NEWMARKET NOTES What People Are Doing by Ruby Haskett a aretes tail A in Church is being he at St Pauls Anglic partes car Canon err presenting a Honolulu Guy stars of the gills of toys spades Haw a Anglic held at the Mac Mr Shepherd Staff AURORA ACTIVITIES Topics Of The Town by Emma Purchase Mrs 1 fl Mat ill with their 3rd 11 ml daughter Mr and Mis Phil Davidson of llH ol pharn ST ANDREWS COLLEGE AURORA ONTARIO AN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL FOR BOYS GRADES Parents not lie aware that the school accepts a limited number of each year Preference for student vacan cies in will lie given applicants for For lirospcrtin and further information J Coulter Headmaster St Andrews College Aurora Ontario JUST ARRIVED YORK HOUSE JUNE BRIDE a ill ill Vomec Kl iHlt El ksS bices sndfa It Mis Jmrs of To Mr llnid 1 Let r7i a SnVKcskno Miiadsn- A with Ann Sommers AT A STRANGE misled mi Theme UCW Meet a beverage ME MEAT MARKET Main Street Newmarket 8959056 lbs HAMBURG lbs WIENERS lbs MARGARINE 6 lbs COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE BONELESS ROUND STEAK CHUCK STEAKS 59s WING STEAKS CHICKEN LEGS 51 Highlight of the to CHICKEN BREASTS LOAVES BREAD 24 95 BONELESS POT ROAST FREEZER SPECIALS ffiL 55 Front Quarters lb Side of Beef lb 1S f iv Ml S fepks St Pauls Church CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH a in Ho in ill iiMt Si Senior Sundiy H Hamilton j 3zu2Z CHURCH nnlllttiioVl i it Hall Reception of members onls Day- lircakinn of Bread ti a on am to Mori 0 r a Si hoot S FAITH in a in Swiihv II It a Sunday School for all lU l lll shin II CFCiM welcome arid worship I iv I always