Invest Cub Leaders SHARON The 1st Sharon Cub leadership and was tub packs held an red by Ihe presentation Public mil fuunc Scout District Commissioner pose room District invested Mr F vested Mr Frank Kelly as of it Sharon Scouts The of pack and Mr wives of Ihe leaders served Bruce as refreshments In alt ant Cubmaslcr of A pack are Mill in need of leaders Mr Doug McCaig who is Seoul Apple Drive on A pack recently Saturday Oct IS was very compiled a special course on successful Sharon WI Holds Own Hobby Night Fashion Show Is Success 11 The m i L Tie jacket vide collar snappy billions Mrs Hay lackson Hie The soft look was expressed Inlfoduced common- n laior designer and creative ia Ihe former ri Rolling daughter of The Mr hid front fully dec lssiul was lopped liih Homo Patricia NEW BABY Our Gift is this coupon worth SIMMONS SHOES complemented Cosmetics Organize New Club or tares lie t I li Jetaje Plan Baptismal Service let He direction of Mr nAgh Attend Suil rn elnri Birthday Party mil pill lliein lliimiiih cider pies- Maple Hill Baptist Honor Veteran Employees NORTH of the mad grader mi honor ai paid to Mllmr was known as J ship del when a Ho Joined Ihe roads depart- itkerinj pink Canvassers ins met and Mrs C Pick CHEVY II Station Wagon BINIONS MOTORS LTD the wis Mrs Angus Mrs Mary Sidney scnlcd a set Lake Simcoe Socials DIRT Social Allcnding evening meet and Club hed an night in SI day win tin Mr lmil ml became insjrccl Roches Point and Bellmen dueling both Mi and Mrs II lily Rick Aldom Heads YPU VXl The Sullnn Ladles Elects Officers Rick oedy ii Maple Hill Others elected were John Itniuue Draper Int In J Mrs Anna and Draper so- Kennedy 1 Haw and I charge of Ihe warship iinl committee Carol Ken- Hold Annual Boot Auction NORTH friends ate invited drop hi an lo visit the and iccnsulle on I and fl Dales f INITIATION No Parade To Wolcomo Santa Members aSbieut Call HFC for money PvMi any purpose re The iami comes If the J raufords farm near need only apply ihe HOUSEHOLD FINANCE NEWMARKET 25SA Main Street Telephone To The Eras SHARON READERS Era takes pleasure in informing you thai you can now pick up your Era each week alt Millers Grocery Store NOW OPEN MILLER GROCERY STORE SHARON j oil on Mount Albert AM TO Ml on Ihe Mounl Albert Road off 3rd Concession fl guy yoUf Canada Savings Bonds at the Royal Sharon Snack Bar Road and 3rd Cone lion of Vernons Stole converting his store The Era at the Mount Albert Road and 3rd Coi PLEASE NOTEi Mr I of Vcinons Stole he Eras as he is converting his store lo a post olticc York County Best Weekly