Hasketts HASH by GEORGE HASKETT Era Sports Editor Plenty Of Talent On Hand For Aurora Tigers Practice Doners H f guy who did Notes tram it Int ff I doctor Hearst for a number of years A of the Newmarket fan who and supported team NEWMARKET years dales for Ihe Aurora Tiger Tiger junior C hockey machine went through another heavy drill Roy Keys knee deep in John talented hockey players Rick 1ft hopefuls through another and Mr Mrs Alvin Vail- Smith Mi and ltnh Mrs Mrs Newman ftl Art the sports tainly manager of the year Art was two piewees mid teams hint Tiger manager Jim Richard- Both and Keys along with guidemen Peter Miller im Wilson and FALL 1CENTSALE OCT 13 OCT combined at lip field Cold and ho Don rta Wo Plenty Of Action In Soccer House League NANKING GARDEN DELIVERY and TAKE and CANADIAN FOODS STORE HOURS Monday Thursday I pm am Friday and Saturday PHONE 7279408 COMMUNITY SPIRIT Hearst fans know how col behind their ni and tine of noise ilenf We We like Strikes And Spares SPONSORS Vcigh who has played player of week last flight and Dave Kelly League Program OCTOBER SPECIALS Cooling System Fall Conditionii J MATERIALS C NEWMARKET Ken liroliithliiii is the Itrlnion Iiuei- I in tkinii rue even mil jin limit the BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Ken Broughton Coach line home till I nh ill Specialties I I Hi ineati 1 Mill lmiilonhil lie fin other hand coach Hill in in final lal team line Km nullum ml I fuel Mill- nlils on I titles for Aurora in 1007 65 CHEVROLET MOTORS LTD pi Hon A number to Charles Willis Wins Bowling Tourney borne and I at the Newmarket Wit iota second place score Charles Copland was Wa tod company posted a Willis assistant A sect of Wins Harry unit of fcuawM4UrtAriminir Keller Mrs Keller and I club competed Well put a roof over your head A Opticians I Pharmacist I Beauty Salons Insurance DRUG STORE HOURS BEST STORE BEST STORE Ope til p in Belli Stoics Ope SHARONS BEAUTY SALON Architects DENIS BOWMAN Architect summit studio BILL I ROBINS PHARMACY Miscellaneous FREDA LLOYD CHAS ABEL FAST Color Photo Finishing ROBINS PHARMACY THE COOP WAY Accountant A A CONLIN johnsytema I Chartered Accountant Legal Floyd E Corner i Leonard Accountant Conr Hector Payne ml Co J Jackson I A EARL BLACK ICHAKtERtD Era Classifieds Bring Results ADVERTISE WEEKLY FOR BEST RESULTS Phone for Quick Service