COUNTY OF YORK SECURITY POLICE Application marked Security Police will be received by the undersigned until pm October 20th or the position of security police for the transportation of prisoners for the County of York Usual fringe benefits Duties to com mence on or about November 1st 1966 J62 I I SMITH Newmarket Ontario electric heating brings you roombyroom comfort control Only with flameless electric heating can you control the tem perature in every room Electric heating is completely even heating no cold spots no rushing blasts of heal no chilly drafts For more information talk to your qualified electric heating contractor or ask NEWMARKET I ELECTRICALLY HYDRO You Are Invited To At Martingale Villa Nursing Home Barrie Street Bradford Friday October to pm Our deluxe twobed semiprivate bedsitting moms also furnished in white and gold French Provincial with gold barrel swivelrockers and crystal chandelier bedside lamps Wash rooms are tiled floor to ceiling bath tubs are hospital walk around style One of our three beautiful sitting rooms The leatherette Danishstyle chairs in this sitting room face half towards the television and half toward the twentytwo foot long window which rims across the front of the room and down one side The walls are in oak panelling specially treated with fireproof varnish to give patients a warm homelike feeling while being safe and secure Every room and hall is protected by fire detection heads drapes arc alt Martingale Villa Nursing Home Barrie Street Bradford Kind and consider hour per day ere for the aged infirm or by huge under Registered Nurse supervision Tasty meals special diets Truly home away from home RATES TO PER DAY Ior information phone Mis administrator