Editorials Good Sized Industry lhin anything next the Does hat phrase look familiar Wei it JtiR paragraph in an Km editorial entitled Lots Pull Together published December 1935 But the pin i i- well worth because it just applicable The year lias just about passed and there lias been no change in Newmarkets industrial picture the year York County Hospital announced expansion plans that nullum the employer in the town Doesnt it seem rather miliar that a hospital located in a town thai is in the heart of the ricbet area in this country will be New markets largest employer To he north of Newmarket in Midland and Owen Sound industrial expansion is taking place To the east and west and factories are locHting To lie south in ami Townships new plants have been completed this year Newmarket enjoys all the advantages that these communities can offer and in some cases more Land is still relatively cheap in Newmarket theres plenty skilled labor travelling south to Metro to work transportation facilities excellent heres little traffic congestion to hamper the flow or thcie What The towns Department of Industry has not done Ibe job it was Supposed to have done A partlime industrial commissioner in the form of the mayor is obviously not the right course to take to attract industry The is certain that the towns public image will improve and suggests that a long hard look be taken at the rote of the Department of Industry A parttime mayorindustrial commissioner is unsatisfactory To ask man to perform two jobs is simply too much The taxpayers deserve to get a fulltime mayor and a fulltime industrial commissioner and then they can be assured that both jobs arc being performed satis- The is certain that Newmarkets council will recognize thai attracting new industry is of prune importance and that the new administration will devote much of its energy to that task Hard To Get At This years toys arc more sophisticated more expensive and harder to remove from their wrapping Todays children demand a sophisticated toy what with I space ate and television And when a device he it a toy or a machine becomes more intricate and more involved the price inevitably J goes up Hut theres no reason why toy manufacturers cant make it easier for children and ultimately parents to remove their gifts from package Hundreds of thousands of homes throughout Canada rang with squeals of joy as the children removed their mothers Christmas gift wrapping and rang out as the children saw the brand lough plastic Once the plastic wall bad punctured all that was necessary was the children to the toys from the gailydecorated boxes Hut oh no The toys were stapled lo the cardboard They were licit the cardboard They were to the cardboard Little hands couldnt remove staples string and tape while the children danced Impatiently before Theres no doubt that next year that the tovs will be even more sophisticated and in mure expensive nut please Mr Toy Maker lets not wrap be toys as if they were being carried on a long journey by Men SUGAR SPICE By BUI Smiley The Ordeal Is Over This Is the til tougher and rougher Wo IT Night The kitchen table like this Holiday greetings dont you drop dead Another of the preliminai fully during the preceding which neither psychology faith can explain it of cards slumps i nth HI Ive trial I limit the 10 itlt all Iron doesnt bother knowing what these thi dunk in tree the wife nets from Oh goes a legacy Then theres the lent at home lint high on I havent ioned Christ exorcise better 11 led Nor ill lake off like the mil lav- am up tin ale a that mess of his ir kids have ml have oio fun lli ml- igrs pains in the posterior you depending on loin s I cant I ill Newfoundland to the Vnktii down In lit ml I Inn I- ili Hie old iienim Cod bless and good heart THIS WEEK By Ray Looking At The New Year inula Is about to head into despilc usual plaints of nil- IHupcn Hull nihil an and IS of much of our industry tint ahead Willi any degree of I at i i is far less of i So in Ihe tradition of Ibis column what we is some of the for the t celeb will and Expo about and and isl siguifican The NOP default I the old hue Hateful i of loin I mil the n who tho best chance of him of Mr should Somen ambitions of Pie Johnson I is II i I si limit I i s In do in view of the renew House in IOCS The betting now Hut IS Ninth Victim the Viet I the and the hide tin the moon decade orbit as iiicnld in 111 I specia possibly and ionsliip with the rest of the win mid will recognise and the United finite date for Pekings nil trouble spot In Africa I will fail unless roes to add South Africa the unlikely go this far bring ilwn bleak aw of km Smith Smith liunsell liriMuu- ma lo il n bold 1 own lion than Smith lasting cycle of and descent in nations fates thro out Hie history Vet a few gercia lions have succeeded to bring thi country from the stage anil hush up to par with is the old old cultures the This hundredth an settlers It for the farmers i around It as it is The first industries the mills have been still stand tip art Newmarket too has way in Hie hundred past has preserve countrytown has grot to keep in step with and changes maybe not in measure that wishful would have liked to see Old and familiar names ma up a list of honour of rcsiien who built and worked for this con muilily year in looking ha we sadly add some more men and history Each year carry on their building for Ibis New Years Eve when An Lang Syne has briefly brought past our mind we cheer year of as a new I back may they ha he proud of il So let us all tin