WED OCTOBER Look Closer To Home ird subtle The women shoppers of Canada In of consumers products by week and mounting costs of tryintr feed a family under these circumstances taw a c protest the direction They are pnltinK most ot the blame at the feel of the auper market count without it seems lookine too much fa the There is cause for the rise in staple products and there should be some answer problem As lone as the housewife prefers the modern easy out then must pay the piper for A recent survey by one of these lo liftht fact that fane lekaclC lecooked foods and all Ihe frills almost doubled the price of a week a cocci in compel ison The days arc Retting less frequent every veil when house wife is willing peel her own potatoes scrub the carrots or heaven shell peas Now everything has to hi canned up ill a cellophane packaee and even cooked The dinner and a dessert are the diet of Canadian families at the we have fni 1 possible aiisvvci Ilir Is the supermarket but II is in the hands of the consumer at that super market start downward trend in food staples Our found to spend hours in the fields done- tide their men but still were able dish up a pretty meal without the eternal that they hadnt the time to peel the puds or lend to the household chores Watch those prices laps for sine but alo I lo buy something because it will save time Tune and mi things thai blossom will careful use To Be A Guide The decision In appoint a committee Hip wage scale employees in Ihe municipality is a Rood one While the council in it may not lie in a imsition to augment some of he recom nidations it will serve as a guide for Ihe member Usually salaries of employees are not published perhaps when a new employee is hired or when a department is wage hike and it is difficult in comment on the wage standard with listing of similar jobs not connected with and this must he efficient It is also that cross attract loo main This same on could hold tin the study and id ions would do a before budget time next have role of but assurance of and steady The study should implemented as Crosswalks Needed The question of whether Toronto and Yolk fiords Aurora council should have jurisdiction over Wellington to the establishing crosswalks to protect children going to am could cause hard feelings between the two bodies Council is concerned and lightly so with the need and feels Toronto and York Roads Com mission has been tan In Imiur hi 1 fiin The Commission has a meeting planned this week bung action railing Aurora Council will lake This decision a f council The will act if given Already have hat The fact difficulty and factory answer Way for needed I of An and wonder what elected officials of the town are thinking about when they cause it Whether or not the magnate reached the right decision is in cidental the fact remains that washed publicly Perhaps if a different decision had been reached it would prob ably indicate to Mayor Kent and those he gets embroiled with that it is poor business to allow squab bles between them to become public As election time draws near people expect some effort will be nude to gain publicity by ten council who will probably seek but surely none of Theyre lis Minn Night these Hurt- aw ill tin of witch ghosts and apple Ihrv Imllnwrd mil lantern find are planning SUGAR r Bill Smiley Thanksgiving Is The Best As a Canadian what is your eve It call be as bleak as a Hint room or as rambunctious Originally our had iih Ihanksgiving are Hay a developed or if von hob appiopiui lv Ihe elude such -him- XX come at the most limes as Dominion Day now belter times of year known as The first oflnlv lanpue an1 lomimmweilll mid The Queens Mill the widows and mothers we lice or Hay flays droop at halfmast Ihe bells toll The only joint in la except who are sup- was oil worthwhile mad d Hie iTllei wind r thy cause It drills A day of sacrifice even holiday Rig- told cold and on I ill iln l organized is another A llev vie llolnl Well le 111 111 mecat is a day on a lap of work their kids I nil of I ill I llv lime The lliy has arrive Dominion Day of ionise baffled ami in ions -pMclie- in l lllCll I If I lie In win e I I around the III Ml 111 Inn lllll Ami lherci limit- THIS By Ray Socialized Housing The extension of National ing loans to era of old- which purchases accommodation if it to debated in Parliament an step in ran be in widening the ties for Canadian to own their own however represents fill in 7o00 1ft TtH On cent of drop n ban thn figure hmiirg will be the en ir pome of problfon outlined above are tackled and lived problems restricted to homing of the ltrtrot down intcie required on housing As long as the money market iinjr Jiome puhnd the background ThN condition prevailed through lie late uid early fiOji Km the money market tightened Colon Crier has dropped per cent this year In the large Canadian llv Elizabeth deeloptnrn loi private housing is impoibindiietn a tionnmical lard costs And under conventional mortgage not ma city ip-ident- chase closein a brand The MIA if not would the IlilihibtT id those would for old home loans will hits v the hoiking at a time when demand remains high li will be good for iMjrc to cHdior bSyeS the new not overcome cveral bask lems which will continue plague Ihe housing industrv levohuinntrv ihintres are Some of noblem include I construction in as countless I that f be put on a or is a hv sutiiiiiw those of an have been able every lunnee wiih of lie- Mi 1 noli ill iml I lie lib even making line In view of risinc It IS HO no disposal units THE ERA Serving Northern York County Since 1852 The winner of the baking prize is the one who is chased by the most kids