I apparently and it allowed would properly values besides I lodged with regards to car owners holding drag races on the Metro during ihe weekends and asked for I lime police have not I a at Is factory numbers offending cars lion to the effect thai fences at weekends Charles am Black Its ingtons Park said there is Bolster Park and that reel the problem FOR OUTDOOR BEAUTY INDOOR COMFORT NOTHING BEATS THIS TRACK COfNATlON WINDOW Estimates No Easy 1111 I I I AT STEWART BEARES NEWMARKET PLAZA Satisfaction is guaranteed or money refunded WIN A PICNIC IN THE SANDWICH ISLANDS ARMOUR CORNED BEEF PLAY ON TV EVERY FRESH ONTARIO PORK SALE MEATY FORK flflk SHOULDERS 49 FULL CUT PORK BUTT ROAST IbUU FRESH CUT MEATY BUTT PORK CHOPS SPECIAL LIQUID HONEY 2 SPECIAL KRAFT SQUEEZE PACK MUSTARD 19- VALUE SATIN SET HAIR SPRAY DUALITY BLENDED COffEE Offer BOLERO TUMBLER OMINION