In Quest f Christmas Bethlehem Was The Beginning Millions of people are about to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Christ But how many including Christians accept the story of the first Christmas as it is told in the Bible How many write it off as no more than a myth which has sprung up to explain Christs ar rival on earth Now this story assembles some of the historical evi dence for the story of the first Christmas HOW OUR FAVORITE CHRISTMAS CAROLS CAME TO CANADA By FRANK NOR but he certainly man Empire ere a sullen truculent lot who be lieved that they would throw up a leader who would drive out the conquerors What gives Sentius his place in history is allowed the authorities to keep check on who was to pay poll lax and who was eligible lor military important thing about this particular census Is is young and heavily it Bethlehem to be registered should never hi ition But the I record tl historical ground It is ordered such of the But what about the and his young wife Mary CHARITY SEEKERS Around AD littje more than years after Christ crucified there were being circulated around trees by people a series of pedigrees They hoped that by doing so they wanted to establish their kinship followers Christs had come originally from Bethlehem and Mar So having established the existence of Christs pa and knowing for men to be take it that Mary a significant about the prophet had Bethlehem But what had been in Joseph did be born crumble disease and his mind v we strike what looks re a Roman inscription i City how many chili It is est iboui 20C slaughtered historical evidence It is a deed would fit will beginning I a major snag In sixth century Hi of Hi not only did Dionysius gel mixed transition from EC to AD he also got Ihe fact lhit for a number of years the Emperor A luE had ruled under his own name of Octavius in Bethlehem Massacre of the Men the Magi It is difficult to pin down historically their part in Christmas story What is known is that the Magi a sacred caste of who provided the priest- of Persia and were very influential in court circles It is more than likely that they knew of the prophecy the coming of the Messiah Did they Canadas Capital Christmas City By SUSAN DEXTER Personally Id ha to the actual day of Christs r Dec In fact historical record Christmas celebrationis were held in Rome of the century The Christians Pagan festival originated in AD by as the birthday of the begins to shine more strongly after Quebec City Vancouver your own choose Canadas capital Ot- or town in Canada offers in the crusted tawa River beneath the quered s transform this festival into one ce birthday Attempts to fix historical lack of recorded data at that time greeting card Contributing presence of of of Christ the glossy photograph of a to Ottawas Christmasv look Is snow Ottawa citizens dont I Christmas because there is r instance a foot of fluffy before Christmas of that Christmas look in Oi or just a gift of nature months before Christmas hustling to bring for their constituency homes nt has adjourned and Prime Minis spend Christmas in Ottawa includes eight grandchildren If again to celebrate Jlis bin Parks school rink playing hockey