Economic Council Finds Time to Laugh NEWMARKET In the r goes forth Educate Christmas letter the press the Ontario Economic Coun cil has departed somewhat from its usual format of staid men the high cost ing begins pinch in ities they trace the trouble to the farmer hen someone yells Ed- figures and the economic thought it might add spice to the usual holly and bells attitude what goes wrong only that occurs to anyone is to educate the farmer Let the work of educat ing the farmers go right on but 1 hope the farmers will thing ing us Educate And there tight mi Residents are Entertained By White Cross Members iwwm Man or the gliosis took pi In decorating Holland I mm by a pianist and a violinist There was dancing to the in ic Cordon tun if at limes a be- one meal prices I Despite for example all lime high I m I If I e found the high kip iiikp imi mm as Central Dispatch System For Fire Ambulance Calls Township Council Holds Final Meeting Harvey of let polling petition innrisnl In innipl THEDistrictERA Rejects Idea Computers 2 Causes Unemployment Nativity Play Resident Marks Kin KING CITY All Si Birthday ZEPHYR Mr Frank day afternoon and Tomlinsoi of Baldwin celo performed a his birthday Aurora Man Named Salesman Of Year He ESI In Conducts Services At Christian Church KESWICK- Mr another and so the Christian z Mrs thmkiiij Z on Nov It after a lonelily Brewers Retail Special Hours of Sale KESWICK OPEN TO PM THURSDAY AND IRIDAY DECEMBER 22ND AND 10 AM TO 6 PM SATURDAY DECEMBER DECEMBER 26TH AND ANNOUNCEMENT THOMAS SUMMERS DC PETER ASH DC clinic will be known ASH MEMORIAL OUR DAIRY BAR WILL BE CHRISTMAS DAY and NEW YEARS DAY CLOSED BUT UK WILL ill OPE Glenville Dairy Co Ltd BUT UK WILL III OPEN OX MONDAY OF LACK WEEK Say Merry Christmas with A gift thats appreciated 52 weeks a year a subscription to THE ERA Theres body in every issue Ihe form I or money order for one ye year In a ye for r throe sis Church Nona Loral News Lesion News extra NAME ADDRESS YOUR MAILMAN DELIVERS THE ERA TO YOUR HOME EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING Charles St Newmarltet Yon Si S Auror