July IMS Farm Management Blueprint branches or by irat Imperial Bank To Induct New Minister MOUNT ALBBB clearly family or- arc reminded of the il Church Unite the method of he hlrl in org a 11 for this In Ihc rising ricc ami proper plan- j Herbert on the proves- iking In Hie iMioritig is side Hie Owners of Swiss herds were present from lluchcc mil mi in purls of manager is Jlcrnard Smith The modern In addition hundreds in in people to hit iiulsif mchinwr machines add In hazards of arming Hon dollars Add to this In many of the people are an accepted pail looks grim he mi Well ill per cent County and Y these accidents an- the Safety its are Mrs Johnson- wife iSurTnd- rom hE lrai Ronton for detailed and he speaker at Rambler Paris Sales and AltLY A NO LATE BLIGHTS Hie most mi to quality am productivity in potatoes unlike other potato fungicide can buy lis unique new formulation combines manganese and into one powerful Might fighter This a fungicide is effective under severe conditions such as high humidity caused by thai by irrigation protects tenaciously an ability if rainy weather should delay your spray Ask your dealer for IHTHANK is tough blight fungi hut gentle on foliage Use your potatoes all and get ttift available blight fungicide on the market today a