd Summer- Members of the local Friendship Group left at Mrs Barbara Rice stayed morning for the sunny her parents Mr and group will spend Mrs G P River three weeks in St Peters- Street and played second lead Florida Plans and on the team with Joe have been made and her parents for months and a bus charter- by the group will arrive Bob Taylor Wood River Florida on Wednesday Acres and Fred Allen Jack- Mr and Mrs George sons Point leave this week to St Mrs Torrcns begin a three week holiday in River St and Mrs Smith Florida Fred who is the golf church St leave for Florida pro at The Briars hopes to this week get some golf in The two men will be joined by their wives next week Save On IIOMEMAKING HINTS Serving and meat Rev arrived Add a tasty surprise home from Florida last week meal food specialists at Macdonald fir and Mrs George Hoi- Institute born Jr Mr John Burrows Mr Don Irving Mrs Burrows and Mrs David Bur- Shape the ground beef around cubes of sharp Cheddar cheese Your family will en- rows attended the Hardware joy the novelty Convention last week in the Coliseum Mr and Mrs Clare Morri son attended a Pinky Brae When cooking cheese keep the heat low advise food spe cialists at lute University Cheese just needs enough at last weekend heat to melt and blend will Members of the other ingredients High heat clan from Canada and the or overcooking wilt make United States meet yearly for cheese tough and stringy Now in our Year More and more homemakers urn to Earl American ever old ever new ever cozy to live with Here is an updated collection new designs with new interest new color treatments made the modern way to grow older happily 2 Piece Colonial Suite as shown in gay decorator print AH foam seats high back cushions Reg 29995 Sale Price 523750 Beautify Your Home and Save Money 1 Doing It Enjoy the many benefits of fine quality walltowall broad- loom Your home will take on a wonderful new appearance floors are easier to keep clean noise is greatly reduced and there is a new feeling of warmth and charm There arc wonderful new colours to choose from this spring so come in today and see what Stewart is offering at a low price of sq yd Strongest carpet fibre made Easy to care for wont fade Deep comfort pile The look of newness for years to come Available in wall to wall or regular carpet widths 9 and 2 L C Leading Seaman Robert Dow of tjuebec by Able WB of Newmarket Ontario son Mr and Mrs Harry WvTjgfcrtetmas decorations on the conclusion of the holiday jln port during Christmas took competition sponsored by the of Commerce for the best ship Canadian Forces Photo EASY TERMS OMINIONINSISTSONV I ill r 7 ft v -A- L ma tii fc H rt v r Sfld By DOMINION By Government Inspectoral DOMINION MEATS ARE GUARANTEED FOR TASTETENDERNESS AND FLAVOUR r MAPLE LEAF MILD CURED SWEET PICKLED y LARGE SIZE lb v c V 7 SHIRR1FF FANCY SECTIONS GRAPEFRUIT SPECIAL SAVE NABISCO i r 14 Tln 100 SHREDDED WHEAT SPECIAL SAVE I I ONTARIO No GRADE fc 7 25 LB BAG J 1 J 1 IF IIP r J a I in I- T 7 COLD RIBBON DOG FOOD L jr IS LYNN VALLEY STANDARD SPECIAL SAVE I Tin I IF Reirular or Dry FREE WITH OZ Regular or Dry r STEWART BEARES NEWMARKET PLAZA awWPI i Li j