LAST WEEK IT WAS AURORA OUT WED OCTODBR 1966 THIS WEEK IT WILL BE Nippy PICKS A SITE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS plain be submitted which would an idea of Die type of lite commuter of the Engineer Town Jerk a member of the Ming and George Rich Follow iiii Tour Nan- intention mils A committee was named to i Council Police To Negotiate Heres How It Looks The police conn- titer Dick meeting with Hie 11ns would rbitratkin A Kent licmr lit lnrdn Clare Salisbury injur satisfactory on previous Ilceveship J a p it- iilii down The intrepid Kinsmen the crowds the Kinsmen Pancake held at the New- Staff May Extend Voting Franchise Aurora I will also vote whether or not the Businessman Of The Week sold my paper route lo Keith Jewclt Ave for Ricky liayvicw Ricky family arc moviiiR to Toronto l Youth Is Acquitted System be implemented deieim iiiiSii I i a ballot Hiding Auriiin are he further tudy is and a report brought councillor Murray Ibr ward system i On Arson Charges Davis expressed lh Patrick thought such Operator Ignores Council Ultimatum East Gwillimbury Braves Win Ontario Peewee Title ill i ii mi on mil Inn in looked Weak for the lira I lie 111 J1II fclliiwcil iilnnjt trail on licks the i In I II ml mil fin rolled around Hon obliged send Hie name into the and ninth Jackson the allOntario Kuolt Tropin- t ISO of the ell il lean Mike Kill Don I no 1 ickit Inn en Inn I i v liaillc loin I on At t 1 Principal I I plays the I In limine Main and I I on ell If of Ill and Student II in looks on Hooper Staff Huron Heights Honored i On Big Game Hunt slCrJSSI Stop Sign Removed sstxs Man Is Fined 75 Plaza Tires Win S Ontario Crown who played it or Soap Box Winner Outruns 81 Other Contestants turned out in strength to assist their attention lo controlling the lining the Mam SI and literally K ii some the drivers as they crossed Mi the finish line le first heal of he Soapbox Derby