Newmarket potatoes a Potatoes Ltd Township of Whitchurch TENDER FOR FOR SNOW PLOWING Sealed tenders plainly mark- Pet Stock Suppliei Kennels MERRYLEG3 POODLES ArforaMa puppies studs poodles prefer clipping For mat call Aurora Eylesbrook Kennels groomed to perfection Siamese Mount A week old reasonable to Hood home Phone 773- Oak Adorable large and small Phone II Miicellaneous TURF VALLEY FARM With hot and cold boots Tor few limes only PI Newmarket for Snooker players Interested pica call Newmarket undersigned truck with Rating and levelUng t plow and level- mum equipped Kith ting wing Township of Whitchurch east of No Highway or any where In the Township as di rected by the road from December 15 The tenderer shall supply drivers for equipment tender- must be used for tendering Township Office Vandorf Lowest or any tender not Road Superintendent RR No Gormley Township of Whitchurch Scaled lenders plainly Tender for Sand will be iccessarily accepted ERNEST DAVIS Road Super intend en Community Centre Causes Comment auction sale of cattle combine farm household etc Township property of Lost and Found I Red yearling white- equipment Ford tractor and property Cliff of lime the Mr Murray acred saying hat council amused for the liuildirg A meeting In establish terms of re in this will he held shortly Newmarket Wins Soccer Cup Finals AURORA lls a first for Newmarket win league championship and cup in the Newmarket District Soccer The Firsls accomplished teal at Seeds Crop Loss Assistance TORONTO The Ontario Federation of Agriculture has called upon the Government of Ontario to provide finan cial assistance to farmers turned who suffered crippling due to adverse climatic during the 19C6 Lake Simcoe Socials Mr and Mrs on Sunday after Noting that weather condi tions had created pockets of disaster throughout the prov ince the Executive Is seeking financial assistance on an Interim basis in tide farmers over until the new crop Insurance program comes into in 1067 spending a weeks holi day in Toronto and Jacksons Point with their daughter and her family Mr and Mrs Tod Sloan Mr Sloan left on Thursday for a week of moose hunting in Quebec spending several days In To ronto with friends and rcla- C law and her sister Mrs Quebec arc visiting friends he by under the be used as establishing the en program spent moose hunting Mr and Mrs William Clew- low and daughter have rc- spendmg scleral weeks with Graces parents Mr and Mrs Tom Halt on ltd 51 Travel GOING OVERSEAS e sell parage on all Trans Atlantic Ileal Lines Our information and service Is reliable Lome in and talk over jour proposed trip with The BEST DRUG STORE Iteiall 52 Florists FRESH FLOWERS Toronto dally Aurora Greenhouses if tin eels including ash No reserve Jerry Coughlfn Aurora To Vote On Sunday Films OFFICE SPECIALTY LIMITED Fourth Class Stationary Engineers New wane vales ami shift premiums apply from October 1st I hull 1 urn ml write personnel manager OFFICE SPECIALTY LIMITED Timothy St Newmarket you suffer from cold feet you need COOP Home Heat Service NOTICE Will Mr and Mrs Wilson of Prospect St sill Dig l U Mil till Iiii HUGE AGRICULTURAL EXPANSION FOR YORK COUNTY BIGBFAftM MARKET STEAKS ROASTS GROUND BEEF WRAPPED ami FROZEN Newmarket Farm in imagers supervisors service people and straight farm help nee Several NEW buildings for egg production pullet growing hog farming etc to he creeled ill this immediate For information regarding this opportunity in culture write latins age farming experience and what you arc I particularly in crested in regarding this subject invited regarding a investment ADDRESS YOUR LETTERS TO J DISTRICT SALES MANAGER ON PURINA OF CANADA LTD BOX AURORA ONTARIO MM NEW supaPQWEKO PIONEER 11ZP the lightweight chain sawbuilt for fast action 1 SLESSORS PONTIAC PARISIENNES 1 wo Under antiiivialic liansinivsion anil nil while ill lot- i limine discs License Call I ieeiiviinl SPECIAL PRICE 2995oo 1 1966 BUICK LeSABRE l speaker while S15I7E Call SPECIAL PRICE L NEWMARKET Acadian CMC YONGE ST 8952351 NEWMARKET IT PAYS TO SEE SLESSOR BEFORE YOU BUY